Sentences with phrase «highly gifted kids»

Highly gifted kids need other kids who can understand them and communicate with them and share some of the things they care about, just like everybody else.
A charter school for highly gifted kids would NEVER get approved in my neck of the woods.
At 9, the school was incapable of comprehending that the needs of profoundly gifted kids are as different from those of highly gifted kids as the needs of highly gifted kids are from those of «average» kids.

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I highly recommend the Fisher Price Little People Nativity Set for anyone who has young kids in the house or as a gift to anyone with children.
Unfortunately, schools segregate children by age (kindergarten kids are age 5, first graders are age 6, etc.), which makes it difficult for gifted children, especially highly gifted children, to find their intellectual peers in a single classroom.
I informed them that we would be having a competition to see who could get the most points in each of these areas (we know how gifted kids can be highly competitive — so this fed into their nature).
Of course, I am generalizing, and I have worked with gifted kids who are exceptionally social, highly popular, and capable of conversing with the best of us.
Researchers generally divide truly bright kids into four categories: gifted learners score above 130 on IQ tests, the highly gifted score above 145, the exceptionally gifted above 160, and the profoundly gifted above 175.
While this book and others like it are often used to «prove» that so many gifted, highly gifted, and profoundly gifted kids can not exist, this book, and its underlying premise of a Bell Curve distribution for intelligence, is not borne out in research.
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