Sentences with phrase «historical novelist»

A historical novelist is a writer who creates stories set in the past. They research historical events, settings, and characters to bring an era to life through their fictional narratives. Full definition
Cheesy enough to make even Chester Cheetah gag, The Last Legion takes historical novelist Valerio Massimo Manfredi's novel and crafts an even more juvenile adventure tale out of it, with about as much adherence to historical accuracy and realism as Stephen Sommers» The Mummy, except that this film lacks the wink - wink sense of humor required to accept such trite shenanigans.
Jerene's brother Gaston is an infamously dissolute bestselling historical novelist who has never managed to begin his long - dreamed - of masterpiece, and their sister Dillard's unfortunate life decisions and losses have rendered her a near - recluse.
Literary agent and historical novelist William C. Hammond just released the second book in his Cutler Chronicles about an east coast merchant shipping dynasty.
Historical novelist Naomi Mitchison, daughter and sister of the two great Haldane scientists, also sees part of the function of SF as warning: «Who better to bring the disasters which we are making for ourselves forcibly home to voters and opinion - makers than committed SF writers?»
The HNS scheme is now blessed with a new Award, thanks to the pioneering campaign by my lovely friend Helen Hollick, herself a bestselling historical novelist with a heart as big as a house.
An Amazon - induced email also introduced me to Carol M Cram, another debut historical novelist, whose story of medieval Italian artists, The Towers of Tuscany, kept me entertained on my journey to and from the Cambridge Literary Festival recently.
- The New Yorker «Vidal is a masterly American historical novelist... Vidal's imagination of American politics, then and now, is so powerful as to compel awe.»
- New York Times Book Review «Our greatest living historical novelist
When my mother, the best - selling historical novelist, Ariana Franklin, died suddenly and unexpectedly four years ago, she left a great big hole in my life and a half - finished novel.
Historical novelist Jude Morgan comes up with his own Bardic backstory in The Secret Life of William Shakespeare (St. Martin's), which opens in 1582, shortly before Shakespeare meets his wife - to - be Ann Hathaway.
One of America's most prominent historical novelists takes on one of the country's greatest scandals in Watergate.
Barbara's master classes, online programs, and manuscript evaluations have launched many writers to published success, including bestselling mystery author Robert Rotenberg, historical novelists Ann Birch, Tom Taylor, and Barbara Wade Rose, debut novelist Christine Higdon, thriller writer Carrie Rubin, and Steven T. Wax for his award - winning memoir.
Kind regards from a (regretfully as yet unpublished) historical novelist in New Zealand, some distance from Brooklyn.
Kicking off Blogoversary content right here on August 1 will be Simon & Schuster historical novelist Ron Hansen, whose book became the movie «The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford».
Today my guest is the indie published historical novelist Celia Hayes.
Susann Cokal is a moody historical novelist, a pop - culture essayist, book critic, magazine editor, and professor of creative writing and modern literature.
UPDATE: I'm adding here a comment we got from historical novelist Sarah Sundin that answers some of the questions we've been getting in the comments.
On the death of Sir Walter Scott in 1832, the city of Edinburgh agrees on designing a monument to the world wide famous Scottish historical novelist, playwright and poet.
Literary agent and historical novelist William C. Hammond just released the second book in his Cutler Chronicles about Boston's merchant shipping dynasty.
The moment he begins to stretch the facts to prove a point or to tell a good story from his imagination, at that moment he becomes a propagandist or perhaps a historical novelist, but he ceases to be a true historian.
A good friend of ours, David Penny, a historical novelist and technical manager of the Alliance of Independent Authors, will be attending to video the event, so we hope to be able to share that with you in due course.
Stephanie Barko, Literary Publicist's award - winning clients include traditional publishers and their authors, small presses, and independently published adult nonfiction writers and historical novelists.
Confident that she has a considerable fan base of satisfied readers around the world, plus a highly - respected status within the Historical Novelists» Society, Helen decided to take her fortune into her own hands (in every sense) and self - publish.
Mrs. Poe is yet another attempt by a historical novelist to paint a picture of what if.
Each of us historical novelists has our own «accuracy barometer», which is set to warn us of fair sailing or stormy weather ahead.
As a historical novelist, I draw from whatever era my current book is about for topics of interest to the audience in that city or region.
This issue contains: Cover Story, The Changing Notion of the «Historical Novelist»: An Interview with Tracy Chevalier by Claire Morris Historical...
I'm also in the hotseat for ALLi's monthly self - publishing Q&A, in league with my author chum, the historical novelist David Penny.
If you are a historical novelist, you could interview an expert about the time period your latest book is set in.
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