Sentences with phrase «hitting out of anger»

In the classroom, children must refrain from hitting out of anger.
Hitting out of anger, i.e. not in a premeditated way, is loss of control on the part of the parent and not the child's fault, yet they become the victim of it.

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Put a bit of anger and fight back into him no one likes not being able to play I'd be itching to get out there kick some ar $ e. Let's all hope he's been hitting the gym and comes back stronger!!
There is never an excuse for hitting or spanking out of anger — but not all spanking is an angry, out - of - control response to misbehavior.
Many moms who were spanked as kids believe they were hit undeservedly, or out of anger or frustration.
Bullying: Most Teens Have Hit Someone out of Anger Half of U.S. high schoolers say they have bullied or teased someone at least once in the past year, and nearly half say they have been bullied in that time, one of the largest studies ever on bullying finds.
People who hit say that they hit out of love, and not out of anger.
We all remember the first time our toddler hit us, whether out of anger or just because, and our immediate visceral reaction.
You go home, get blitzed and in a moment of alcohol induced anger, you put a hit on your ex only to wake up hours later, figure out what you've done, instantly regret it and then head over to his place to save his life.
While most candidates quickly hit the delete button before drowning their sorrows in bowls of ice cream to avoid replying with varying degrees of anger and anguish, if you take this tasty but unresourceful approach you may be missing out on a golden opportunity.
We may work with your child on fine motor skills so he or she can grasp and release toys and develop good handwriting skills, address hand - eye coordination to improve play and school skills, help a child with behavioral disorders maintain positive behaviors (e.g., instead of hitting others or acting out, using positive ways to deal with anger), or work with on sensory and attentional issues to improve focus and social skills.
Physical abuse — hitting, choking, pushing, breaking or throwing things out of anger, grabbing you too hard, or blocking the door when you try to leave.
He always stops, and then accepts my offer of a better way to get out his anger (hit a pillow, jump on mommy's bed, get some cuddles).
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