Sentences with phrase «hitting coach»

Which is probably why we don't pay attention to hitting coaches until teams stop hitting, which is generally when they're fired.
When Cannizaro was tasked with the job of hitting coach for LSU at the end of the 2014 season, he showed he could make good offensive players even better.
The Hitting Vault is an elite hitting program taught by Professional Hitting Coach Matt Lisle.
He also hired Walt Hriniak, the White Sox» hitting coach when Thomas arrived in Chicago in» 90, to be his private tutor.
The next afternoon, Rader had a discussion with Angels hitting coach Deron Johnson about shortstop Dick Schofield.
One American League hitting coach agrees: «Instead of aluminum bats we have aluminum balls.»
«He was like that in spring training,» New York hitting coach Don Mattingly says, «and because he was new to us, I thought, Well, maybe this is how he does it.
Erstad arrived in camp this year armed with videotapes of his at bats at Nebraska — where he was an All - America and set a school record for career hits — and sat down with Anaheim's new hitting coach, Mickey Hatcher.
This spring, under Mets manager Bobby Valentine and hitting coach Tom Robson, the kinetic beauty of Olerud's swing is on its way back.
There will be some changes to Matheny's coaching staff, with Bill Mueller going back to assistant hitting coach, which was his role in 2015.
The Indians» underwhelming offense cost hitting coach Eddie Murray his job.
Brewers hitting coach Rod Carew replies when asked if Davis's bunt, which Arizona manager Bob Brenly labeled «chickens — ,» was a violation of protocol.
«He could go from six wins to 20 this year, easily,» says hitting coach Merv Rettenmund.
Doerr, one of baseball's most respected hitting coaches, projects Ainge as a.280 to.300 hitter with 15 to 20 home runs.
The Braves have hired Ned Yost's deposed hitting coach, Kevin Seitzer, to revive their gone - dead - train offense.
It's a practice he began as a manager in the Mets» minor league system in the early»90s and one he continued after being named the Rockies» hitting coach in» 97.
With [hitting coach] Mark McGwire, his philosophy is to grind out at bats.
(Hitting coach Hensley) Meulens recently affixed two yellow ropes on either wall of the batting cage at AT&T.
Rojas will be joined by pitching coach Frank Viola, hitting coach Valentino Pascucci, bench coach Luis Rivera.
Weekly Video Hitting Tips & Drills featuring Coach Lisle and other professional hitting coaches and players.
However, all did not go as planned; while catching the pitch, the Angels hitting coach, Don Baylor, broke his leg.
Mickey Vernon, who was my minor league hitting coach, used to tell me, «You don't have to change to hit in the big leagues.
The closest comparison we have for him as a hitting coach is Ted Williams, who was a de facto hitting coach when he managed the Senators from 1969 through 1972.
Barry Bonds is a hitting coach.
Consider the case of Hensley Meulens, who's been a hitting coach for six seasons, helping three different teams to championships.
Barry Bonds, hitting coach, was a concept everyone had thought of at least once after he was forced out of the game, but no one thought it would really happen.
Blaming the medical staff is like blaming the hitting coach for every slump.
However, It's one of the few things I do put on hitting coaches.
says Mickey Hatcher, Anaheim's hitting coach.
i would love to see him as a hitting coach one day if he's into it.
and I'm pretty exhausted by the fact that Darren Bush is still our hitting coach.
From amateur levels up to the major leagues, hitting coaches and talent evaluators are searching for new ways to bridge...
New York Mets skipper Bobby Valentine, who was Palmeiro's manager with the Rangers, says, «If our hitting coach, Tom Robson, sat down with Raffy before the season in Texas and said, «You're going to hit.300 this year,» Raffy would say, «Maybe, but I still can't hit like Tony Gwynn.»»
No hitting coach with an ounce of wisdom will tellhim to change his approach.
King works with the two players on what she calls a «full - time part - time» basis, as a remarkable supplement to Navratilova's full - time coach, Craig Kardon, and Mayotte's hitting coaches, Chris Pucci and Jeff Arons.
Over the years Pham has retained no fewer than five hitting coaches.
His hitting coach Chili Davis credits Betts» bat speed, which there is plenty of: it's been a hallmark of Betts» game since he first erupted in the minors back in early 2013.
Plus, you know, the Marlins are in Miami, and Barry Bonds is already their hitting coach.
As a professional Hitting Coach, Division I Hitting Coach and an Associate Scout for the Detroit Tigers, Coach Lisle has worked with every level of hitter from the big leagues to the little leagues in both baseball and softball.
If you were a major league baseball player, you would have a pitching coach, a hitting coach, and a fielding coach in addition to a head coach.
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