Sentences with phrase «him less than human»

Anyone unmoved by such a tragedy is less than human.
Governments demonize their opponents in war so that their people view the enemy as less than human.
The belief in a personal god is no more and no less than human egoism, fuelled by a fear od death!
If you don't feel the same, you are less than human.
It seems to me they have much bigger fish to fry like: The Taliban treating women as less than human, stoning people to death, 60 year old men marrying teenage girls, cutting off an 18 year old girl's nose because she left her abusive husband (see TIME magazine a month ago), destroying over 125 schools because girls attend, suicidal Islamic fanatical cowards on every continent killing thousands of INNOCENT people, and these clowns are worried about their precious Koran being burned by a nutjob.
Let's say you were born as a child in Nazi Germany and you were brought up to believe that the Jewish people are less than human and to exterminate them is morally good.
They allowed the religious populace to use their bible to enforce slavery and consider women and minorities as less than human.
He was less than human, treated worse than a dog.
He is also fully human like us in every way, except for sin (which would make him less than human).
Every time I interact with a Muslim I am aware that his religion considers me less than human for not sharing his beliefs.
The Southern Baptist branch was based on segregation when it formed, splitting from its parent Baptist Church which apparently could not in theory subjugate individuals to being less than human based on skin, eye, and hair color and features.
I saw things in Racine years ago that continue to haunt me, for they were outrageous, and showed that many people in our democracy are viewed and treated as less than human.
And so, we are tempted to step out of our «in - between» place, to forget that as we seek to be more than human we may become less than human.
I fully support the KKK's right to free speech and to believe that gays and blacks are less than human.
Reaching that high, we may fall into a state less than human.
Our calling is to invite all to turn from gods which are even less than human, and from idols like power, profit, property, creed, class, caste, language, race, success, technocratic progress, managerial efficiency and the ego, and thus experience the fulfilling realization of God's Reign which consists in justice, freedom and fellowship, tender love, universal compassion and equitable sharing of resources.
If horses were atheists they might stereotype all Christians as irrational, unthinking, uncaring, something rather less than human.
Nothing like being called a depraved animal, a rat, scum, garbage, less than human or any of the other names that atheists get called on a regular basis, not to mention no threats of eternal torture.
Both sides accuse the other of being less than human for either believing or for not believing.
Human beings can become less than human.
Like gays are less than human because being gay doesn't gel with their concept of morality.
As such, there is nothing extraordinary or even notably religious in self - transcendence, although without it we would be less than human.
I did disagree a bit with some of what he wrote (such as on pages 23 - 27, and 75 - 94), but really appreciated his take on Romans 1 - 7, and his view that sin is basically trying to be «more than human» which only leads us to be «less than human
I did make the point that life begins at conception, and that there is no ground of principle on which the embryo or fetus could be regarded as anything less than human at any stage of its existence.
Without this man is less than human, and without this no ethic can light the way which the spirit of love should take.
The interviewer asks if this wouldn't make us less than human, which was the question we would have asked, and Vatinno answers: «Becoming less human is not necessarily a negative thing, because it could mean we are less subject to the whims of nature, such as illness or climate extremes.»
Feuding groups throughout history have used race, religion, and politics (the Jew - Gentile division was a toxic combination of all three) to look down upon each other and accuse one another of being less than human and less - loved by God.
Devaluing females, an offshoot of sexism and misogyny, leads to treating them as less than human.
Ideas of demonic procession, of being not worthy, less than human... especially if the religious beliefs discourage seeking medical help...
For without the freedom that comes with an open information environment, human beings are pressed into fear and neurosis that makes them less than human, and makes our society less than it should be.
Here is a novel Idea maybe the Pope is waking the path of Jesus You remember Jesus the compassionate one who forgave others instead of judging them any less than human.
So in we get Ernst Haeckel who gave us the chart of embryos, who begin as fishes, etc. (less than human) as well as his opinion on black people:
Is God less than a human person?
Its not that the Pastor is at fault, but the whole system sets the Pastor up to be more than human and what ends up is the Pastor is really less than human.
De-humanization regularly occurs when the person wishes to feel superior to another, by ingraining in their mind that the opposition is less than human, and therefore their opinion does not matter as much.
What bothers me is when «Christians» say gay and transgendered people are something less than human and shouldn't enjoys the basic rights the rest of us have, what's it any of your business what people do in their bedrooms?
They would be less than human if it does not.
Doesn't it piss you off we're in place where the yearly motivational is based on the idea that you're less than human
Some natural mothers felt less than human during the pregnancy and surrender experience, and may have felt they were regarded as subhuman by society.
In fact, they start from the point that the people they are talking about are less than human, presumably because that eases their consciences that their polices are effectively death warrants.
Its aim is to make us think of them as less than human beings.
Twitter has announced that, in an attempt to «reduce the amount of abusive behaviour and hateful conduct» on their site, it will permanently suspend any profile that «reduces someone to less than human».
The truth is that politicians regularly depict huge swathes of the country as «less than human», to use Twitter's phrase.
«The most murderous period began in 1933 with government sponsored discrimination against those the government considered less than human
«I know what it is to be treated less than a human being and to be exploited and abused,» Gill - Campbell said.
It isn't only warlords and dictators who treat others as if they are less than human.
All these forces still exert pressure, but currently on orders of magnitude less than human impact.
As a result, an orangutan running through the forest burns anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories less than a human sitting in front of a TV.
On the opposite extreme, independently operated coiled polymer muscles having a diameter less than a human hair could bring life - like facial expressions to humanoid companion robots for the elderly and dexterous capabilities for minimally invasive robotic microsurgery.
As a scientist who, as a teenager was enchanted with the concept of a molecule that instructed our inheritance, I am awed and astounded to be among the first to look across the billions of bases of DNA landscape of the black - footed ferret, an opportunity seemingly beyond the realm of possibility less than a human lifetime ago.
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