Sentences with phrase «higher than the ocean»

That is no surprise as a land only anomaly will be higher than an ocean / land anomaly.
«The reflectance of ocean foam can be more than ten times higher than the ocean itself and the ocean occupies 71 % of our planet's surface so enhancing sea foam is a sensible and simple way to reflect a few per cent more sunlight.
Actually Huang does recognize and talk about the difference in trends derived for a climate model between tas and tos using the GFLD CM2.1 model and there the authors report trend differences from 1875 to 2000 where the ocean air temperature trends are higher than the ocean surface temperature trends on the order of what the Cowtan paper found for several CMIP5 models.
It is usually assumed from limited information that CO2 concentrations over industrial areas are higher than the ocean values and that they are lower over vegetation.
Likewise surely the atmosphere can not be warmed by the ocean to a temperature higher than the ocean.

Not exact matches

The Ocean State has never finished higher than 48th in our rankings.
While Hope is known for making independent movies rather than big - budget Hollywood blockbusters, Amazon Studios has succeeded in the world of television in part by aligning itself with high - profile directors like Allen and Steven Soderbergh of «Ocean's Eleven» fame.
In the right destination, it's more than possible to live in a charming villa with a gorgeous ocean view, buy a week's supply of fresh produce from the local farmer's market for $ 5 or $ 10, hire a housekeeper or gardener, and live a high - quality life on a budget of $ 2,000 a month or less.
This year, the Atlantic was warmer than average — Klotzbach says August through October will likely rank third or fourth in terms of highest tropical Atlantic Ocean temperatures.
So they are experiencing a lot higher intake of chemicals that are found in the ocean than probably we are on our normal diet.
These giant waves, caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and underwater landslides, are some of the deadliest natural disasters known; the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean killed over 230,000 people, a higher death toll than any fire or hurricane.
Higher sea surface temperatures led to a huge patch of warm water, dubbed «The Blob,» that appeared in the northern Pacific Ocean more than two years ago.
The study found that more than 4.8 million metric tons of plastic waste enters the oceans from land each year, and that figure may be as high as 12.7 million metric tons.
They include higher sea surface temperatures over the Indian Ocean, which can lead to greater rainfall over the sea rather than on land.
In a depth - defying feat of dazzling daring last year, the robot known as Nereus dove to the deepest spot in the ocean and spent 10 hours exploring a spot that is deeper than Mount Everest is high.
In a presentation at a recent ocean acidification conference, Tatters reported that the more CO2 and the less silicate, the higher the diatom's toxin production — more than doubling at the level of dissolved CO2 scientists expect the oceans to reach by 2100.
As the spacecraft sidled up to the comet, it sampled the water streaming from the comet body and found 67P's D / H ratio to be staggeringly high — more than three times that of Earth's oceans (SN: 1/10/15, p. 8).
Tests of some fish species, which can race across the ocean more quickly than slow - moving currents, have shown higher levels of radiation, although radiation levels in sea life off the U.S. shore are still safe, Buesseler said.
Sailors refer to calm seas as glass, and astronomers in turn have their own nautical metaphor for the smoothness of each of the newest generation telescope mirrors: imagine the entire Atlantic Ocean without a single wave higher than a few inches.
Since the concentration of water in the brine is lower than that in the ocean — and water moves from high to low concentrations, via osmosis — water is attracted to the brine.
Since the emissions today are three times higher than they were in the 1960s, this increased uptake by land and ocean is not only surprising; it's good news.
The advantage of having a lower generator and consequently a lower center of gravity helps lower installation costs on floating platforms in the ocean, where wind speed is typically higher than on land, observed Veers.
But they conclude that marine organisms with skeletons made of high - magnesium calcite may be especially susceptible to ocean acidification because this form of calcium carbonate dissolves more easily than others.
Meanwhile, on the cut - off high's eastern side, winds heading south drove cold air from the Arctic Ocean toward Greenland's southern tip, bringing the lower than usual temperatures there.
Biologists have found them happily residing under rocks above 6000 meters high in the Himalayas and doing likewise in ocean trenches more than 4000 meters deep.
