Sentences with phrase «highest levels of government»

Such strong resistance to local taxation suggests that any increases in school spending are likely to come, if at all, from higher levels of government.
But some residents hope the probe reaches the very highest levels of government.
I suspect the next administration, if it's enlightened, will take their first year attempting to mobilize support at higher levels of government for meaningful change.
We also regularly engage with US, European and Asian competition agencies to discuss both policy and specific matters at the intersection of antitrust and IP that are of concern to our clients — drawing on the experience of our partners and senior counsel who have served in high levels of government in the United States and elsewhere.
The Pew Research Center found that in 2012, 3 out of 4 people worldwide lived in a country with high levels of social hostilities involving religion, compared with 64 percent of people who lived with high levels of government restrictions on religion.
Canada in general is known for high levels of government debt, particularly at the provincial level.
No discussion of school reform in New Orleans is complete without acknowledging that notable gains have occurred at a time of unusually high levels of government financial support, chiefly drawn from special funds set up in the aftermath of the Katrina disaster.
«Unnecessary or unhelpful involvement by higher levels of government makes it more difficult for states and school principals to be able to get on with what they do best.»
However, any truly needs - based model will invariably require a reduction in the already high levels of government funding provided to many elite non-government (Catholic and independent) schools.
«I am pleased that, once again, a discussion we began right here in Erie County with a resolution I proposed is being noticed at higher levels of government.
Interventions from higher levels of government must focus on providing useful assistance and include harsher measures only as a last resort.
«Our research shows that knowledge on sustainability needs to be exchanged between neighboring municipalities and with higher levels of government,» Homsy said.
In a speech to the Manitoba Association for Business Economists on Thursday, Lawrence Schembri said low interest rates have encouraged households to take on debt and higher levels of government debt are largely a legacy of the financial crisis in 2008 - 09.
Some of the senior people of the Leave campaign sit at the very highest level of government; Boris Johnson, Liam Fox, David Davis, Priti Patel and Andrea Leadsom.
In Canada, the report notes, unlike in the U.S., there have been strong efforts to emphasize diversity at the highest levels of government and society, most notably that of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who appointed 15 men and 15 women to cabinet positions.
He has done so, bringing in thousands of officials — some at the highest levels of government — and targeting industries where he sees the potential for graft.
We don't know where those people are; Rural counties are incentivized to overreport population to receive more benefits from higher levels of government, while city districts report lower figures to hit population control targets.
This is a profound structural change to our labor market that demands attention at the highest levels of government.
But with the high levels of government intervention in housing through CMHC and other channels, «there is an expectation that the rules need to be the same from coast to coast — just like Canada Post charges the same rate for stamps,» Lee explains.
The idea of sharing nuclear technology with Saudi Arabia took an unlikely path to the highest levels of government.
Tech optimists at the highest levels of government are exploring how the same technology
«This is a massive cover - up of a major scandal that reached the highest levels of our government
As the general public, entrepreneurs, regulators, small businesses, educators, students and industry groups become more aware of the facts about crowdfunding and the impact that it can have at the grassroots level for every small business on every street corner to the highest levels of government and regulation, a groundswell of interest has emerged sparking dialogue and events bringing crowdfunding education, awareness and issues into the spotlight.
9/11 was a false - flag operation, perpetrated by the US and Israeli secret services (CIA and Mossad) with the full knowledge of the highest levels of government (Bush, Cheney, Rice, Netanyahu, etc.) to demonize, dehumanize, and vilify Islamic peoples, to take out an enemy of Israel and to pave the way for invasion — so that America / UK could steal the oil from the middle east.
I believe that such a commitment, coming from the highest levels of our government, without prejudice with respect to the specific methods to be employed in addressing the issue but involving a public acknowledgment of the unacceptability of the current state of affairs, is now required.
Among the 25 most populous countries, «Egypt had the highest levels of government restrictions in 2015, while Nigeria had the highest levels of social hostilities,» Pew stated.
The criticism of the GNP as a way of measuring desirable growth was sufficiently serious that discussions were held at the highest levels of government and two fine economists undertook to provide an alternate way of measuring growth.
But doesn't Iran have Islamic scholars and Imans making decisions at the highest levels of the Government and Judicial systems in Iran?
Since the environment in each locality is connected with all the others, and the interests of all are involved, environmental nongovernmental organizations must have the power to appeal to higher levels of government, especially to the bioregional government, to bring pressure to bear on reluctant local groups to act for the good of all.
As an experienced lawyer who had already made his way into the highest levels of government, Haugen's initial plan was to find a nonprofit and get involved.
This may look like working within the community as a partner, it may look like supporting active work, it may look like participating in a big life - changing way, foster care advocacy, it may look like writing to our government, employment, opportunity, friendship, or perhaps protesting or participating, it may look like advocating for these changes and opportunities at the highest levels of government.
Subsidiarity recognizes that each person has the dignity of being an actor (and not only a passive receiver) in the pursuit of the common good — higher levels of government, therefore, should not subsume roles that more local levels can fill.
We are not setting foreign policy at the highest levels of government, we are only posting comments in a «Belief Blog» on CNN's website.
They have tolerated with very little complaint a costly war in Vietnam, corruption at the highest levels of government, deterioration of their phone service, transportation, and food quality, and a debt which can only crush their children «s hopes for the future.
The Federal Government introduced a new export meat inspection system last October, moving away from a high level of government oversight to a more self - regulatory system.
Safety monitors have warned that a new inspection system introduced last October, moving away from a high level of government oversight to a more self - regulatory system, is opening the doors for more contaminated meat to be sent overseas.
Yet really sweeping goals like realigning our agricultural subsidies or overhauling our food safety system will always require action at the highest levels of government.
There was clearly alarm at the highest levels of government too.
«I remain moved by the tremendous courage and bravery that the survivors who came forward demonstrated, and am reminded that women's voices are needed more than ever at the highest levels of government and in every corner of our society,» she said.
While giving the holder a close - up view of the workings of government at the highest levels, relatively few Parliamentary Private Secretaries to the Prime Minister seem to have gone on to serve at the highest level of government themselves.
«I remain moved by the tremendous courage and bravery that the survivors who came forward demonstrated, and am reminded that women's voices are needed more than ever at the highest levels of government and in every corner of our society.»
These terms are more common to governments with Strong Federalism (i.e. a bunch of small nations decide to collectively cede power to form a large one) and tend to form around what the highest level of government can do with respect to the law and the lower levels of government.
Proponents of Big Government believe that the higher level of government can leverage more resources than the lower level and should act in situations where the lower level government is too weak to act (either the will of the people is preventing important social changes or regulations on big industries).
Why has there been such little coverage and investigation of a corruption story that reaches the highest level of government in the state of New York?
But there are still doubts at the highest levels of government about whether it has done so.
Campaigners were told in meetings that the bill could only be killed at the highest levels of government, but Nick Clegg refused for months to meet Jo, only changing his mind in recent weeks when criticism reached a crescendo.
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