Sentences with phrase «historical life»

[They] talk about their concrete, historical life experience and not about abstract, metaphysical concepts.
I mean by «the Christian church» a particular type of community, a distinctive kind of human fellowship, an easily recognizable spiritual movement within our total historical life.
It can refer to a form of historical life wherein the conditions of existence would be radically altered.
White is alert to «the dangers of an all - too - conceptual or reified vision of the person of Christ that is insufficiently sensitive to the biblical historical life of Jesus of Nazareth as it is portrayed in the Gospel.»
The quest for the historical Jesus was resumed, although in a new way, with the realization that Jesus and his followers regarded that one historical life as the «turning of the ages.»
The pair looked at historical life expectancy and mortality data as well as GDP growth and unemployment rates.
Having been an emergent response to a complex set of causes, the individual now joins with others as a member of a complex set of causes to create the future, where the future may include another momentary occasion of the individual's ongoing historical life.
The basic meaning of the primitive faith is Jesus Christ in his concrete historical life and death.
In John the tension between present and future is located in the very historical life of Jesus himself.»
The ideal response of faith so movingly portrayed in Genesis 22 is Israel's deepest confession of her own calling — to be ready to suffer the loss of her own historical life in response to the Word and at the same time maintain her faith in the Word's declared purpose to bless the world through her.
Survival and parenting are separate areas of historical life broadly - speaking, but we can see a link we shouldn't dismiss: If we know survival was hard, shouldn't we accept that their parenting had to support even more independent and strong - willed children?
Owens also restages historical live art works by older artists, creating open - ended situations that challenge the convention of art - making.
It is a further question how far Mark and Paul were in agreement in viewing the earthly - historical life of Jesus under the category of Messiahship or of a messianic career.
Did you just cite Origen as a source that should bring into question the historical life of Jesus?
The latter would stress the Christ of faith — perhaps the Christ of the Church's faith — and would feel that the historical life matters little in comparison to the salvation wrought out in the believer's faith.
For Balthasar, the risen Lord, who wills to be present in His Church until the end of time, can not be isolated from this constellation of historical life.13 He gives a lasting character to these figures so that believers may continue to have access to the divine life.
This means that the orders are relativized and subject to the conditions of historical life; they can not evolve into a state of perfection, thus establishing the kingdom of God.
This is what Barthians call the genus tapeinoticum, the genus of humility: If Christ lives a historical life as man, obeys, suffers, and dies, God is in some way subject to temporality, obedience, suffering, and death in his very nature as God.
If Christ lives a historical life and suffers as man, then God is also temporal and suffers in his very essence as God.
The historical life of Jesus gives us true knowledge of the inward life of God the Holy Trinity.
Catholics are the worst, and nobody who looks at the historical life of Christ can argue that.
And that historical life was, from before birth, a living forth into a narrative which was beset by danger, by risk.
Jesus» historical life and his manner of going to death achieved in fact what the ancient sacrifice of atonement had always prefigured.
Theology has not given adequate attention to the social idealizations of evil... The new thing in the social gospel is the clearness and insistence with which it sets forth the necessity and the possibility of redeeming the historical life of humanity from the social wrongs which now pervade it... The social gospel seeks to bring men under repentance for their collective sins and to create a more sensitive and more modern conscience.
All historical life is particular in its concrete existence.
But if this appreciation of the man was not eventually caught up into the recognition that, in the total event of which his historical life was the first phase, God had acted for our salvation — if this did not happen, the reality we have been calling «the Lord Jesus Christ» was not known.
That he was aware of the historical life of Jesus, and cited His sayings as authoritative, need not be shown over again.
The term «resurrection of the dead» should not be interpreted as a hope for the prolongation or restoration of our own conscious existence, but rather a hope that human life has meaning, that when our conscious existence is ended, the historical life we have lived may be raised before the eternal Judge, and may be vindicated, as being of some value for that Kingdom which is eternal and for whose fuller manifestation on earth we ever pray.
We must show that it is a phenomenon of the historical life, not one of nature.
One distinguished scholar, for example, says of the Philippians passage which we have already examined: «It is more than probable that one who had so far to seek for an example of self - sacrificial love had no precise information regarding the circumstances of the historical life of Jesus which lay much nearer at hand.»
A common view of how adoptionism became incarnationism is that the moment of «adoption,» which was originally the resurrection, was, as the early communities reflected on the meaning of Jesus, moved forward into the historical life, and there pushed to an earlier and earlier point — from transfiguration, to baptism, to birth — until finally it was pushed out of the earthly life entirely and Jesus was conceived of as having been the Son of God before his birth.
But to say that is not to deny the closest connection between this story and the historical life.
Paul of course assumes that Christ was the incarnation of a divine being; therefore his existence embraces three stages, one prior to his incarnation, one during his earthly - historical life, one following his resurrection and exaltation.
The historical life that Jesus lived was clearly one devoted to the overcoming of relationlessness.
How many evils and horrors in our social and historical life can be accounted for simply as the result of attempts by powerful individuals to conquer or cover up their own private disgrace?
He was deeply involved in the historical life of his own people.
Paul's recognition that «we no longer know Jesus according to the flesh» should not be construed to mean that Jesus» historical life is irrelevant.
If, as we affirm, the Word became flesh in Jesus, then surely the historical life of Jesus discloses something about that Word.
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