Sentences with phrase «historical study»

It was never intended to be a detailed historical study of great political events so I find it a bit silly that people are treating it as such.
The cornerstone of faith is the stumbling block for historical study.
It's just a far - reaching mediation on art, not an art historical study at all.
But, perhaps we need a longer, more intense, period of interpretation of systematic theological study and religious historical studies.
Whereas historical study was interested in the world referred to by the text, literary study directed its attention to the world constructed in the text.
In each of these cases, a careful historical study of the origin and growth of the movement is helpful, even indispensable, but no one approach by itself provides the answers.
I was a christian for 99 % of my life and after much historical study I made a personal choice to give up my faith.
In addition, historical study keeps attention focused on important questions about our own history, including that of the individual reader.
A full historical study of love in the Christian tradition would be a life task in itself.
Historical studies indicate that most investors should start by limiting themselves to a 4 % withdrawal rate that is subsequently adjusted for inflation.
This phenomenon, more important for historical study than the isolated data which reflect it, is the existence of the early Church.
Only those who can engage in careful historical study can participate in it.
This literary approach differed from historical study in significant ways.
derstanding is based on historical studies and there has been no comprehensive reappraisal of the pathology of
Joanna Potts received a First Class degree in Historical Studies from the University of Bristol.
Reading the Bible this way does not rule out inspirational reading, but it does insist that we know what the writers wanted to say only by historical study.
His ambitious pursuits stretch across a vast range of media, from photographic collages to full - scale opera stagings and from fax drawings to an intensive art historical study of the optical devices of Old Masters.
Punishing the Criminal Corpse, 1700 - 1840: Aggravated Forms of the Death Penalty in England (Palgrave Historical Studies in the Criminal Corpse and its Afterlife)
The fact that Atwill had neither scholarly credentials (he's a retired computer programmer) nor a jot of support from any academic in historical studies didn't seem to matter.
To continue to believe a literalist theory of scriptural inspiration seems no longer an option to anyone who has investigated the results of modern historical study of the scriptures.»
Dr. Bernard Stonehouse is an environmental biologist with the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, and the Maritime Historical Studies Centre, University of Hull.
This is because historical study tends to relativize everything it studies.
A lead essay by Katherine Brinson probes the artist's roving, research - based process in which historical study, fortuitous encounters and personal relationships are woven into psychologically potent tableaux.
This article is an excerpt from Matisse in the Barnes Foundation (Thames & Hudson, 2016), edited by Yve - Alain Bois, Professor in the School of Historical Studies since 2005.
Advances in lexicography and archaeology have put us in a place to know more about the ancient world than it knew about itself As an exegete I know no higher moment than the dawn of truth rising from the meticulous application of linguistic and other historical study.
Stemming from his work over twenty years as Associate Editor of the Ontario Historical Studies Series, Peter knew just how important it was to have a publishing programme into which scholars could collaborate to build a library of integrated scholarshipAnd one that wasn't quite as dry as the Selden Society.
He was a History Professor at York University, author of five books, Editor - in - Chief of The Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, and Associate Editor of The Ontario Historical Studies Series.
Here, we are concerned only to show the kinds of results historical study of the Bible sometimes has.
Never, so far as I can tell, has modern historical study made it impossible for a contemporary person concerned about intellectual integrity to believe what the Church (or the synagogue) has long taught as necessary for true faith.
Once historical studies have pointed us in the right direction, however, it is actually quite easy to sketch (in a very loose and general way) the epistemological absurdity of the attempt to found knowledge without the transcendental final cause that is God.
In his previous, more historical studies, Walsh explored overlooked sources, often outside the liberal canon, that made the value of personal experience central to modern political thought.
These are questions worth asking, since the same issue of First Things included a glowing review of an integralist historical study that was «the hot beach read of the summer» («An Integralist Manifesto,» October).
Glover moves between delineating a psychology of sympathy, dignity and moral identity and presenting detailed historical studies of the most heinous events of the past century.
At the same time, however, it is important for us to add that scientifically historical study of the tradition is an important and necessary corrective to the possible excesses of a more passionate approach.
To be mentioned also are the work of theologians such as Karl Rahuer in his Theological Investigations, and specialized historical studies, often by Catholics like Hubert Jedin, Otto Herman Pesch and Vinzeng Pfnür, on the Reformation period and the Council of Trent.
In any case, able historical studies have already set forth the story of revelation theology, and they require no duplication here.
The rest of this chapter will show briefly how historical study of the Bible proceeds and the kinds of questions it leads the Bible and its readers to ask one another.
Historical study alone can not solve all the problems we have with the Bible.
(b) The Bible itself requires historical study because it is pre-eminently concerned with history.
Both faiths use historical study to keep from inflating themselves with religious fantasy or speculation.
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