Sentences with phrase «highest heat setting»

High heat settings also run the risk of heat stress.
Some provide higher heat settings and wide plates to tackle thick curly hair, and others have ceramic plates and options for low heat settings that are better suited to easily damaged fine hair.
Preheat your waffle maker to a medium high heat setting.
Using a hair dryer can help if needed, but be careful not to burn your dog by using too high a heat setting or getting too close to their skin.
If you do have thick hair, higher heat settings can help straighten those curls.
If you don't have a gas stove, put them in the oven on broil (or the highest heat setting, if your oven doesn't broil), and cook until very browned.
Add the sugar and water to the sauce pan, place burner on the highest heat setting and let it come to a boil.
When you wake up the next morning, stumble your way into the kitchen and the turn the burner back on to the high heat setting then pour in 1/2 cup to 1 cup (depending on thick you like your oats - I usually use about 3/4 cup) of unsweetened almond milk and stir together.
After a while, only the high heat setting worked and it ruined all the elastics.
I used a bit of bleach in a hot water soak... and then rinsed and rinsed (and rinsed), and then put them in the dryer on the highest heat setting.
My personal tip for keeping clothes looking bright is to avoid using the dryer on a high heat setting.
If you are using it at home, avoid this and stick to between 300 - 340 degrees as the highest heat setting.
Hi Sonja, I also hate the high heat setting at the hairdresser!
My hairdresser inspired me to try blow drying my hair straight vs straightening with my highest heat setting of my straightener.
Likewise, if your hair is damaged, don't use the highest heat setting — instead, test the temperature on the back of your hand to check it's at a comfortable level.
My hair dresser always advised me to use the higher heat setting while drying your hair, the medium heat actually causes more damage and more frizz (good thing to remember) this is what my hair looks like in the morning after I have blow dried it and slept in it.
Modification this to meet the demands of your hair, keeping in mind that the higher the heat setting, the more damaging it can be to your hair.
Wash all laundry on the longest wash cycle using hot water and dry it using the highest heat setting.
Put bedding through at least one hot wash cycle, with bleach if possible, and use the high heat setting on the dryer or hang items in the direct sun.
In dryers, it's recommended to use the highest heat setting to kill fleas.
Then use the highest heat setting on the dryer.
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