Durack and his colleagues at LLNL found that the Southern Hemisphere's oceans have warmed at a higher rate over the past 35 years than previously thought.
The average amount of heat absorbed and trapped in the upper ocean last year was also higher than ever seen before
The average amount of heat absorbed and trapped in the upper ocean over the past year was also higher than ever seen before, according to Deke Arndt, chief of the global monitoring branch of NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information.
The model also generated acoustic data; an interesting revelation of the simulation was that tsunamigenic surface - breaking ruptures, like the 2011 earthquake, produce higher amplitude ocean acoustic waves than those that do not.
That means that as these glaciers retreat, their fronts will remain in contact with warm ocean water that melts ice, rather than hitting higher ground anytime soon.
Emissions of carbon dioxide are already far higher than the forests and oceans can absorb.
Johnson hypothesizes that warmer ocean temperatures in 2012 and 2013, which were 1.3 °C higher than the previous decade's average, allowed the crabs to move north.
FULL - BLOWN FALLOUT Remnant radiation levels from nuclear testing near Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean, as seen in this explosion in 1946, are far higher than previously predicted, new research shows.
Critters living more than six miles below the ocean surface contain high levels of harmful compounds like PCBs and flame retardants.
Thanks to industrialization, mercury levels in the atmosphere are at least three times higher than they were 150 years ago, and mercury levels in ocean surface waters are higher too.
«You have a higher chance to win the lottery, a much higher chance to drown in the ocean, than to be attacked by a shark.
The ozone measurements, taken between 2 and 6 miles in altitude (3 - 10 kilometers) over a large part of the eastern Indian Ocean, were as high as 80 parts per billion - levels similar to a polluted day in a U.S. city and several times more than normal.
The researchers found that phytoplankton in polar and temperate regions grow best at temperatures higher than the average annual temperatures of the oceans in which they live.
If water temperatures in the Atlantic are higher than normal, as they are now, hurricanes, which feed off warm ocean water, are more likely to form.
June — August 2014, at 0.71 °C (1.28 °F) higher than the 20th century average, was the warmest such period across global land and ocean surfaces since record keeping began in 1880, edging out the previous record set in 1998.
CO2 concentrations would start to fall immediately since the ocean and terrestrial biosphere would continue to absorb more carbon than they release as long as the CO2 level in the atmosphere is higher than pre-industrial levels (approximately).
High ocean temperatures during winter months then likely accelerated sea - louse development, enabling populations to grow quickly and reach higher numbers than they would under normal ocean temperatures.
With records dating back to 1880, the global temperature across the world's land and ocean surfaces for August 2014 was 0.75 °C (1.35 °F) higher than the 20th century average of 15.6 °C (60.1 °F).
All of that heat in the oceans also raised global sea levels to a new record high, more than 2.5 inches above what it was in 1993, as water expands as it heats up.
The melting of Snowball Earth glaciers apparently released phosphates ground off continental rocks into the oceans between 750 and 620 million years ago, causing levels of this vital nutrient to rise to levels higher than experienced before or since, and feeding oxygen - producing life which eventually supported the rise of newly developing oxygen - consuming «metazoans,» or animals (staff, New Scientist, October 27, 2010; and Planavsky et al, 2010).
The analogy with PETM is also not correct because ocean bottomwater temperature was about 20 degrees higher than present, and atlantic ocean circulation was going across Panama into the pacific.
«And, what puzzles researchers working on the biological carbon pump: it is higher than that of non-calcifying phytoplankton and marine snow, the main sinking particles and organic carbon sources to the ocean interior».
The former is likely to overestimate the true global SAT trend (since the oceans do not warm as fast as the land), while the latter may underestimate the true trend, since the SAT over the ocean is predicted to rise at a slightly higher rate than the SST.
Normally, the temperature of the Pacific Ocean's surface waters is about 7.8 ° Celsius (14 ° Fahrenheit) higher in the Western Pacific than the waters off South America.
The annually - averaged temperature for ocean surfaces around the world was 0.74 °C (1.33 °F) higher than the 20th century average, easily breaking the previous record of 2014 by 0.11 °C (0.20 °F).
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