Sentences with phrase «higher than its budget»

If a potential new hire has a salary in mind that is higher than your budget, share that.
After 2011 - 12, PBO expects the deficit to be higher than the budget forecast in each year.
I said, for me - and timeliness is important and it always has been — ... the stakes are higher than any budget I have done.»
In Reading, children's services are predicting a # 7million overspend - 20 % higher than its budget.
The film also feels like it is scaled way higher than its budget.
The LG K8 and LG K10 smartphones have a pretty higher than the budget - friendly brothers.
An additional benefit to this process is that, if your quotes end up coming in much higher than your budget, you can remove items from your list and adjust your number to arrive at a more reasonable premium payment.
It gets tougher to know what to do when you would like to keep the card because the benefits really are valuable, but the fee is just higher than your budget can permit.
Commonly, even Sydney apartments in the budget category will have rates higher than budget hotels rooms, however being able to self - cater and cook in a fully self contained apartment helps to lower costs.
An additional benefit to this process is that, if your quotes end up coming in much higher than your budget, you can remove items from your list and adjust your number to arrive at a more reasonable premium payment.

Not exact matches

But he points to a report from the Parliamentary Budget Officer released earlier this year showing that, since 2009, the debt service ratio — a measure of income spent to pay debt — has remained steady at around 14 per cent, not much higher than the long - term average.
London's current budget is nearly four times higher than initial estimates.
And yet London's organizers recently said the Olympics will be delivered under budget — that is, under a debatable # 9.3 - billion budget that's nearly four times higher than its earliest estimate.
Due to the limitations of any budget, if you're going after high - priced keywords, you'll exhaust your budget quickly and your ads will only be seen part of the day rather than for a full 24 hours.
While they aren't usually budget - breakers, many precautions against hazards obviously have a higher initial cost, but as the old saying goes, «It's better to be safe than sorry.»
A 2013 analysis of the Senate's immigration reform bill by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates its passage would have resulted in nine million more people entering the U.S. work force in the next 20 years, with new immigrants participating at a higher rate, on average, than other U.S. residents.
Askari noted the discrepancy between the estimates is mostly due to the fact the PBO used a higher projected interest rate for its calculation than the budget predicted.
Recall that just days before the budget was tabled there was a surprise announcement that costs for cleaning up Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.'s nuclear program were going to be $ 2.4 billion higher than expected.
While Hope is known for making independent movies rather than big - budget Hollywood blockbusters, Amazon Studios has succeeded in the world of television in part by aligning itself with high - profile directors like Allen and Steven Soderbergh of «Ocean's Eleven» fame.
«They could choose to spend a part of that, and still have a lower deficit than we have in the budget, financed in part through higher revenues,» Perrault said.
While high - quality work is always expected of subcontractors, high - end projects with large budgets demand more skill and detail than low - budget projects.
The new budget relies primarily on higher property taxes to increase school funding, raising more than $ 7 billion over four years and, the legislature hopes, finally complying with the Supreme Court order.
As reported in the Annual Financial Report for fiscal year 2011 - 12, the deficit for In 2011 - 12 was $ 1.4 billion higher than estimated in the March 2012 Budget.
Even when announcing in November that the federal deficit would come in at $ 26 billion, $ 5 billion higher than predicted in the 2012 budget, the minister couldn't resist gloating: «Unlike many of Canada's counterparts in the G7, we remain on track to return to balanced budgets over the medium term.»
In the right destination, it's more than possible to live in a charming villa with a gorgeous ocean view, buy a week's supply of fresh produce from the local farmer's market for $ 5 or $ 10, hire a housekeeper or gardener, and live a high - quality life on a budget of $ 2,000 a month or less.
According to Fed economist Andrew Haughwout, sharply higher outlays for public welfare and education fueled the increase in the two states» public budgets, which grew more rapidly than those of the other states over the same period.
