Sentences with phrase «hit the books hard»

Ever since, colleges have been living, however uneasily at times, with that arrangement, which was intended to make athletes hit the books harder in high school.
His knowledge of military protocol has been more than two decades in the making, but when it comes to agriculture, Gibson has hit the books hard since announcing his candidacy to represent the largely rural district.
Because of his small stature and non-threatening demeanor, he has to hit the books hard in order to learn all the scaring techniques; not so Sulley, whose imposing size and ground - shaking roar means that he feels he can coast through his courses.
However, I totally get it if you just want to pick up some part time hours while you hit the books hard.
The Aiken County Animal Shelter's (ACAS) staff and a small group of FOTAS foster volunteers are hitting the books hard after hours.

Not exact matches

And Arianna Huffington, cofounder and editor of The Huffington Post, reads hard - copy books before hitting the hay each night.
Elsewhere, the MSCI Emerging Markets Index, which has been particularly hard hit, is trading at less than 12x earnings and barely 1.25 x book, a level last seen during the lows in early 2009.
A Quill & Quire «Book of the Year», Slow Death by Rubber Duck has been featured by the Washington Post (which said it «is hard - hitting in a way that turns your stomach and yet also instills hope»), Dr. Oz, Fox News, and Oprah Magazine, and translated into six languages.
The collapse in total consumption was much larger in states that were hit hardest by the decline in house prices, something we show in our book.
If you'd like to get elaborate with personas, Adele Revella's book Buyer Personas hits this hard.
This book really hit me hard, partly because the story of Hugh Halter (one of the authors) mirrors so closely my own story.
With her trademark sassy and humorous yet hard - hitting approach to veganism, Kim Barnouin, the nutritionist coauthor of the wildly popular Skinny Bitch books, has become the voice for the compassionate eater.
There are rules governing how hard you can hit — each league has its (not very long) rule book, but in practice each game sets its own violence level — a balancing act of boundaries tested by sudden escalations of rage that are remarkably similar to the rules of conduct governing a street fight.
«When Success Leads to Failure,» The Atlantic «The Gift of Failure,» New York Times «If Your Kid Left His Term Paper At Home, Don't Bring It To Him» New York Magazine «Books That Changed My Mind This Year,» Fortune «New Book Suggests Parents Learn to Let Kids Fail,» USA Today «7 Rules for Raising Self - Reliant Children,» Forbes «Before You Let Your Child Fail, Read This,» Huffington Post «How Schools Are Handling an Overparenting Crisis,» NPR «Why Failure Hits Girls So Hard,» Time «The Value of a Mess,» Slate «4 Reasons Why Every Educator Should Read «The Gift of Failure,»» Inside Higher Ed «Why We Should Let Our Children Fail,» The Guardian (UK) «Shelly's Bookworms: The Gift of Failure,» WFAA Dallas «Why I Don't Want My Kids to be Lazy Like Me,» Yahoo Parenting «Jessica Lahey,» Celia Walden for The Telegraph (UK) «How to To Give Your Child The Gift of Failure,» Huffington Post «The Gift of Failure,» Doug Fabrizio, Radio West «In the Author's Voice: The Gift of Failure,» WISU / NPR «The Gift of Failure,» The Good Life Project «Giving Our Children the Gift of Failure,» ScaryMommy «Lyme Resident's Book Challenges Parents and Kids on Failure,» Valley News «The Gift of Failure,» The Jewish Press
After reading a bit about worms and slugs, picking up the life cycle of butterflies and ladybugs, and delving into various books about insects in general, it was time to hit some hard topics.
Pensioners have been hardest hit by the measures, with many of them still relying on bank books rather than cards to withdraw money.
Now that the primary is officialy in the books, general election contests are heating up all over the state — including on Long Island, where Republican Michael Venditto is poised to release a hard - hitting ad that slams his Democratic opponent and fellow Nassau County legislator, Dave Denenberg, for his 2005 conviction on petition fraud charges and says he'll «fit right in» with the string of Albany lawmakers busted on corruption charges.
More of a cinematic joke book than a real movie, Spy Hard hits you with gags faster than Henny Youngman on speed.
Everything about the movie is top - notch, from Scorsese's daring direction, to Nicholas Pileggi's hard - hitting script (an adaption of his book, «Wiseguy»), to the rock - influenced soundtrack, to some fantastic performances by Ray Liotta, Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci, who won an Oscar for his portrayal of psychotic gangster Tommy DeVito.
It still is an absolute literal translation of the books to the big screen, but the stories weren't as hard - hitting and intense compared to the first movie.
Nineteen years since his Academy Award win for Leaving Las Vegas, twelve since his last nomination for Adaptation, and seven and a half since his last definitive commercial hit (National Treasure: Book of Secrets), Cage has hit hard times.
Later in life, Thompson redeemed himself by teaming up with the small gaggle of fleet - footed twentysomethings who won the 2008 NPR Relay Race, a triumph he documents in a hard - hitting essay for the book This Is NPR: The First Forty Years (Chronicle).
After years of tweaking the screenplay and looking for financing, Todd McFarlane's hard work finally paid off last year when Jason Blum's Blumhouse Productions boarded his long - gestating big screen reboot of the hit comic book character Spawn.
