Sentences with phrase «historical relic»

From historical relics of Mayan civilization, to sandy beaches, Cancun has it all.
«We want to distinguish comets as they formed from the processing they might have experienced, like separating historical relics from later contamination.»
Unholding is also accompanied by a full schedule of discussions, readings, performances, and screenings, pushing it further toward the contextual, as opposed to a set of static artworks on view, which is appropriate given that indigenous peoples rarely approach cultural objects — sacred or secular — this way, while Western institutions have generally treated these same objects as historical relics meant for anthropological display.
The investigation traces the path of Lincoln's assassination blood trail, searching for historical relics stained with Lincoln's blood.
If Christianity remains tied to a common sense from the past and does not adapt and reach out to the common sense of the future it will become a mere historical relic.
Is a theologian of the cross a curious historical relic spreading pessimism where desperate people are hanging on by their fingertips?
Did you know that there are nine miles of culture and history with sculptures, paintings, other art, and religious and historical relics in the Vatican Museums, including their most famous attraction — the Sistine Chapel?
One of the most famous historical relics on the Mediterranean, the Bodrum Castle built by the Saint John Knights attracts many domestic and foreign tourists every year.
Indonesia is a wonderful blend of culture, mystical eastern lands and intriguing historical relics.
Next The State Museum, built in 1821, houses a fine collection of old photographs, maps, charts and other historical relics.
Unlike the console titles, which normally have Drake bouncing all over the world seeking some grand historical relic, Golden Abyss keeps the action solely in the jungle (well, and in temples found in said jungle).
Here's the set - up: Irem Madigan's wedding trip to Rome turns into a desperate search for historical relics, and a struggle to stay ahead of a -LSB-...]
It doesn't represent everyone it is a piece on display as a historical relic.
«The museum is not building a place for religious worship, they are preserving a historical relic that was meaningful to a great many people and part of the story of 9/11.»
for example, that there can be no forgiveness without the shedding of blood seems to most people a historical relic.
Martyrdom is not a tragic mistake, nor is it a historical relic from a bygone age.
For decades scholars had assumed that Orthodoxy was a historical relic, comprising at most 5 percent of the American Jewish population.
This legislation would alter a historical relic which dates back to the 1701 Act of Settlement.
It's now an historical relic.
It's good to remember that abuse of a primarily immigrant agricultural workforce doesn't just happen in other states, or isn't a historical relic, like something out of a Steinbeck novel.
Given how far sports games have progressed, this might work best as a nostalgia trip or a historical relic, but who knows, maybe this is just what you've been looking for.
Your yield on cost is a historical relic that has no bearing on anything going forward.
For dinner spots, check out the Oyster Club for some of the best seafood in the area or the Captain Daniel Packer Inne, a historical relic kept intact since 1756 with dishes that match its seaside atmosphere.
Liberating camps aren't simple «ram your car through the front gate and just run everyone over» missions either, as they offer groups of enemies to face with scrap to loot, ammo and water to find, and historical relics to secure that give players an idea of how things were when life was simple.
It's a curiosity at best, a historical relic of Nintendo's early days when they hadn't yet landed on the concept of quality and polish as the primary distinguishing trait of their software.
Complementing Levine's other selected biological and historical relics (such as horns from New Mexico and masks from Tanzania), Khmer Torso explores the fetishistic preservation of such sources, presented almost as dusty museum artefacts for examination, investigation and interpretation.
Hiller thinks of artmaking of an unconscious, unforced process, digging deep into the realm of the spiritual with the aim to unearth deep - seated cultural and historical relics.
The mainstream is now a historical relic, and I think it's a good thing, if I may.
'' [I] f business today wants their employees to see unions as a historical relic, at a minimum it needs to listen and make worker concerns and communication a priority.
The original president flag as a post-monarchic symbol, a historical relic of centralized power, was successfully acquired by Ztohoven after which it was cut to 2x24x24 small pieces and mapped to the decentralized Bitcoin blockchain.
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