Sentences with phrase «higher than normal cells»

«Some of these high - temperature organisms have salt concentrations 10 to 20 times higher than normal cells,» says Slesarev.

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The numbers of cells and proteins generated by the immune system of some SIDS babies have been reported to be higher than normal.
His lab differentiates iPSCs from autistic patients into neurons and glial cells, which they suspect may be releasing cytokines at levels higher than normal in autistic patients.
Expression of CXCL16 was higher in the colon and lung tissue of GF mice than in normal mice, and blocking that expression reduced the numbers of iNKT cells and the amount of inflammation in those tissues.
«Tumor cells produce larger quantities of H2O2 and use oxidative signals at higher levels than normal cells in order to drive their own growth,» says Mirko Sobotta, first author of the publication.
Researchers found that CML stem cells accumulate significantly higher levels of certain dipeptide species than do normal hematopoietic stem cells.
After 10 days of age, the manipulations reduced the distance flies could climb up tubes and the alterations caused older flies to have signs of neurodegeneration, including higher than normal levels of brain cell death and degradation.
The toxicity of chokeberry extract on normal blood vessel lining cells was tested and found to have no effects up to the highest levels used (50 ug / ml), suggesting that the cell death effect is happening in a way other than through preventing new blood vessel formation (anti-angiogenesis), a process that is important in cancer cell growth.
The fact that Connexin 30 knockout mice had a higher number of grafted cells than normal mice, and that some of the grafted cells expressed CONNEXIN 30 is a very important finding when considering cell transplantation as a treatment for hereditary hearing loss caused by CONNEXIN deficiency.
This two - step strategy would starve cancer cells — which tend to require much higher amounts of energy than normal cells — by limiting their two major pathways for ATP production.
Their storage capacity is up to 1000 times higher than that of any normal cell of the leaf surface.
First, they found that the mice on a high - fat diet had many more intestinal stem cells than mice on a normal diet.
The researchers found much higher levels of heparanase in childhood brain tumours than in the normal brain, and furthermore, a molecule that can block this enzyme induces cell death in medulloblastoma cells in culture, while normal brain cells were not affected.
Preliminary studies have shown that AML stem cells produce higher levels of CD47 than normal healthy cells, and that treatment with antibodies to block CD47 allows the immune system to destroy AML cells without harming healthy cells.
Some studies have identified a number of regions of methylated DNA (one key way in which epigenetic changes occur) that are different in fat cells of mice fed high - fat diets than in cells of mice with normal diets.
The mitochondria produced lower - than - normal amounts of energy and released high amounts of toxins that cause cell damage.
I am not a fan of sulfonylurea drugs, because the problem in Type 2 diabetes is not that you don't make enough insulin, it's that your cells are resistant to insulin, and in fact your insulin levels are HIGHER than normal.
When you produce higher than normal levels of antibodies to certain parts of the body (it's normal for old and dying cells to be tagged for removal), this means you are having an autoimmune reaction against that tissue or enzyme.
Pathologists that examine kidney tissue from pets with failing kidneys have noticed that many have a higher than normal number of inflammatory cells invading this area.
It is characterized by higher than normal levels of white blood cells, specifically lymphocytes, plasma cells, neutrophils, or eosinophils in the walls of the intestine.
Medical tests often show a low platelet, red blood cell (anemia) and white blood cell count, a high protein count in the blood (globulin), and higher than normal liver enzymes.
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