Sentences with phrase «historical encounter»

That situation took away a bit of that importance from the derby, but it remain an intriguing tie as both sides were still keen on beating their opponent in such historical encounter.
God withdraws and blends in, setting the stage for a free and historical encounter of humans with God as a single «Thou» in the drama of history.
Bultmann points Out that eternal truths, when used in concrete proclamation, can become historical encounter.
Nor is the dialectic permanently resolved in the encounter with God; rather it is accentuated by the addition of a further dimension, in which historical encounter becomes revelation.
Yet Bultmann still remains reluctant to interpret Jesus» present as based upon historical encounter: «This judgement of his about his present comes from his own consciousness of vocation; thus he creates it out of himself; and it is not, as was later the case in his Church, based upon looking back upon an event decisive for him.
But if it is true that the kerygma of the primitive Christians can become contemporaneous with me in my concrete historical encounters, then, in principle at least, this is equally true of the historical Jesus.
The biblical theology to which he refers emerged after World War II as a consensus with certain characteristics: (1) the Bible is assumed to be relevant for modern men and women; (2) biblical criticism is to be accepted; (3) the message of the Bible is a unity, if a unity in diversity; (4) revelation is historical encounter rather than right doctrine; (5) the biblical (Hebraic) mentality is distinctive.
Those fanciful historical encounters have earned the film comparisons with «Forrest Gump,» but it's a superficial similarity (other than that both movies are overrated).
There's the campaign, complete with well - animated but ultimately tedious cut - scenes, one - off battles and epic historical encounters, and a great multiplayer lobby to seek out human opponents.
Curators Carlos Basualdo and Erica Battle teased out specific historical encounters and explicit influences amongst these five figures, and presented them in an environment designed and animated by French artist Philippe Parreno.
Instead, there is presented the diffuse monism of Brahma, a religion of mystical thought rather than historical encounter.
The kerygma is not the objectification of a new, «Christian» religious principle, but rather the objectification of a historical encounter with God.
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