Sentences with phrase «hijacked airliner»

9/11 (R for profanity) Fact - based drama recounting the harrowing ordeal of five strangers trapped inside an elevator in the World Trade Center's North Tower after the building was struck by a hijacked airliner on the morning of September 11, 2001.
Brazilian director José Padilha and writer Gregory Burke are less interested in the rescue's military precision than the mindset of the terrorists who hijacked an airliner and forced it to the ostensibly safe haven of Uganda.
In the first of the terrorist attacks of that day, a hijacked airliner struck the North Tower, just below Cantor's offices.
The $ 1 million effort is expected to conclude that jet fuel from the hijacked airliners ignited fires that weakened steel beams, allowing upper floors to pancake onto those below.

Not exact matches

RFK assassination; Munich Olympics massacre; Teheran US embassy takeover; Pan Am Flight 103; US Marine barracks in Beirut blown up; Pope John Paul II shot; cruise ship Achille Lauro hijacked — disabled man murdered; TWA 847 hijacked — US Navy diver murdered; WTC bombed; US embassies Kenya Tanzania bombed; USS Cole bombed 17 crew killed; 4 airliners hijacked to destroy WH, Twin Towers, Pentagon; Daniel Pearl kidnapped / beheaded; 13 US Ft Hood Soldiers murdered; Theo Van Gogh murdered for producing film «Submission»; US Ambassador to Libya assassinated; US Embassy in Cairo ransacked; Toulouse, France, 4 Jewish children murdered
That decision, based on the perceived threat of another airliner hijacking, led to 1,600 casualties in the following year.
«People aboard airliners now understand that successful hijacking may mean death.
If you've ever asked yourself how, say, one bully on a subway car could berate his girlfriend for twenty stops without anyone else intervening, or how four men with box cutters could hijack a crowded airliner, this movie answers the question.
Based on true events as told by Port Authority police officers Sgt. John McLoughlin and Will Jimeno (played here by Nicolas Cage and Michael Pena, respectively), the story takes place on September 11, 2001 when two commercial airliners were hijacked by terrorists and flown into the World Trade Center.
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