Sentences with phrase «history men»

Throughout history men have made up gods to explain phenomenon they couldn't explain based on their understanding of the world around them.
In desperate periods of history some men always respond by saying that we can not afford to be sensitive.
The question is how far back in history man has had an impact on the methane concentration in the atmosphere?
Throughout human history man has been getting the apple he wanted and losing the security for which his soul longed.
In history man meets himself, and in his encounter with history he encounters again, magnified into superhuman proportions, the fallibility of his intellectual understanding and moral judgment that prevents him from completely understanding and adequately judging both history and himself.
The Top 50 Incidents in WWE History Man on the Moon Andy Kaufman: I'm From Hollywood My Dinner with Andre Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay
empathetic customer service representative with extensive background in conflict resolution and customer care... client relations Problem solver Detail oriented Customer service skills quick learner Work History Men's lead... Greeted customer and gave assistence when needed.
Throughout human history men have engaged in prayer.
He observes, for instance, that throughout the preceding centuries of history man has been so busy surviving — living and dying like an overworked animal — that he has hardly had time to be anything other than decent.
He can be spoken of, referred to and obeyed, only because in the events of daily life and history men have found themselves addressed by Him.
The goal of life for Christians is the kingdom of God, but early in the Church's history the men and women of the desert realized that the practice of the Christian life re quired more proximate goals.
throughout their history Man United have had the best players in the world including the very ever best George Best, Bobby Charlton, Denis Law, Duncan Edwards, David Beckham, Eric Cantona, Mark Hughes, Bruce, Cristiano Ronaldo, and so many others to mention.
The game asks one to buy Mad Max as a wasteland messiah whose life, as related by the History Men and Women, consists of spending his best, most sane years playing fetch.
Throughout history men have gained dating benefits from the experience and status that comes with age so it would make perfect sense that in a society where women are increasingly independent, both financially and emotionally, that we can benefit too.
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