Sentences with phrase «hip point on»

The truck's a pleasure to drive — just a hair below the nimble feeling of the Ford F - 150, but better than the Ram, which drives big — and it's easy to get in and out, thanks to a lower hip point on the seat.

Not exact matches

Case in point: VerbalizeIt, which offers on - demand access to human translators via phone or web browser, used PivotDesk to find space in New York's hip Chelsea neighborhood when it moved from Boulder last August.
«I grow weary over the fact we have too many politicians who continually shoot from the hip and point fingers on economic matters without having a solid understanding of economics,» wrote one.
The bottom line: The craftsmanship and material were on point, but the «slim» cut was still baggy around the legs and hips for me personally.
Or his release point, or its precise location over the hips, or the backwing, or sub-backswing, or the counter-shift of the tibia in reaction to the internal rotation of the patella, or hell I don't know there are apparently 93 different components of a golf swing and all of them have to be in perfect working order or the golfer in question will fall apart like a cheap mannequin right there and then on the course.
Bonus points if you can take an extra minute to sit on the floor, with your feet together and your knees apart for a cobbler stretch, to open your hips.
Pressure points on my knees and hips became my life saver.
When your baby is a bit older, continue wearing him as long as you both are comfortable with it because riding high on your hip or back lets him see the world from your vantage point and offers everyday moments to play with bubbles in the sink as you wash dishes, to dance through the house as you put away laundry, and to giggle together as you grocery shop.
Elia asked me to put some butter on her cracker and I had to stop at some point to let the contraction pass, she imitated me bending over, moving her hips and groaning and said «no that mama, I want butter cracker!»
When sleeping on your side, body weight may not be as evenly distributed as in other positions, leading to pain at pressure points such as the hips, shoulders and knees.
Deep compression onto a firm surface means uncomfortable pressure points on shoulders, hips, knees (for side sleepers), and heels (for back sleepers).
Side sleepers put up to seven times more pressure on their hips and shoulders, so it's important that they choose a mattress that can provide sufficient pressure point relief and support.
There's no point in having a great looking bag if it isn't doing the trick - especially when you're toting around a baby on one hip and bag on the other.
Emo The Laffer Curve «Reality» TV Droopy drawers (hip hop variety) Hack - spewed talking points on cable «news» Endlessly looping viagra / light beer / car insurance commercials Throat - singing (metal variety) McMansions Newt Gingrich A political discourse based on fear.
An extra (fourth) muscle attachment site, called a trochanter, at the point on the femur that meets the hip is also found in dinosauromorph Marasuchus lilloensis.
The vibrations were measured with small accelerometers placed on the skin at various points of interest, such as at the foot, knee, shank and hip.
You're gonna lift your hips off the mat — bring your hands to your ears with palms on floor and fingers pointing towards your feet as you do this.
90 - 90s Lie on your left side with left hip and knee at a 90 - degree angle and right leg pointing forward and directly above left leg.
To do these exercises, get on the preacher curl machine and keep your back, hips and chest to their respective pads for more balance and a better feel of the machine through the multiple points of contact.
On the inhale, extend the right leg back at hip level and extend the left arm forward with the thumb pointed up.
They are both hip hinge movements, just on different points of the continuum of movement.
Kneeling with the legs hip width apart, position the hands on each side of the lower back with the fingers pointing downwards.
Then, bring your right foot over the left leg and place it on the floor just outside of your left hip (the knee should point directly up at the ceiling).
Fix your gaze on a point on the floor in front of you and bend at the hips until your torso is nearly parallel to the floor, elbows fixed in a slightly bent position.
Come into tabletop with your hands set outer - shoulder - width apart (this measure begins at the central notch just below your throat, between your collarbones, and spans out horizontally in both directions to the widest point on the outseam of each shoulder) and your knees below your hips.
Calisthenic: scissors kick Lie on back, hands under hips, and raise legs toward sky, toes pointed.
Press your hands on the floor a little behind your hips, fingers pointing toward the feet, and strengthen the arms.
Bring the right knee forward and place it on the floor just behind and slightly to the right of the right wrist, with the shin on a diagonal and the right heel pointing toward the right hip bone.Take the attention to the back leg and roll it inward so that the leg is in a «neutral» position.
For example, if you're working in the 4 to 6 rep range on the hip thrust and get 6 reps with 135 pounds, it's time to move up to 145 pounds and then work with that new, heavier weight until you can thrust it for 6 reps, at which point you move up again, and on and on.
I like to substitute a prone exercise (lying on my stomach), tightening my buns and TA to work a hip extension flutter kick with my toes pointed.
And finally, substitute a Prone (on your stomach) hip extension flutter kick with toes pointed for Switch Kicks.
Place your palms on your lower back with the fingers pointing up and gently draw your sacrum down, as your front hip bones lift.
Initial position: Get down on the floor in a 4 - point stance: position your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips.
Push your upper body off the ground with that right arm (hips are your point of contact with the floor), then slowly lower without ever fully coming to rest back on the ground.
On an inhale, lean back against the wheel and release your hands, then as you exhale, press through your heels and lift your hips, reaching your arms up and over your head with your elbows bent, pointing straight behind you.
Place your right foot on the wall at about hip height, with the toes pointing down.
Place your palms on the floor beside your hips, fingers pointing forward.
Glute Bridge Dip Sit on the floor and place your hands near your hips with your fingertips pointing towards your feet.
Now, place your right middle fingertip on your right hip point and your right thumb on your right bottom ribs, just above the hip point.
(but I don't do the same excersise everyday) I have been doing hip thrust on 115 lbs 10 reps 3 to 4 sets.and my dead lifts are 120 5 sets of 10 reps Squats are my week points so I try to do at least 4 sets oof 12 reps between 70 to 85 lbs.
An MET stretch is performed in the following way, using the hamstrings as an example: The therapist moves the hip into flexion, with the athlete on their back, until they encounter the point of resistance - where the movement stiffens, due to tightness in the hamstrings.
Using a chair or bench, place hands on the edge with fingers pointing towards the back while stepping out your feet so that they're hip width apart and your hips are above the floor.
Rest the palms on either side of your hips, fingers pointing forward and elbows perpendicular to the floor.
Extend opposite leg back with foot on ground, keep hip points square to floor.
Romanian deadlift on the other hand starts from a standing position with weights in your hands and bend down from your hips to a lower point where your flexibility allows you to reach.
If you're naturally fairly straight in alignment (meaning you're toes don't point inward or outward), but when you run, your knees tend to cave in, work on lateral hip and glute strength or check your shoes for excessive wear.
How to: From the same position as the hip abduction exercise, point on your left foot and lift it to hip height (a).
Place your feet flat on the floor, hip - width apart and parallel, with your knees up and pointing to the ceiling.
Air Squat How to: Stand with feet hip - width apart, toes pointing forward, hands on hips (a).
Ideal for a decent winter evening, this Delphi style dress looks hip and consummately on - point with the Pakistani design scene.
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