Sentences with phrase «historical nature»

But because of the the very real possibility of this happening, and the very historical nature of it if it does, I couldn't resist.
It focuses on an imagined and yet historical nature.
It's now widely acknowledged that regardless of the traditional or historical nature of a business, it's a matter of time before many components of organisations transform into technology businesses.
The Enlightenment gave birth to a variety of philosophies which, based on exaggerated claims for the role of human reason, rejected the positive historical nature of Christian revelation.
It doesn't matter whether everyone agrees with the entrepreneur about the world - historical nature of the project — if the entrepreneur seeks an impact beyond his own payday and can convince employees of the same, the project is much more likely to get done.
Wright begins with a painfully short analysis of the early church and the assembling of the canon, noting that the emergence of Gnosticism and other heresies led to an emphasis among early Christians on the historical nature of the church as rooted in the Jewish story, stressing «the continuity from Jesus» day to their own, and indeed on the continuity of the people of Abraham, transformed through Jesus the Messiah but still obedient to the same world - transforming call.»
But I contend that the historical nature of the resurrection accounts indicates that this assertion has content.
As I have read and reread the Apologia, however, I have had to face something that even the most dogmatically inclined evangelical often avoids: the historical nature of dogma.
The German professor came to prominence in America in the late 1960s in part because of his stalwart commitment to the historical nature of Jesus» resurrection as foundational for theology.
This assumes that attention has been paid by the present Christian community both to its own social reality and to the social, and not just to a narrow perception of the historical nature of the biblical communities (Wardlaw).
Theology in the twentieth century has been interpreting the imago dei in a way which expresses the personal and historical nature of the relation between God and man.
Thus in contrast with the ancient mythological cultures and with holy scripture outside the Judeo - Christian stream, most of the Old Testament either consists of historical material, or is expressed with due regard to the historical nature of human life.
And whatever we may ultimately judge to be the historical nature and structure of the biblical event, we must reckon with Israel's reading of it if we are to understand historical Israel.
Since Hinduism as a mystic religion can not comprehend this historical nature of prophetic missionary religions, it gives them also a mystic interpretation; so much so, Hinduism can not tolerate them until these religions themselves accept the mystic interpretation of the unity and equality of all religions.
This is a major issue in the contemporary debate: does Bultmann's view do less than justice to the historical nature of Christian faith or violence to the Incarnation?
Due to the historical nature of these buildings, smoking or e-cigarettes are not allowed in any of the buildings.There is a designated smoking area at the front of the Park and in the Historical Village beside the Roundhouse for both regular and e-cigarettes.
The Interior Department confirmed the project, saying it is both necessary to replace old doors that are in «disrepair» and attributing the high cost to the historical nature of the building.
There is a reason why I reflected mostly on the historical nature of the terms and did not try to make statements about the current situation which is much more complex;)
These individuals were most familiar with Mario Cuomo's intent in keeping the words «Tappan Zee,» to preserve the historical nature of the Dutch and Indian roots of this area.
Going by appearances, her sole guiding imperative was to play a pale caricature of Obama whenever in front of a camera, endlessly invoking the historical nature of her candidacy and talking about the «coalition of the ascendant» as if they were the only people in the country who counted.
If you're interested in maintaining the historical nature of the town of Saugerties, as well as the beauty of the road and its environment, please set this time aside and attend this meeting.
Men prefer books of a historical nature while women opt for romance and literature.
Today's blog will deal with the historical nature of the income tax rules, while the second blog will deal with the income tax implications of transferring or gifting a cottage and finally in the third blog, I will discuss alternative income tax planning opportunities that may mitigate or defer income tax upon the transfer of a family cottage.
Please note: all rooms are on the first floor of the Palazzo and there is no elevator due to the historical nature of the building.
There are also some first - person sniping sections, which break up the platforming action — more importantly, they actually feel relevant to the historical nature of the game.
Appearance and illusion, the historical nature of cameras and of the photographic print, what we see or think we see in the act of perception, and how things are revealed photographically have long been at play in Welling's work.
While her contemporaries staged the relations between painting and photography, Sillman chose instead to look at other mass media forms of image making, selecting the diagram as her lever to open the historical nature of painting to the present.
The title «MADE HERE» carries not only multiple definitions, but multiple conceptual meanings ranging from location to identity, the politics of materials and the historical nature of place.
In a genre traditionally dominated by men, Brown is interested in not only the historical nature of landscape painting but more importantly the legacy it has left behind.
[89] It only referred to the historical nature of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples connection with the land, and omitted any reference to custodianship:
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