Sentences with phrase «historic role»

Two critical and historic roles of the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) are to address these disparities, and protect students from discrimination in their educational experience.
Having fled the Ethiopian - Somali War with her family in 1977 to settle in Michigan, the artist provides a reassuring reminder of America's historic role in giving sanctuary to those in need.
Taking students from their traditionally historic roles as passive recipients of teaching, YATST deliberately moves learners towards become active partners throughout education.
City Council Speaker Christine Quinn encouraged donations to the memorial fund in honor of the Village's historic role during the AIDS crisis.
WBFO's Focus on Education reporter Eileen Buckley says the Akron Central School district wants to emphasize the important historic role played by Native Americans in the community.
But the winners in this situation will be more than the environment — for the tourism industry dependent upon this iconic reef for its symbolic and historic role off Belize's mainland, these protective measures are not to be underestimated.
Allen & Overy (A&O) has been drawn into the sexual harassment scandal surrounding Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, after details emerged of the firm's historic role advising Miramax in relation to claims made against Weinstein 19 years ago.
In recognition of Santa Fe's historic role in nurturing creative talent, UNESCO awarded it the honor of a global «Creative City» in 2005.
Resonating with the site's historic role as ferry slip and landfill, as well as its new position in a post-industrial neighborhood, the sculpture will address issues of migration and immigration.
WBFO's Focus on Education reporter Eileen Buckley says the Akron Central School District wants to teach students about the important historic role played by Native Americans in the community.
Since the financial crisis investment banks have beat a rapid retreat from their historic role in buying and selling equities and bonds.
While I don't see much value in long - dated bonds, in recent weeks they have reasserted their historic role as an equity hedge.
The Saudis retaliated, not by playing its historic role of swing producer and putting the brakes on oil output, instead deciding to pump as fast as possible.
This campaign builds on labour's historic role in the creation of Canada's universal health care system.
And given her historic role as the first woman Fed chair, expect some personal questions about what the past several weeks have been like for her.
Worse than failing to cry out, the NCC continues in its historic role as de facto apologist for the persecution of Christians and other believers.
Stepping into that historic role is Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina, who will be called Pope Francis.
In the absence of a nondestructive alternative, Friedman sees his task as furthering greater understanding and acceptance of globalization so that Americans will support the government in playing its historic role.
Historian Stanley Young of the University of Massachusetts - Amherst argues that the cultural and sectional factors are converging in a way that is reversing the historic roles of the two parties.
Rather, he depicts Roosevelt as a major force in shifting the historic roles of the two political parties, whereby Democrats abandoned the habits of nineteenth - century individualism for «a spiteful and ultimately self - destructive inactive protectionism» and Republicans traded the moral paternalism of nineteenth - century Whigs for a «narrow and doctrinaire brand of «free enterprise.
I believe her election represents a real turn at SNA toward its historic role as a primary supporter of healthier, better, and more sustainable food for our school children.
If the essentially material nature of the historic role of property and the capacity of property owners to dominate are overlooked, then the notion of «domination» is watered down and, most importantly, stripped of its institutional nature.
And the historic role of the unions sits uneasily alongside Miliband's youthful «new politics» narrative.
The Palestinian people have waited for over 63 years to achieve their rights and Britain with its historic role during the British mandate in Palestine has a moral responsibility to help them achieve them.
This additional funding will help ensure that NYCHA is able to fulfill its historic role and operate at the standard tenants are entitled to,» Mr. de Blasio said.
«I'm delighted that Hadley Exhibits, a Western New York firm, was chosen for the comprehensive renovation of one of Western New York's key educational and tourist destinations — the Power Vista Visitors Center, in spotlighting the historic role of hydropower along the Niagara Frontier,» said Senator George Maziarz.
Lady Warsi said the prime minister had lost moral authority, undermined the national interest and deprived Britain of its historic role as an honest broker in the Middle East by refusing to condemn the aggressive Israeli response to the Hamas rocket attacks as disproportionate.
If however they are code - words for ignoring Labour's historic role to protect the neediest, then we are in for a battle.
«The historic role of third parties has been to advance issues like abolition, women's suffrage, social security, minimum wages, and unemployment insurance.
Peter Mandelson has been appointed the high steward of Kingston Upon Hull after the historic role was resurrected by the Queen.
«This additional funding will help ensure that NYCHA is able to fulfill its historic role and operate at the standard tenants are entitled to,» he said in his 38 - minute testimony inside Albany's Legislative Office Building.
Surprisingly, relatively few settle in New York City, despite its historic role as an entry point for immigrants.
«The historic role of third parties has been to force issues neglected by the major parties into public debate - issues like the abolition of slavery, women's suffrage, the 8 - hour day, Social Security, and ending segregation.
The Minister in a goodwill message to Nigerian workers on this year's Workers» Day, recalled their historic role across decades and urged them to further stand firm with President Muhammadu Buhari's government.
The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor is a beacon to people all over the world, demonstrating our state's historic role as a haven and a refuge for generations of struggling families, immigrants and oppressed peoples.
So within weeks of the first successful ether operation, Mass General, mindful of its historic role, hired the Boston firm of Southworth & Hawes to take a series of daguerreotypes.
«The US is committed to taking no action that would have the potential to adversely impact the effective and efficient operation of the DNS and will therefore maintain its historic role in authorising changes or modifications to the authoritative root zone file.»
The goal of the Phoenix mission was to understand the historic role of water in the frozen martian north, and to assess the region's habitability.
Lighthouses played an historic role in making it possible to explore, settle and develop Florida using its 1350 miles of coastline Lighthouse Route & The Evangeline Trail.
This movie is based on a true story, and is one of the cases that propelled Marshall to his historic role as a civil rights activist.
In exclusive interviews for The Mary Sue, James and Sudeikis talk about how they created these historic roles for the screen, and why this film is so relevant.
From its historic role as the first televised trial to the many books and movies made about it, the film looks at the media's enduring impact on the case.
Ultimately, George VI filled an historic role, leading his country into World War II.
In the principles, the groups highlight the important and historic role the federal government has played during the 50 years since the ESEA was originally passed in promoting educational opportunity and protecting the rights and interests of students disadvantaged by discrimination, poverty, and other conditions that may limit their educational attainment.
Some may believe that the quest for «choice» and the historic role of private schools in education is a moral and historical inconvenience.
Another life - impacting experience was traveling with Secretary Duncan to Birmingham, AL where I absorbed the historic role the city played in the national landscape for educational equality and justice.
First, the Department should uphold its historic role in protecting students from the discriminatory allocation of educational resources.
Though these historic roles are part of the job, it is more complex and strategic.

Phrases with «historic role»

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