Sentences with phrase «history come to life»

And older kids will enjoy seeing history come to life at Forts La Baye and Howard.
The idea of seeing this era of Chinese history come to life has magnificent appeal to fans of the franchise.
Scenic Highlights: Stand in the shadows of Todra Gorge, take in the dramatic view at Ait Ben Haddou, see history come to life in ancient medinas, ride a camel to a desert camp, explore this land of mystery for yourself.
This week, the Peter Greenberg Worldwide Radio Show broadcasts from a place where interactive exhibits and history come to life — the National World War II Museum in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Let history come to life with an escape room lesson!
Make history come to life in this full - bodied transportation exploration.
Come and explore as the people and iconic achievements of western Canadian history come to life, right before your eyes.
It's fashion history come to life — think of this as your personal catwalk.
Pioneer history comes to life this weekend during the 10th anniversary of the «TRAIL OF HISTORY» at Glacial Park.
Hollywood history comes to life in this tale of the last days of Frankenstein director James Whale (McKellen).
History comes to life at the Royal BC Museum and other cultural attractions.
Germany offers so much for young people — the chance to explore our exciting cities, where history comes to life alongside the latest innovations, or discover our amazing landscapes.
White Elephant (1860 ---RRB- is a meditation on how family histories come to life and retain vitality through photographs and artifacts.
Libraries are places where new ideas are born, places where history comes to life.

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«The basic elements of this story are repeated in the lives of all of the great Masters in history: a youthful passion or predilection, a chance encounter that allows them to discover how to apply it, an apprenticeship in which they come alive with energy and focus.
She says her first «breakthrough» with him came after she traveled to Jamaica and began piecing together his early life history.
«You are the most diverse class in Northeastern's history — in other words, you are Donald Trump's worst nightmare... I think that everything that we've lived and learned tells us that we will never come out on top if we accept advice from soundbite salesmen and carnival barkers who pretend the most powerful country on Earth can remain great by looking inward and hiding behind walls at a time that technology has made that impossible to do and unwise to even attempt.
«Generally this comes from founders who have lived the problems they're solving and have a history of succeeding despite big setbacks, but they don't necessarily have to be a serial entrepreneur.»
The insights provided to Jay came from a history professor in 1967 who advised Jay that when countries go off a gold or silver standard, hard economic times are sure to follow because nations begin to think they do not need to work hard and save to enjoy a better life.
Many came here to better their lives and those of their families in ways that are in sync with American history and values.
The Jatravartids, who live in perpetual fear of the time they call «The Coming of the Great White Handkerchief», are small, blue creatures with more than fifty arms each, who are therefore unique in being the only race in history to have invented the aerosol deodorant before the wheel.
You entirely miss the value of mankind's history of coming to terms with the enigma of existence, and how best to conduct one's life.
(Gen 3:20) And it will depend upon us as to where we are personally going, be it life in a paradise earth forever (Rev 21:3 - 5) or return to ground from which we came when we die, having been just a speck in the time line of history.
It was said that «the best of defense is to attack»... --- Those allowed such to be signed knew all the time that this is what was going to happen because it happened repeatedly through out history from time of the crusaders but still they continued with signing it because it meant for them money pouring in for all involved with the trading on this issue which has spoiled the life of the Palestinians and all Arabs ever started war over those lands started with swords and horses that has developed into the present arms that we became to know and only God knows how future arms would look like in few de-ca-des or cen - tur - ies that are yet to come...?!
To say there is no evidence for the real existence of the most discussed figure in history denies the unique manner in which Christianity came about (a claim that God came in the flesh conveyed with real life details, etc).
We shall have the root of the matter in us; we shall have come to recognize that in the history leading up to our Lord, and with the coming of Jesus himself, there were released into the world, and that in what we may rightly call an unprecedented fashion, energies for good which have changed the lives of men and through them the face of nature too, and that these same energies are still available whenever men turn, in faith and with utter self - surrender, to the Lord of all life.
When the last things refer to the life of the world or history as a whole, they customarily include the second coming of Jesus, the resurrection of the dead, general judgment (eliminating an interim state and resulting in heaven or hell), and the consummation of the world.
It is now the history of humanity as lived under the impact of the new faith which is born out of response to Jesus, and through which a new «people» has come into being which lives by the mercy God has shown in him.
thinks, that the Tigris and the Euphrates have not a common source, that the Dead Sea had been in existence long before human beings came to live in Palestine, instead of originating in historical times, and so on... We are able to comprehend this as the naive conception of the men of old, but we can not regard belief in the literal truth of such accounts as an essential of religious conviction... And every one who perceives the peculiar poetic charm of these old legends must feel irritated by the barbarian — for there are pious barbarians — who thinks he is putting the true value upon these narratives only when he treats them as prose and history.
