Sentences with phrase «historians tell»

Historians tell us that colonists came to the «New World» seeking not just religious liberty.
This one - sided conception doesn't even hold for the artists who advanced it, but not as the art historians tell it.
As much as Rauschenberg's work of the early 1950s had been championed for its elimination of painterly conventions — no subject, no image, no taste, no object, no beauty, no message — Untitled [glossy black painting] makes the case that Rauschenberg was equally radical for what he was willing to let in — chance, duration, changing context, accidents, a life in the present.18 Historians tell us about the Rauschenberg who pursued a mode of creativity that had «a life beyond its initial conception,» but it is not always possible to observe the process of accretion.19 In 1986, Untitled [glossy black painting] would appear on the cover of Arts Magazine, its identity photographically stilled.20 That was part of the history of this single canvas.
The premise is that comedians and historians tell a story from history while getting drunk with the host, and then famous actors and actresses reenact the scene, in period costume, mouthing the words of the drunk storytellers as they tell them.
Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a Ice cream Food historians tell us the history of ice cream begins with ancient flavored ices.
The Southwest Airlines Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco Ice cream Food historians tell us the history of ice cream begins with ancient flavored ices.
Historians tell us we need to know where we have been in order to project where we want to go.
(1) It is essential, historians tell us, to know where we have been in order to project where we want to go.
Historians tell us that the average life span of people in the first century was age 45.
Ancient historians tell us that severe hardships occurred when that crucial harvest was disrupted by war or social unrest.
Belief in resurrection, historians tell us, emerged in ancient Judaism only when disaster followed disaster and Jews could no longer feel confident that their memory and legacy would be preserved in the life of their own descendents in particular and the Jewish people in general.
Neither is it merely what historians tell us about past events.
Historians tell us that Eisenhower edited his speech at the last minute to remove the word Congressional from preceeding Military Industrial Complex.
Usually, as Fowden notes, historians tell a story of Rome evolving into the medieval commonwealth of Western, Latin Christendom.
Science Works We have traced the evolution of salads and food historians tell us salads (generally defined as mixed greens with dressing) were enjoyed by ancient Romans and Greeks.
historians tell us they were murdered for spreading their ideas around.
YOUR HISTORIANS tell us you killed another 13,000,000 (YES, not a typo, thats THIRTEEN MILLION) africans AFTER KIDNAPPING THEM from Southern Africa, all 20,000,000 of them and herding them like FARM ANIMALS to work as cattle on your farms.
For as long as his story has been told — which, historians tell us, is longer than any other book in the Bible — Job has served as a patron saint of the downtrodden.
YOUR HISTORIANS tell us by supplying guns and brandy to corrupt fellow Africans!!!
A historian told Politico you'd have to go back to the 1920s to see so much Wall Street influence coming to Washington.
Historians tells us that this occasionally happened to replace the older members of the harem.
In that time, Herodotus the historian tells us that the Persians drank as they discussed matters of state.
In a study of 18th century family life, one historian tells us that walls were paper - thin and houses crowded.
A Christian historian tells a true story about a peasant in the 1600's living under the rule of the Catholic Church.
A Levi's historian told the patch was added to keep customers from accidentally buying fake jeans.
When it gets into the meat of the holiday, however, via a gaggle of historians telling how Christianity ground up all sorts of Pagan holidays into its easily - masticated, mealy host — well, then it's interesting.

Not exact matches

«Park historians did a lot of research for this gallery,» said Moraczewski told CNBC.
«You can never tell from where an idea will spring, whether from an ancient historian, an art critic, an economist, a journalist or even a politician.»
Dr James Palmer, a historian of early medieval Europe at the University of St Andrews, told The Sunday Telegraph the Odinist's claims that Christians stole churches from them can't be substantiated.
Archeaology and accounts told by other Historians support the Bible.
The Catholic historian Christopher Dawson upon telling his mother that he was converting to the Catholic faith from his native Anglicanism was met with this response: «It's not so much the doctrines that concern me; it's that now you'll be worshipping with the help!»»
Historians trace the word «jazz» to a mediocre pitcher named Ben Henderson, who in 1912 told a reporter about his new curve ball: «I call it the Jazz ball because it wobbles and you simply can't do anything with it.»
Of particular importance in this regard, though little noted by historians or popular piety, are Nuechterlein's telling observations on the Lincoln who prosecuted the war through to its conclusion despite its frightful costs» whatever the popular and, in some sense, real perception of Lincoln as tenderhearted.
Thus the account from the court historians» which, interestingly enough, is also the story told to visitors of the museum on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas, from which Oswald fired the lethal shots.
The Greek historian Herodotus was told that the Assyrian archers had their bowstrings gnawed by mice.
Theologians, historians, scientists, anthropologists, etc. will tell you that sometimes you have to investigate and decide for yourself.
The Jewish historian Josephus tells us that 250,000 lambs were sacrificed in the Temple for the two and a half million pilgrims.
Years later, Constantine told his friend Bishop Eusebius (c.260 - 340), the most eminent of early church historians, that in the early afternoon, as he was praying, he had a vision of a cross of light in the heavens bearing the inscription «Conquer by this».
The historian as such can not tell us whether or not the Exodus belongs to «salvation history».
And in fact, the historian Josephus tells us that Esther was descended from King Saul.
All I can tell you is thousands by the day, that this new thing Christianity exploded from Judea to Spain that all historians agree on this.
For legends take quite some time to form, and historians will tell you this
It tells good stories at a fast clip in limpid prose, with input from a dream team of fact - checkers including Yale law scholar Akhil Amar and Princeton historian James McPherson.
So the ascension becomes for Luke not a literal event that baffles scientists and historians, but a symbolic event lifted out of the Old Testament and told to open the eyes of faith, to behold this Jesus as he really is — God of God, light of light, begotten not made.
No true historian can avoid interpreting the past: he reconstructs and tells the story of the past because it is relevant and instructive to the present, and he must tell it in such a way that it is intelligible to the present.
But I will tell you as a historian you need to put down some references.
There were, as any historian can tell you, the very closest links between 20th - century socialism in Britain and Christianity, especially Nonconformity.
His biographer, Joseph Brent, a professional historian whose philosophy I find congenial — he is even knowledgeable about birds — tells the story of the good and great, but also the very sad aspects of the career.
If you look back where I first (I think) explored the analogy of performance, in a piece titled «Performing the Scriptures» (first published in 1982, reprinted in a collection called Theology on the Way to Emmaus in 1986), you will see that I contrast the notion of interpretation as performance not with the historian's craft but with the supposition that a text (any text, although it is with scripture that I am most concerned)-- a set of black marks on white paper — tells you how to take it, without any interpretative labor on the reader's part, a labor for which the reader must take personal responsibility.
And any historian will tell you that the level of accurate historical facts in the Bible surpasses all other works of antiquity.
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