It's the same prison where Malcolm X first hit the books, and since the founding of the Boston University Prison Education Program in the 1970s, many men here have worked hard toward earning bachelor's degrees.
Hitting someone in the head with a Kindle does not pack the same wallop as it does if you bop them with a good old fashioned hard back book.
One of the hardest - hit schools was Mitchell Middle School, according to Gabrielle Sharrock, she lamented «I was not consulted about books being removed and two days after the school was «weeded» I found dozens of boxes full of books slated to be destroyed, numerous shelves bare and most of the non-fiction section nearly cleared out.»
This second volume in the Sword of Shadows series (now up to 4 books) continues the emotionally - intense, hard - hitting epic style that so impressed me in A Cavern of Black Ice.
After the book industry was also hard hit by the economic crisis in Spain, it has experienced a phase of stabilisation during the past three years.
But it's part and parcel of producing a book that makes you look like you know what you're doing, and an indie author has to work even harder than a traditionally published one to hit that goal.
Doesn't guarantee you media hits, even if you're paying for that book publicist to work really hard
Book publishing and selling were hit hard by the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, says Ted Weinstein, a San Francisco agent.
She chooses a hard - hitting scenario, such as the London Riots, and bases her book in the center of the action.
Want a hard hitting, great looking book promotion web site?
Last year, the foundation helped the library reach more than 220,000 people, purchase more than 71,000 books and expand 12 different programs, including initiatives to help at - risk children, seniors, teachers and those hit hard by the tough economy.
I've loved writing all my books in different ways, but Fire Country hit me the hardest.
Another hard hitting account of the world of publishing by this very successful author of 11 books.
It's interesting that all of these books — both indie and traditionally published — hit the same tropes very hard.
They understood my book's audience and not only hit them hard, but also searched for crossover avenues.
In addition, this «epidemic of plagiarism» is hitting the self - published arena harder because too many self - published books are plagiarized.
Readers did say, though, that the attention to mechanical details made it sometimes hard to follow: The book hit a few slow spots (for a non-mechanical female), but overall it was wonderful and kept me glued to its pages (Mary Lou C).
See, there is a world of difference between someone buying 10,000 books and dumping them into a landfill just to hit a bestseller's list so they can command better speaking fees or consulting gigs, from the hard working speakers who can genuinely sell a lot of books at the bulk sales level and get no recognition for it.
Economic hard times have hit the book publishing industry, and in - house book publicists are doing the best they can.
For instance, if you reviewed my latest book, Chasing the Dead, you'd say that people who enjoy hard - hitting crime thrillers with a legal twist would enjoy the story.
News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book - and publishing - related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff Book News Texas Libraries Hit Hard by Hurricane Harvey (Library Journal) And Florida libraries are likely to be hit hard by Ibook - and publishing - related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff Book News Texas Libraries Hit Hard by Hurricane Harvey (Library Journal) And Florida libraries are likely to be hit hard by IBook News Texas Libraries Hit Hard by Hurricane Harvey (Library Journal) And Florida libraries are likely to be hit hard by IrHit Hard by Hurricane Harvey (Library Journal) And Florida libraries are likely to be hit hard by IHard by Hurricane Harvey (Library Journal) And Florida libraries are likely to be hit hard by Irhit hard by Ihard by Irma.
JT: And if you have the ability — if you have the ability to sell a PDF, then go and sell the Kindle and EPUB version on your web site too because PDF will hit a certain market but I prefer, much prefer to read a Kindle version of a book on my Kindle than the PDF version of the book because of the thing that you'd mentioned earlier about the text being smaller in the PDF and it being harder to read.
I do hope that the language issues and especially the performance bugs are resolved quickly, as non-B & N; publishers may get hit hard on returns for non-functional books that are absolutely valid and should work.
It means figuring out what makes a book entertaining and learning how to deliver the thrills, chills, and hard - hitting emotions readers are after.
Now, some publishers — okay, Baen — are sane, and capable of looking at disasters like my very first book with Baen (Draw One In The Dark) with a cover that had nothing to do with the book and looked like it was drawn by a first grader, and a sell through hit hard by the fact that — freak occurrence — Baen books were kept out of the Ingrams listing by accident that month, and say «okay, this was a freaky occurrence.
All of the information about why people might like your book — along with the hard - hitting sales pitch — should be on your website.
It's hard not to when you hear about the latest seven - figure book deal or read about an indie author hitting the bestseller lists or selling their film rights.
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