``... to wean our economy off its overreliance on high - cost carbon fuels...» And how do you propose to do this with fossil fuels representing more than 80 % of the energy budget?
This is somewhat higher than that forecast in the 2018 Budget but expected to be in line by year end.
After skewering the proposed system («one of the most expensive per mile and one of the slowest in the world»), Musk issued an open - source design challenge: a 28 - passenger solar - powered pod capable of levitating through a system of tubes almost at the speed of sound, with a one - way ticket price of $ 20 and a total building cost estimated at $ 6 billion, less than a tenth of the budget for California's high - speed rail project.
Startups that run out of resources also usually do so because the founders don't want to give up a piece of the pie, the budgets were not planned properly, the burn rate was too high, or it just took longer to raise the first round than initially expected.
There is a very high likelihood that the deficit will be eliminated in 2014 - 15 a year earlier than your political commitment of 2015 - 16, You already have the final financial results for 2013 - 14, which, in our opinion, will show a deficit significantly lower than what was estimated in the 2014 Budget.
Our research found that a basic family budget for families making less than $ 45,000 a year would leave them ill ‐ equipped to pay back a payday loan given the short time frame and high cost of the loan.
Expenses for other direct program expenses (excluding other transfer payments) could be $ 2 billion higher than estimated in Budget 2012, especially if the Government decides to book the shortfall in the environmental liability as identified by the Commissioner for the Environment and Sustainable Development.
Although other transfers were $ 0.5 billion higher - than - forecast in the 2012 Budget, the AFR included a reclassification of about $ 2.2 billion in expenses from Crown corporations to other transfers.
With this budget, any mortgage larger than $ 120,000 will lead to more expensive monthly payments from higher interest rates and insurance premiums.
As noted above, the higher - than - expected deficit outcome for 2011 - 12, compared to the March 2012 Budget forecast, was entirely due to lower - than - expected revenues.
The Department of Finance, in the Annual Financial Report, also reported that the annual lapse in direct program expenses was again higher than forecast in the April Budget for 2014 - 15.
Although the forecast for budgetary revenues appears to be on track, with higher - than - expected personal income tax revenues more than offsetting lower - than - expected Goods and Service Tax revenues, the Budget 2012 estimate for other transfer payments appears to be significantly overstated.
It is worth noting, however, that we believe it is incumbent on the government to keep spending within declared levels, and to appropriately apply any unexpected gains (i.e. from a stronger than forecast GDP growth, higher energy prices, etc.) to the deficit and thus hasten the return to a balanced budget.
But other living expenses are higher and take a bigger bite out of paychecks, leaving residents with less wiggle room in their budgets than in states with a lower cost of living.
Some of the other components of program expenses could come in higher - than - estimated in Budget 2012.
The annual lapse in direct program expenses may be higher than forecast in the April Budget for 2014 - 15.
Budgetary revenues were $ 1.9 billion higher, but the biggest difference was in program expenses, which were $ 5.2 billion lower than forecast in the March 2013 Budget.
However, as these higher expenses are financed by employee - employer premium rates, employment insurance premiums are higher than in the March 2011 Budget, especially in 2015 - 16.
The November Update forecast a deficit of $ 26 billion this year almost $ 5 billion higher than forecast in the March 2012 budget.
And then there are those on a limited or fixed budget who — with the high cost of everything today — can't go higher than $ 10,000.
The unique Council partnership has resulted in a strategic approach to high tech economic development that involves matching funds research, workforce development and a marketing program leveraging governmental, corporate and economic development organization budgets on a regional rather than local basis.
As had been widely speculated, the government is now forecasting a surplus of nearly $ 4 billion for 2015 - 16, almost $ 3 billion higher than expected in the March 2013 Budget.
However, the deficit for 2011 - 12 was $ 1.4 billion higher than the March 2012 Budget forecast of $ 24.9 billion, due to lower revenues.
When you budget well and spend less than you earn, a higher net worth is inevitable.
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