Sentences with phrase «hit on something»

Like you, if I hit on something that I really like I'll use it until it feels like a rut... sometimes that can be years.
«We're taking on the possibility that they've really hit on something that — as opposed to going after some downstream things — are in the physiology of these cancers,» says Diego Rey, Y Combinator's visiting partner focused on healthcare and biotech startups.
He may also feel that he is no longer operating the vehicle well and will swerve off the road and hit on something.
Using search terms at these stages (rather than once all the data is loaded into a litigation support database) means if a search term doesn't hit on something, records are left behind so a potentially relevant record not found by search terms will thereafter not be available in the e-discovery process.
Conversely, when you jettison your bad ideas, you might hit on something truly remarkable.
You may have an idea that sounds great and a top - notch production team, but creating a video that goes viral is an art as much as a science — hell, a magic as much as a science — and if you happen to hit on something that works, you run with it.
Pat, you hit on something that has always bothered me: how can they know how much tree - ring growth is dependant on temperature, moisture, fertilization, etc.?
Clearly, you've hit on something that is a struggle for a good many of us — and * that's * why this is the top link of the day on Popdex.
But he hit on something — a parade of brightly - colored, edge - to - edge stripes — that not only made his name and changed his career, it put him at the forefront at the only major art movement to emanate from the nation's capital, the Washington Color School.
«When we started doing initial animation tests with Mario characters and Rabbids, we instantly knew we hit on something.
It's easy to forget that Ubisoft really hit on something with Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag.
There's no denying that Activision hit on something really big with toys - to - life.
Me: «Actually there are a few of your friends whose families would likely survive what hit us easily, but yes, you've hit on something that I think is the most significant initial lesson on finance for the 75 % of the population on the low end of incomes.
I think Aaron has hit on something vitally important for those of us who focus on Amazon.
But it seems that the book industry is doomed to ignore the mistakes of their predecessors in favor of stumbling like blind, ignorant, bumbling fools through exactly the same territory before they hit on something more reasonable.
I think you hit on something by taking the geographic perspective.
«We've hit on something good, and we just need to work on the setup in small steps.»
I knew we had hit on something when they started writing on weekends and over vacations.
Both he and Chappaquidick hit on something far more complex: the broken moral compass of a driven, passionately committed politician.
Mr. Brugge has perhaps succeeded in avoiding vulgar melodrama, but he has hit on something far worse — a bloodless melodrama, with bottled water running in its veins.
There are moments of charming humility in Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star that hit on something I've been saying for some time, which is that David Spade is an accomplished comedian who seems to only get bad scripts.
Stay positive and pay attention in noticing someone, chances are, you might hit on something that she wants your attention about and make the rest of her day with a smile.
I absolutely love the jacket and think you look incredible in the outfit — you've hit on something that really works for you.
Evan Brand: Well I wan na hit on something you just mentioned which is if we're talking 1 to 2 years, it takes extreme patient — extreme patience for patients and clinicians because for us, that is a very intensive case for us to take on.
But sometimes I also hit on something that's really fun to make and to eat.
«Everybody is identical in their secret unspoken belief that way deep down they are different from everyone else,» writes David Foster Wallace in Infinite Jest, and when I began to run, I thought I'd hit on something really new.
Dobrzyn was «thoughtful and thorough» in her experiments, Ntambi says — and they soon hit on something that was potentially groundbreaking.
They felt that they had hit on something big, and a year ago Koch decided to make his lab entirely open.
Elisabeth, I'm so sorry to hear about your son, but I think you've hit on something many people don't want to acknowledge — that sometimes these deaths will happen, co-sleeping or not.
While some tweens develop hobbies and interests at an early age, others need time before they hit on something that really captures their attention and interest.
Eddies anonymous blogger hit on something when he highlighted Ramsey not bringing the ball out effectively.
However, like a short - sighted man chatting up a postbox, he may have accidentally hit on something.
«This track has been difficult over the years and we really hit on something Saturday afternoon in that last practice session around the bottom and honestly — it's what I've been looking for here for 16 years and we finally figured it out,» Johnson said.
[4] Maybe he overstated the power of prayer a little bit, for I believe that most of what God does, he does without anybody praying for it, but I think John Wesley has hit on something that so few of us really grasp.
I think you've hit on something pretty key here, David.
Amanda, I think you have hit on something with your thoughts.
I think you've hit on something here, Austin.
Newt Gingrich, January 2008 Newt (the irrepressible) hit on something four years ago: closing down the nomination race too early — however much a top contender might prefer that result — is probably not in the best interest of....
You hit on something i'd been meditating on the past couple of weeks.
I think you hit on something here.
But Tulk hit on something big here: the Bank of Canada could be «forced» to cut rates.
I think you hit on something that happens with almost all real estate investing (at least in my experience).
One of the most interesting things I found in researching my book Mapping Innovation is that the firms that invested in basic exploration eventually hit on something big, What's more, the massive return on investment it generated paid for all of the failed projects many times over.
You'll know when you've hit on something when you find yourself returning to a book for answers and inspiration time and time again.
Also, an obvious concern with glass bottles is that they are breakable; if you or your baby drops one or hits it on something hard, it might shatter.
All the Real Girls has an unerring eye for liminal spaces and people on the verge of self - wisdom (reminding of Errol Morris's early work (particularly Vernon, Florida)-RRB- and hits on something genuine and true in a long take of a young couple speaking love on an empty bowling lane.
Ducournau hits on something that this groundswell of movies seems to signal generally, which is that while culture isn't always tolerant of women's emotions or impulses, they tend to fare better onscreen, where they're allowed and even encouraged to be frightening.
Josh hits on something about middle class people who are not touched by charter schools.
Paula Hawkins, author of The Girl on the Train, struggled through a number of books that failed before ever hitting on something that took off.
Oh, god, once Nintendo hits on something, they really run it into the ground, huh?
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