Sentences with phrase «hit the gym everyday»

I bet he hits the gym everyday just to stay fit.
That means you don't have to hit the gym everyday if you prefer playing tennis, biking or swimming as your workout.
Hi sorry I just need to ask a question, so I eat 1200 calories everyday I only eat oats in the morning, I eat fruits for lunch and grilled fish and steamed veggies for dinner I also drink green tea everyday, I hit the gym EVERYDAY and I do Casio for an hour, I can see my abs and everything but the front of my thighs are big and no matter how much I try nothing is making them smaller, and they're a bit bulky which I don't like, it's annoying me a lot and I dono what to do anymore can u please help me!!!! Thank u?
Hundreds of Thousands of people all around the world hit the gym everyday to change the way they look and feel and Weight Training seldom disappoints them.
And I am friends on Facebook with many Paleo «Pep rally supporters» who post great stuff to help motivate you and help you stay eating clean but also constantly put pictures of extremely lean and ripped women, and quotes that would make you think paleo is about hitting the gym everyday for hours.
She's a new mom and is hitting the gym everyday to keep looking like one hot mama!
Trained for MMA for 5 year and boxing for 2 years, now, I just hit the gym everyday.

Not exact matches

It's captured in this everyday question: Should I eat this piece of cake or hit the gym?
In other words, you're about 6 to 10 times more likely to get hurt playing everyday sports than hitting the gym for some heavy weightlifting.
Here are 7 reasons for you to hit your home gym today (in my opinion you should do that everyday!)
But keep in mind that staying in shape is not just about hitting the gym, don't underestimate the small things you can do in your everyday life to stay fit, like taking the stairs instead of the escalator, or taking a walk in the park.
Teen bodybuilding has gained increasing popularity over the years, where young teens hit the gym almost everyday.
Check out this FREE Seven Day Fitness Challenge to really hit the accelerator on fat loss ⇓ I see this everyday at the gym; folks looking to shed unwanted pounds hop on the treadmill, jog for about 20 - 30 minutes, then leave.
Whether it's to hit the gym, have another cup of coffee or take a nap, making choices on an everyday basis can feel like a tug of war, Dr. Welch says:
Workout program that really affected me was the running track right from 2 km on my first day to 7kms everyday this started giving results and later on after losing 25kgs hitting the gym.
With swimsuit season upon us, I've been hitting the gym more consistently and I felt «dirty» not washing my hair everyday.
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