Sentences with phrase «highly objectionable»

From memory, I do not think it was just that she refused to do the work allocated to her but that she was highly objectionable about it towards her employer and work colleagues.
Any change in the scent structure of the home (eg., a new pet, person, a scent from another cat on your clothes or even a new piece of furniture) may trigger a highly objectionable form of scent marking — spraying.
Any shade of brown or tan is highly objectionable and should not be encouraged.
Asus is the only manufacturer to offer enclosed documentation with a precise pixel defect policy, but it requires 2 adjacent bad pixels, or up to a total of 8 bad pixels for replacement, which most consumers would find highly objectionable.
Given this highly objectionable endorsement, loyal NYC Democrats resisting the disastrous polices enacted by the Trump Administration will also now view Cornegy as a totally unsuitable candidate for Speaker of the City Council.»
From the priest's «low church» perspective, the importance given to vestments was highly objectionable.
Government firewalls either disabled searches for highly objectionable terms completely or blocked links to certain results.
Suddenly the idea of representing the relevant system through a set of simplifications that are dictated at least in part by the available techniques becomes highly objectionable.

Not exact matches

Moreover, he declares that God is so highly exalted above the creatures that his immediate knowledge of all their states does not constitute a tyrannical or objectionable invasion of their rightful privacies.53
For an individual to have a legitimate expectation of privacy in the information in question, he must show that «the information... is «highly personal and sensitive» and that its disclosure would be offensive and objectionable to a reasonable person of ordinary sensibilities... [T] hose materials deserving the highest constitutional interest concern the intimate relationship of the claimant with other persons.»
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