Sentences with phrase «hilarious lines»

A couple of hilarious lines and a good picture can be everything you require, and you'll rapidly receive e-mail singles in your area of interest.
Instead of functioning as a one - liner feeding machine for Woody Harrelson (admittedly, some of his moments of outrage come with hilarious lines of dialogue), LBJ also could have deeper explored the relations between its supporting cast.
Things I've done longer but not as well as Chucky D plays basketball: golf, work, write, Facebook, drive, cook, life, using a Google Chromebook, recite hilarious lines from movies accurately, directional sense, gain Twitter followers
Crack dad up on Father's Day with hilarious lines like, «We splishy - splashy for an hour or two.»
Adam Driver in particular strikes such a note of sweet decency as the family - first Clyde, a vibe that deepens every self - evidently hilarious line reading.
For one thing, Peter's mad - dog newspaper editor J. Jonah Jameson (J.K. Simmons) gets several hilarious line deliveries in, giving the film as many laughs as there are thrills.
I love hearing the sarcasm in her voice, the deadpan way she delivers hilarious lines but yes, she does have a «distinctive» voice.
«Gaston» has a pretty hilarious line from LeFou about his reading comprehension skills.
Paul Feig would simply let the camera roll during his scenes with his co-stars, and Chris Hemsworth would go to work by ad - libbing hilarious lines.
Few could pull off three or four of Wahlberg's hilarious lines without sounding like a stand - up comedian instead of a wily, veteran cop.
To be sure, Palahniuk stages some stunning scenes and pens some bawdily hilarious lines.
But praps the most hilarious line, «he applauds Anthony Watts» not the excellent scientists who came up with the initial figures which his project has corroborated, oh no he applauds Anthony Watts....
A former colleague said, when she has come across aggressive or sexist counsel in the past, she has used the following hilarious line: «You're very emotional right now.
The trailer features plenty of hilarious lines and wonderful moments, like the string of punch - outs and Fiennes fleeing after saying, «She's been murdered, and you think I did it».
On top of that there are hilarious lines like Batman telling Supes, «Do you bleed?
He's a slow - witted character, always a step behind the action, and Thomas Haden Church's hilarious line readings are perfect for this role.
by Walter Chaw Walking away with the title of Most Incomprehensible Film of 2002 (walking away is also, incidentally, what you should do when presented with the prospect of seeing this film), Wych Kaosayananda's ponderously branded Ballistic: Ecks Vs. Sever is a collection of puzzling explosions married to a series of alternately stunning and hilarious line deliveries of, to be fair, unspeakable exposition.
If one of the party leaders came up with such a hilarious line in 2015, it would instantly be on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and elsewhere.
Typically, a chit - chatty character like that would make me immediately skip lines of dialogue or turn down the volume of the game, yet Detective Pikachu made me consistently look forward to both the cutscenes and «Pika Prompt» interactions for more of Detective Pikachu's hilarious lines.
He also gets tons of hilarious lines, not to mention an epic song that rivals Portal's «Still Alive» in its silly brilliance.
The fact that the central protagonists get so many of the hilarious lines means that he's relegated to playing it straight, which is a distinct shift from his usual work.
He's a scene - stealer, and he gets a load of hilarious lines, but at the same time, he imbues his character with weight and history.
This year, she's best known for stealing scenes as Megan in the blockbuster — with her sexually aggressive, hilarious lines.
You're always running across a great scene or hilarious line.
Some voice actors who have done Marvel characters in previous cartoons and games return to do their characters, but otherwise there are some great stand - ins for the voice cast and everyone is able to bring their A-game and deliver some hilarious lines.
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