Sentences with phrase «historical research papers»

In addition, Nathan has been widely recognized throughout York University for his historical research papers.
«Even now, as I stare at the three historical research papers that I have to write this month,» says Juster, now a student at the University of California at Berkeley, «I think to myself, «This is nothing.

Not exact matches

And in stock markets, here is a paper from the Treasury's Office of Financial Research arguing «that U.S. stock prices today appear high by historical standards» and discussing relevant financial - stability issues.
But in 2000, shortly after he started teaching at the University of Chicago's Graduate School of Business, Piotroski published a groundbreaking paper in the Journal of Accounting Research entitled «Value Investing: The Use of Historical Financial Statement Information to Separate Winners from Losers».
The paper presents «an interesting historical review of the issue of aerosols in the air and snow and in Arctic haze,» says snow hydrologist Joseph McConnell of the Desert Research Institute in Reno, Nevada.
In addition to supporting the endowment of the library, Mrs. Sawin donated Dr. Sawin's personal library collection which includes more than 6,500 books, meeting programs from endocrine organizations circa 1930 through current day, professional and personal research papers, slides, and many historical articles.
Most famously, in 2003, Soon co-authored a paper in the journal Climate Research that questioned the standard interpretation of climate change over the past millennium and argued that recent warming is not unusual by historical standards.
Not many of us might have seen a research paper on the value of blogs as historical archives, by Dr Deborah Gabriel.
He has researched and completed academic papers on a numbers of films, filmmakers and historical film movements, including French New Wave, Italian Neorealism, Hollywood Cinema, New Korean Cinema, New Iranian Cinema, Documentary Cinema, Silent Cinema, New German Cinema and Post-Revolutionary Cuban Cinema.
Visual - arts teacher Kelly Trpic, another Scholars» Academy teacher, retooled a research paper into a new assignment in which students analyze historical materials to interpret artworks in the context in which they were created.
When the term paper for his social studies class rolled around, Juan and I watched historical documentaries online and then turned his research into a stellar Google Docs presentation which incorporated all of the key elements of the CCSS for writing a research paper.
Cold War History Essay If you've got the assignment to write an essay about historical events, Cold War for example, you are expected to write a research paper.
Supporting material is historical events, incontestable facts, and even your personal life experience and previous research papers.
In his research paper called «Value Investing: The Use of Historical Financial Statement Information to Separate Winners from Losers», he noted:
To get a sense of the mix of whaling - era data, tracking and modeling used to estimate past blue whale abundance, read this PloS ONE paper by an overlapping research team from last year: «Estimating Historical Eastern North Pacific Blue Whale Catches Using Spatial Calling Patterns.»
The new paper, published last week in the journal Climatic Change, builds on earlier research finding that nearly two - thirds of historical greenhouse gas emissions came from the products and operations of just 90 companies — mostly fossil fuel producers, plus a few cement companies.
Anthony Watts» paper, Analysis of the impacts of station exposure on the U.S. Historical Climatology Network temperatures and temperature trends, is in press at the Journal of Geophysical Research.
In a significant development for anyone who conducts historical research, the New York Times announced today that its online archive of news stories now includes all articles back to Sept. 18, 1851, the day the paper started publishing.
Anderson, Jonas and Menell, Peter S., From De Novo Review to Informal Deference: An Historical, Empirical, and Normative Analysis of the Standard of Appellate Review for Patent Claim Construction, UC Berkeley Public Law Research Paper (September 20, 2012)
Any historical research involving Manitoba regulations tends to be paper - intensive.
A researcher might work in testing the efficacy of a new medicine, designing engineering programs, creating a historical profile or assisting students or teachers in researching information for term papers, articles or journal publications.
Access Exposé of LA Urban Forestry Division Handling of CEQA Regulations Google Suite Conducted interviews, historical record analysis, city tree code breakdown, ArcGIS research paper.
The first paper entitled, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Aboriginal People in Canada: Review of Risk Factors, the Current State of Knowledge and Directions for Further Research, indicates that Aboriginal people in Canada are more likely than non-Aboriginal people to experience traumatic events in their lifetimes including historical, collective and individual trauma.
On the cultural and methodological biases associated with the use of written records of the past over oral testimony, see A Curthoys, «The Proof of Continuity of Native Title: An Historical Perspective», Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Native Title Research Unit, Issues Series Paper no 18 of 1997.
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