Sentences with phrase «historical traditions in»

Nara integrates elements of his Western education with historical traditions in Japanese art, crafting a distinct aesthetic and process.
The selection also illustrates some of the art - historical traditions in L.A. such as 1960s Pop art, the Conceptual art of the 1970s, Minimalism with its Finish Fetish, the Light and Space movement, the great and important post-conceptual movements, and not least all the artists with a social and political engagement.
In Russia there are some historical traditions in naming dogs.
Thus we are delivered from the merely contemporary and have entrance into all the richness of the historical tradition in which we stand.
pp. 300 - 303, and Historical Tradition in the Fourth Gospel.
The work of C. H. Dodd on the historical tradition in the fourth gospel does not help us appreciably here, because, even if we grant his case (and we could not accept his basic premise that early tradition and historical tradition are synonymous), 63.
Our encounters with the past occur within the historical tradition in which we are already situated and which alone makes knowledge possible.
Religious claims, in this regard, are a series of propositions which are coherent in their own terms and which generate a historical tradition in which believers struggle to reconcile their understanding of truth - claims with the pressures of life and experience.
Blessing becomes her grandmother's apprentice midwife in Tiny Sunbirds Far Away, becoming part of a long and proud historical tradition in her family, and in the human family.

Not exact matches

It would be a devastating blow to the historical 60 - vote threshold for advancing most bills in the Senate and an unacceptable step for senators who pride themselves on tradition and deliberation.
This would assume an «imaginative,» not a historical, disposition: a divine intent in history, God - gifted immutable laws of morality, to which man has a duty to conform; order as a first requirement of good governance, achieved best by a restraint and respect for custom and tradition; variety as more desirable than systematic uniformity and liberty more desirable than equality; the honor and duty of a good life in a good community as taking precedence over individual desire; an embrace of a skepticism toward reason and abstract principle.
As Evangelicals and Catholics fully committed to our respective heritages, we affirm together the coinherence of Scripture and tradition: tradition is not a second source of revelation alongside the Bible but must ever be corrected and informed by it, and Scripture itself is not understood in a vacuum apart from the historical existence and life of the community of faith.
They are revealed by God's historical and dialogical self - revelation by words and deeds, and in the fullness of time by God's eternal Son becoming flesh in a certain time and space of history; in church history under the guidance of the Holy Spirit they have to be witnessed to and developed through the living tradition (see the dogmatic constitution Dei Verbum, 2, 8).
Thus, to invoke the Russian Church's traditions of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries requires us to engage in historical reconstruction rather than to nurture beliefs and practices that are ongoing.
In the current patrimony of Russia — whether cultural, historical, social, philosophical, or religious — there is only one tradition that is being passed on to the next generation.
In my earlier years I had little doubt about not only the moral superiority but also the historical future of the values of the liberal democratic tradition.
The crowd scenes are from the worst Hollywood tradition — the participants not untrained, but trained in a manner that suggests the lavishness of the production more than the reality of the historical moment.
It may be that in the course of history certain dimensions of saving truth become obscured and must be recovered but it is impossible for a theologian to stand apart from tradition and begin his work ab initio; to do so would be to cut himself off from the Church, which is the source sine qua non of theology, and to deny the historical givenness of Revelation.
Kirk then examines efforts to argue in favour of the ordination of women from Scripture and Tradition, exposing the sparseness of the proposed evidence and uncovering remarkable deficiencies in historical scholarship.
Balthasar provided historical outlines of the Catholic tradition in culture, and he strove toward erecting an explanatory system for ordering the rather individualistic views of many of his predecessors.
The underlying tradition in the Gospel of Mark, and its view of Jesus, is fundamentally Palestinian — this all historical critics now recognize.
Professor Branscomb truly says: «Fact and theology had already been combined in this tradition, and what is often described as Mark's theology is really the early Christian belief as to the historical facts.»
The effort to distinguish a historical event from later interpretation is a standard historical procedure, just as it is to question the historicity of such details in the tradition as dearly betray that later interpretation.
In Historical Jesus [p. 371] Crossan treats this cluster, like 7 Of David's Lineage, as an example of the interplay of prophecy and history in the development of the Jesus traditionIn Historical Jesus [p. 371] Crossan treats this cluster, like 7 Of David's Lineage, as an example of the interplay of prophecy and history in the development of the Jesus traditionin the development of the Jesus traditions.
Reconciliation Blues: A Black Evangelical's Inside View of White Christianity by Edward Gilbreath: Those in the evangelical tradition will benefit from this honest and insightful book that weaves together personal experience and historical consideration to explore the state of racial reconciliation in the church.
For although it can not lead to a suspension of that method, it does draw our attention to the basic problem which it presents: «According to our historical method employed thus far, we have before us apparently authentic material about Jesus in the tradition of the sayings of the Lord, only when the material can be understood neither [as derived] from primitive Christian preaching nor from Judaism.
If we wish to persist in the quest to uncover a historical core to the tradition, then it would be far wiser to attend to the wider pattern of ideas that the various traditions about Jesus create.
Both the message and the allegory have been sturdy traditions in Christian literature and, as Lynch suggested in his comments on the univocal imagination, they share the characteristic of tending to flatten out the complexities of historical life for the sake of the «idea.»
