Sentences with phrase «highlighted passages»

Paper books offer a visual and spatial system of physical bookmarks and folded pages, but e-readers can offer searchable text, all your highlighted passages in a single interface, and (ideally) exporting.
The second part of active reading is coming back to your notes, bookmarks, and highlighted passages.
Nook Highlights puts all of your notes and highlighted passages into one place, while Settings is home to account management information.
Top 5 most quotable books, top 5 unputdownable books, top 5 books most listened to on Alexa, book cover trends, most highlighted passages from Harry Potter books, you name it!
What the teen panel also shared were the number of ways to reach these teen readers for book discovery — Instagram (book covers), YouTube (book trailers), Facebook (ads), and Tumblr (photos of book covers and highlighted passages).
The Kindle's social / informational features include showing commonly - highlighted passages, plus the unique X-Ray, which will let you tap a character or term to be given a short, non-spoiler summary.
Other updates include sharing reading awards with Reading Life on Facebook, as well as highlighted passages, and another option was added to the advanced settings menu for turning on and off the small page numbers that sometimes appear in the margins of some ePub ebooks.
At, one list displays the Most Highlighted Passages of All Time, with «all time» presumably referring to the two and a half years since the Kindle was introduced.
A second list aims to identify what's trendy by reporting Recently Heavily Highlighted Passages.
On that list, Suzanne Collins has written every single one of the 10 most - highlighted passages — and 17 of the 20 most - highlighted!
But it's also made me want to spend more time visiting — just so I can see more highlighted passages.
Amazon's made a complete list available showing hundreds and hundreds of the most - highlighted passages of all time.
And there's an even more stunning statistic if you visit Amazon's list of the most - recently highlighted passages.
(Back in July, Collins's books had just 13 of the top 100 most - highlighted passages on Amazon's list.)
And I have to admit, after reading those highlighted passages from Suzanne Collins» books, it made me curious to read the whole thing!
In fact, 29 of the top 100 most - highlighted passages in Kindle ebooks now all come from Suzanne Collins» Hunger Games trilogy.
Last July, I'd discovered Amazon's list of the 100 most - highlighted passages of all time from Kindle ebooks.
Additionally, the Kindle has a feature called public notes and highlights that displays the most frequently highlighted passages within ebooks, along with notes.
Highlighted passages have no character limit, as the status update will include a link to a page on for your friends.
There is also the slight possibility that Governmental agencies start asking Amazon to reveal information on who bought and highlighted passages that are potentially problematic — certain religions, certain topics.
As the name readily implies, users can choose to follow other Public Notes users and see their highlighted passages and notes in the virtual margins for any book that users choose to make, well, public.
We've written before at GigaOM and PaidContent about startups that want to add social features to the reading experience, including Findings (a service for sharing highlighted passages in books, where the interview with Thompson appeared), as well as Readmill and Goodreads.
To make it more useful, they should weigh the results by sales and cram some social in there: the most highlighted passages by my friends = gold.
And with the Kindle, I can store and revisit my highlighted passages online.
Characters talked about, quoted, tried to buy, and highlighted passages from the book, and in the most ridiculously blatant moment of salesmanship, one character even held it up to the camera in such a way that the only thing missing was the price and a list of fine stores where the book was available superimposed over the image.
I have dog - eared pages, underlined and highlighted passages in every chapter.
According to Amazon, the most highlighted passage in all books read on Kindle — highlighted almost twice as often as any other passage — is from the second volume of The Hunger Games: «Because sometimes things happen to people and they're not equipped to deal with them.»
Take notes, highlight passages and talk about it with your friends.
But Senate Democrats are expected to continue to highlight the passage of the full 10 - point women's agenda, which includes a measure aimed at codifying Roe v. Wade in state law.
, I love to dog - ear pages, highlight passages, and write in the margins.
Some math questions will allow the use of a calculator instead of banning them outright, and ELA questions will involve activities such as highlighting passages.
While reading, you can use the Kindle's select wheel to highlight a passage or choose where to make an annotation.
While you're reading a book, you can look up words in the built - in dictionary, highlight a passage and store it locally or send it to someone, and annotate passages.
An» @author» feature allows readers to highlight passages in e-books using cursors and then send authors questions related to what was written, according to Amazon.
I can make notes in the margins and highlight passages — all without ruining the books (because notes can be changed, removed, etc.), and I can carry an entire library around with me at all times.
As a series, readers are more likely to highlight passages at the end of the book than the beginning.
This process involves highlighting passages and taking notes on your Kindle.
I do love the fact that I can easily search within books, highlight passages quickly, and that I can put magazines (in PDF format) and documents on it.
The notes and annotation feature also allows users to highlight passages and jot down notes within the text.
Customers can look up words, highlight passages, adjust the font size and style or search by typing on the responsive on - screen keyboard that appears only when a customer needs it.
As well, you can make annotations to highlight passages on screen.
You can now simply highlight a passage and select «Share» or choose the «Share» option from the toolbar within a book, write a note if you choose, and select which social network to share with.
There is also a drag - able selection tool that you can use to highlight a passage of text, send it to Facebook, or make a note.
By using the Twitter - like at symbol, users can highlight passages, send them to a friend, and even include a note.
Now, I make use of the Kindle, which allows me to make notes and highlight passages for easy reference.
You have to admire the infinite skill of the person who designed it such that you have to click the 5 - way 4 times, get two screen flashes, and choose Start / End Highlight from a Menu twice — all just to be able to highlight a passage.
It's social proof — If 1,698 people highlighted a passage in Outliers it must be good and if all of them bought the book and liked it then the Book must be worth buying.
It's collated user information — What books people like enough to highlight passages out of.
You can jump to the beginning of the book or a specific location, bookmark a page, add a note or a highlight a passage, or read a description of the book.
I wanted to be able to bookmark important pages and highlight passages.
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