And, if it can be shown that God spoke to such a people in the past, we can more readily believe that the living Lord of history can come into my life today and transform it by his presence.
In taking this sixth step, Christians affirm that the «tendency toward the human and the humane (toward «Christ») in the ultimate nature of things» which has existed since the beginning of time «has become evident and clear only now in the new order of relationships just coming into view» in the Christian community To be sure, «any community which becomes a vehicle in history of more profoundly humane patterns of life» can be a part of this new order, but the events around Jesus have at least a kind of priority as its first clear manifestation.
To common sense, there are three stages in the history of a living organism: coming into being, enduring, and perishing.
Adherents invariably saw themselves living on the cusp of history, straddling the end of the present age and the beginning of the age to come.
this just shows that the world is getting weirder by the day... the pope is right, the world is experiencing amnesia nowadays... people especially in the west tends to have this amnesia coz they believe that they can live without God... they believe that they do nt need Him coz, they still able to survive... BUT what they do nt realize what these are all temporary... just look at the crisis going on right now... maybe God is still a mystery coz only FAITH can conquer mystery... can anybody out there lead me to any person who can create simply a tree, a true living tree... we know for sure that there are some who can create furnitures out from a tree... im really bothered that the world will end sooner than later... GOD FORBIDS... history just keeps on repeating itself... what a pity for the small children and the coming generation...
The true history of this came to me via a housewife living a few blocks away from my home in Chicago.
The biblical history is meaningful because it is related at every point to the fundamental reality which lies behind all history and all human experience, which is, the living God in His Kingdom; and because it moves towards a climax in which the Kingdom of God came upon men with conclusive effect.
... So if you will, in the Christian idea of history, as opposed to the Jewish idea of history, which is its foundation, the church lives in this charged period between two poles of the First and Second Coming, so this idea of the Second Coming is intrinsic to the idea of Jesus Christ as a universal savior.
Readers should be aware that Lyle Dorsett curator of the Wade Collection and the person who videotaped the approximately seven - and - a-half hour oral history interview with Douglas, has said that the comment to which Wilson is evidently alluding here actually refers to a time after their (ecclesiastical) marriage, when Gresham had come to live in Lewis's home.
The Church's «faith story» is more than just a graced subjectivity: it is the response by the redeemed Brideof Christ, of which we are all members by Baptism (note, by Baptism, not by some a-sacramental graced subjectivity), to the Lord who lived, died and rose again in history and whom she awaits to complete all things in His Second Coming.
What we call the incarnation might also be described as the way in which the Presence has come among us, entrusting himself to us so that we dare to make our history something that shares God's life.
God himself came in Jesus Christ as holy universal Love to fulfill the life of past human history in the life of one historical person; his coming paved the way for the fulfillment of the life of every man.
Mores and morals, laws and rules, religions and rituals, have all come into being in the course of human history to interpret the meaning of life and to guide behavior.
The history of Jesus, even as history, was of decisive importance for the tradition, just because in the Preaching the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus were held to be the climax of all history, the coming of the Kingdom of God.
Not all Christians read the Bible literally but take much of it to be collections of folktales, poetry, and history that sometimes illustrate how difficult it can be to navigate through life and grapple with the questions of where we come from, where we're going, and how we are to live in the meantime.
For the present it is enough to say that the first and primary point of Paul's preaching, the point on which all else depends, is not the Messiahship of Jesus, or his resurrection, or his coming again, but the reality of the living God, the Lord of creation, the governor of history, the saviour of men.
This would be the return of Christ from Heaven to serve as God's agent in the final judgment and redemption, with which history would end and the life of the «world to come» would be fully inaugurated.
In Jesus» own life, in his words and acts, the supernatural kingdom was beginning; the consummation was still to come, but the final crisis of history had already broken.
I have come to accept the Bible as not only an accurate account of history, I also accept the Bible account of the birth, life, miracles, death and resurrection of Yeshua.
This was not my first taste of Vatican II — that had come in an undergraduate church history course — but it was my first exposure to the difference the recently concluded ecumenical council might make to the thought of theologians and in the lives of Christians, not least those outside the Roman Catholic Church.
I believe that when we begin to understand the culture and history behind a Scriptural figure or book of the Bible, the Scriptures not only come to life but are also more easily applied to life.
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