In the broader historical perspective Whitehead thus stands in the neo-Platonic tradition which situated Platonic «Ideas» in God and [230] interpreted them as God's ideas for creatioIn the broader historical perspective Whitehead thus stands in the neo-Platonic tradition which situated Platonic «Ideas» in God and [230] interpreted them as God's ideas for creatioin the neo-Platonic tradition which situated Platonic «Ideas» in God and [230] interpreted them as God's ideas for creatioin God and [230] interpreted them as God's ideas for creation.
When later tradition interprets Moses as a performing prophet, as a prophet whose primary medium is not utterance, but action, we wonder if this may not reflect typo - logical characterization at least in part; the tendency, that is, to see in Moses and Samuel a common «type,» playing similarly vigorous, creative historical roles.
Unitarian Universalism, as a liberal religion, sits in a dynamic tension between our historical roots and traditions, and the freshness and innovation of ongoing revelation.
The three arguments against the authenticity of the allegorizing explanations are: (1) they use the language and concepts of the early Church, not of the historical Jesus; (2) they belong to late strata of the tradition; (3) in their allegorizing, they are parallel to the allegorizing touches demonstrably added to the parallels in the course of their transmission by the Church.)
Furthermore, Ogden recognizes that there is a definite historical connection between the Christian tradition on the one hand, and existentialism and process philosophy on the other.57 Would one not have to say that both of these forms of philosophy became possibilities in fact only as a result of the emergence of Christian faith in history, and of the particular direction the theological tradition developed?
«In [Historical Jesus](p. 371) Crossan treats this cluster, like 007 Of Davids Lineage, as an example of the interplay of prophecy and history in the development of the Jesus traditionIn [Historical Jesus](p. 371) Crossan treats this cluster, like 007 Of Davids Lineage, as an example of the interplay of prophecy and history in the development of the Jesus traditionin the development of the Jesus traditions.
The Beelzebul controversy which Mark (3.19 - 22) supplies as the context for his version of the tradition with which we are concerned may or may not be historical, but it is certainly evidence for the fact that in the first century exorcisms as such were comparatively meaningless until they were interpreted.
As Johann Baptist Metz and John Cobb have seen in correspondence, it is the memoria of the Christ - event that plays a crucial role in the theological notion of revelation.10 In this view a certain historical tradition of narration and reflection recalls the experience of a unique revealing event by memorin correspondence, it is the memoria of the Christ - event that plays a crucial role in the theological notion of revelation.10 In this view a certain historical tradition of narration and reflection recalls the experience of a unique revealing event by memorin the theological notion of revelation.10 In this view a certain historical tradition of narration and reflection recalls the experience of a unique revealing event by memorIn this view a certain historical tradition of narration and reflection recalls the experience of a unique revealing event by memory.
Not only is it true that the idea of the consequent nature of God is metaphysically dependent upon a particular historical tradition, but I would also suggest the possibility that it is directed wholly and without remainder to what the Christian, and only the Christian, has known as the total and final presence of God in Christ.
That it has all but disappeared from the gospel tradition is an indication of how far removed from historical reminiscence of the ministry of Jesus that tradition is, in its present form.
In contrast to the classical tradition, he declares that truth is not found in the unchanging essences lying behind the flow of time, but is essentially historical and ultimately eschatologicaIn contrast to the classical tradition, he declares that truth is not found in the unchanging essences lying behind the flow of time, but is essentially historical and ultimately eschatologicain the unchanging essences lying behind the flow of time, but is essentially historical and ultimately eschatological.
No tradition ever was or will be conserved by rejecting the enriching possibilities for change in the pluralistic reality of every historical
Whenever pluralism becomes too content with a relaxed model of «dialogue,» it can ignore the need for conflict and the actualities of systematic distortions in the personal (psychosis), historical (alienation and oppression) and religious (sin) dimensions of every person, culture and tradition.
In the theological discourse of our time, the word «asceticism» has become one that collects everything we want to reject in ourselves and in historical Christian traditioIn the theological discourse of our time, the word «asceticism» has become one that collects everything we want to reject in ourselves and in historical Christian traditioin ourselves and in historical Christian traditioin historical Christian tradition.
At the level of assumption, the historical consciousness is the awareness that every event or entity (including persons or religious traditions) possesses its own finite, historical context and can be explained exhaustively in terms of that context.
'' Professor Crossan [Historical Jesus, 391 - 94] includes a discussion of Jesus» burial in his treatment of the death tradition.
They not only challenge the consensus of several decades but also suggest the historical conditioning of Holiness theology, raise questions about the varieties of theologies in the New Testament, and focus issues about the historical and theological relationships between Holiness and Pentecostal traditions.
I have tried to say something about the sort of thing it is for a Christian to believe in God and about the way in which this belief is rooted in a living historical tradition.
In one sense canonical criticism is an extension of historical criticism's interest in the development of traditionIn one sense canonical criticism is an extension of historical criticism's interest in the development of traditionin the development of traditions.
«While noting that the burial tradition may be simply a postulate «derived from the fact of Jesus» death or knowledge of Jewish purity concerns» rather than the memory of an historical event, Luedemann's own preference, influenced in part by John 19:31 - 37 and Acts 13:20, is that Jesus was buried by Jews who were not his followers.
A little over a decade ago, I traced that theme through various theological traditions in my book Redemption and Historical Reality.
Whereas Childs is a Presbyterian committed to reformulating the classical Calvinist doctrine of sola scriptura in response to the challenge of historical criticism, Barr's more modernistic position, as we have seen, awards a much smaller role to the Bible in the ascertainment of truth and a large role to post-biblical tradition, which he often sees as a corrective and an improvement over the Bible.
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