Sentences with phrase «historical background behind»

This volume presents over 100 illustrations from each phase of de Kooning's career, and describes the personal and art historical background behind his work and its critical reception.

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Higher criticism includes an analysis of the literary genre of the text, its historical background, the history of the oral tradition behind the text, and the cultural and psychological factors at work on the author and editor (or editors) of the text.
CE / BCE or AD / BC dating notation Historical background of the use Some interesting events at that time were: However, it is time for this battle to end; Christians should leave behind the BC / AD labels and adopt the BCE / CE dating system for all calendrical references.
Behind the most sophisticated investigations of great artists — more specifically, the art - historical monograph, which accepts the notion of the Great Artist as primary, and the social and institutional structures within which he lived and worked as mere secondary «influences» or «background» — lurks the golden - nugget theory of genius and the free - enterprise conception of individual achievement.
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