Sentences with phrase «hockey stick blade»

The Marcott et al. hockey stick study published in the journal «Science» has now been debunked as bogus AGW science due to blatant data and statisitical manipulations - the author's own PhD thesis is corraborating audit evidence that charlatan - style science is required to produce hockey stick blade
A multi-proxy hockey stick blade, which provides proof that modern warming is «unprecedented,» can be fabricated from any number of individual records using several «statistical» techniques
Since the original 73 dataset thesis did not have the proverbial «blade,» the Marcott et al. study chose to literally change (manipulate) multiple paleo - dataset ending dates to fabricate a bogus hockey stick blade
Rises not only as high, but as rapid, as the current hockey stick blade have been the rule, not the exception.
It was visually effective providing the sharp up turn of the hockey stick blade.
Summary Global borehole measurements independently and strikingly affirm the 20th acceleration of a Mann - Hansen «hockey stick blade» of global warming.
(Note that the hockey stick blade is facing down in this reconstruction).
he really ought to take a look at The Earth In The Balance — all the 29th century editions feature a rate of species extinction graph ending in the Mother Of All Hockey Stick blades, ramping vertical to infinity in the year 2000.
# 61: he really ought to take a look at tThe Earth In The Balance — all the 29th century editions feature a rate of species extinction graph ending in the Mother Of All Hockey Stick blades
he really ought to take a look at tThe Earth In The Balance — all the 29th century editions feature a rate of species extinction graph ending in the Mother Of All Hockey Stick blades, ramping vertical to infinity in the year 2000.
It has nothing to do with any temperature record, has not been used in any published reconstruction and is not the source of the hockey stick blade anywhere.
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