Sentences with phrase «highest liturgy»

We need not always be horrified by the incomprehensibility of life nor entranced by its glory, we need not always celebrate the highest liturgy of life or death.
This is not any high liturgy we're talking about here.
But something else was going on, and this brings me to my second hypothesis, equally tentative and a good deal more controversial: It's often thought that «high liturgy» and «high sacramentality» go together.
The rites of preparation in high liturgies suggest that the materials of the liturgy aren't sacramental enough just by being the materials they are.
Low liturgy can manifest a «higher» view of sacraments than high liturgy.
High liturgies include preparatory rites, sometimes complicated and numerous; low liturgies do not.
For some, it's age: High liturgies use organs, old music, and archaic diction; low worship is guitars, CCM, and the New Living Translation.

Not exact matches

In one of Ross's most effective chapters, she argues that low - church evangelical liturgy has taken many of its cues from the Gospel of John, while more high - church traditions have tended to look toward the synoptics.
Liturgy should be chantable, reverent, and expressive of the highest culture we know, without self - consciousness.
As he explains, «The real presence effected in the Eucharist that is celebrated on the earthly altar is, as the liturgy indicates, a presence in and with Christ in heaven, where he stands before God as our great high priest.»
The Church relishes in the liturgy as the «high point» of Christian worship, but does not the Christ remind us, «if our brother has something against us, we are to leave our gift at the altar and go be reconciled first and then return?»
Many of us, myself included, are finding ourselves increasingly drawn to high church traditions - Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, the Episcopal Church, etc. - precisely because the ancient forms of liturgy seem so unpretentious, so unconcerned with being «cool,» and we find that refreshingly authentic.
For the man of the Middle Ages, the highest moment of history is the incarnation of Jesus Christ, a point in time that has already passed, but which gets repeated again and again in the liturgy of the Church.
And here follows the offensive but inevitable consequence: the highest conceivable form of approving of the world as such is found in the worship of God, in the praise of the Creator, in the liturgy.
Hundreds of worshipers waved their hands at the high points in the eucharistic liturgy, giving the worship an almost Pentecostal quality.
It is the evangelical preaching tradition, not the high - church tradition emphasizing sacrament and liturgy, that has shaped American communicative style, Balmer argued.
People preferring «high» liturgy assume that a liturgical language's validity is like a poodle's pedigree — the further back in time it can be traced, the better.
El - Sisi has made a number of high - profile gestures of solidarity with Copts, including attending a Christmas Liturgy, and the vast majority view him very favorably.
The high claim of presence made in this text is not different from the claim with which most liturgies begin — assured, umambiguous, settled, «God is with us.»
In the high churches they saunter through the liturgy like Mohawks along a strand of scaffolding who have long since forgotten their danger.
It may well be true that no church perfectly embodies all I have suggested (though, looking back at the article, I do not think I set the practical bar very high: decent liturgy shaped by theology, helpful catechisms, good preaching, baptism, Lord's Supper, a basic grasp of history etc.).
The earliest liturgy sings of Christ as the High Priest interceding for us (Rom.
For example, in the first chapter he talks of the Levitical High Priest performing the liturgy correctly and not being put to death for failing to do so.
In a high Anglican liturgy, Scripture readings are preceded by gestures and processions.
«High» liturgy raises doubts about the sacramentality of creation too.
I find, for example, the five following characteristics in these liturgies: (1) an affinity with the liturgies of the ancient church; (2) an order that follows the pattern of revelation and Christian experience; (3) a significant emphasis on reading and hearing the Word of God; (4) a high degree of congregational involvement; and (s) a view of the Lord's Supper which affirms its mystery and value for spiritual formation.
Religion, biblical literature, theology, liturgy, psychology, spirituality, dictionaries, educational books, high quality illustrated children's books and photographic books for international co-editions, electronic publisher.
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