Sentences with phrase «historical traditions including»

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Such a principle of historical thinking has led to significant reinterpretation of biblical materials, including the miracle traditions about Jesus, the resurrection, and the ascription of titles of divinity to Jesus.
At the level of assumption, the historical consciousness is the awareness that every event or entity (including persons or religious traditions) possesses its own finite, historical context and can be explained exhaustively in terms of that context.
'' Professor Crossan [Historical Jesus, 391 - 94] includes a discussion of Jesus» burial in his treatment of the death tradition.
Second, the Christian vision of reality includes implications not only about God, humanity, and the world, but also about a particular historical tradition, with Jesus at its center.
The past which the Christian community or tradition inherits is first of all the event from which it took its origin — Jesus Christ as an historical reality, with all that this includes such as the preparation in Judaism for his coming, the way in which he was received and understood in his own time, his own sense of vocation for whatever he undertook, and the way in which he has come to have significance for later generations.
Higher criticism includes an analysis of the literary genre of the text, its historical background, the history of the oral tradition behind the text, and the cultural and psychological factors at work on the author and editor (or editors) of the text.
Most include an historical homage to long established tradition: Look for mention of guilds, agrarian reform, and Aristotle's theory of the polis.
Some of these activities include live musicians, presentations on the historical significance of the Chinese tradition and demonstrations of cultural arts.
Since then, his work has been included in several historical shows, including A Shared Tradition: Art by Four African Americans at the Indianapolis Museum of Art (1996) and Abstract Expressionism: Further Evidence at Michael Rosenfeld Gallery (2009).
Blurring the lines between painting and sculpture, imagery and objecthood, her work frequently includes plays on art historical references and traditions.
In this presentation Brice expands her recent use of a near single colour palette to include dynamic reds and deep greens to create large - scale paintings which address the art - historical tradition of the female nude.
At CCS Bard she will continue this research further, intertwining the artist's garden in a layered field of research including contemporary notions of ecology, the anthropocene, botany, practices of community - and radical gardening, as well as the more cultural historical tradition.
The ever - shifting series of images in Thomas's dynamic video include many historical referents such as classicizing, white women of the French academic tradition and pictures of Sarah Baartman, so - called «Hottentot Venus,» a South African woman who was exhibited in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
Morton made art in a wide variety of mediums, including drawing and painting, but her sculptures that lay flat on the ground are the most memorable, a kind of an antiphallic statement that seemed to rebel against art - historical tradition, and sculpture's monumentality in particular.
Reflecting on the influence that Concrete art's appearance and concepts had on later manifestations of abstract art, including Op - art and Hard - Edge painting, Saul Sánchez utilizes the square, repeatedly, as a reference to the historical traditions he is addressing.
Examples include the sewn and woven images of artist and former professional skateboarder Tony Cox, Philippine artist Brenda Fajardo's works using indigenous materials that recall her country's visual and oral storytelling traditions, and Christina Forrer's tapestries blending elements from Swiss folklore and historical European tapestry with contemporary pop and street culture.
See the discussion by Tonkinson of the intrinsically social and historical constituents of tradition, and the tendency of non-indigenous commentators to exclude the possibility that authenticity is retained where tradition includes components that post-date the European invasion or have economic significance: R Tonkinson,» Anthropology and Aboriginal Tradition: The Hindmarsh Island Affair and the Politics of Interpretation», (1997) 68 Oceania 1 at 11 - 12,tradition, and the tendency of non-indigenous commentators to exclude the possibility that authenticity is retained where tradition includes components that post-date the European invasion or have economic significance: R Tonkinson,» Anthropology and Aboriginal Tradition: The Hindmarsh Island Affair and the Politics of Interpretation», (1997) 68 Oceania 1 at 11 - 12,tradition includes components that post-date the European invasion or have economic significance: R Tonkinson,» Anthropology and Aboriginal Tradition: The Hindmarsh Island Affair and the Politics of Interpretation», (1997) 68 Oceania 1 at 11 - 12,Tradition: The Hindmarsh Island Affair and the Politics of Interpretation», (1997) 68 Oceania 1 at 11 - 12, 18 - 19.
Finally, respect for human rights obligations, especially the right of indigenous communities «to practice and revitalise their cultural traditions and customs» [74] and to equality before the law, including in the enjoyment of the right to equal treatment before the tribunals and all other organs administering justice [75], calls for the development of principles which address the unique evidentiary issues involved in native title litigation, including the reality of claims based substantially upon orally - transmitted traditions, the lack of written records of indigenous laws and customs, the «unsceptical» receipt of uncorroborated historical evidence incapable of being tested under cross-examination, and the epistemological, ideological and cultural limitations of historical assessments of traditional laws and customs by non-indigenous commentators.
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