Sentences with phrase «hockey stick graph»

The so - called hockey stick graph was intended to prove that the average global temperature in the last 1,000 years was never as high as it is today.
Hey - maybe by 2020 public acceptance of AGW climate doctrine will turn out to look like an inverted hockey stick graph.
The Washington Examiner has published an article that claims two statisticians have demolished Dr. Mann's hockey stick graph in a «soon to be published article in Annals of Applied Statistics.
George Bush, whose White House in 2003 deleted Mann's hockey stick graph from an environmental report, began talking about the need for biofuels.
-LSB-...] hockey stick graph Dr. Michael Mann, John Cook creator of the renowned website Skepticalscience, Peter Sinclair creator Climate Denial Crock of the Week, science comedian Brian Malow, Paul Beckwith who is an -LSB-...]
Mann is a Pennsylvania State University professor whose so - called hockey stick graph reconstructed global surface temperatures back to the year 1000 and showed how those temperatures have skyrocketed since the industrial age.
I have a real science interview with Dana Royer, co-author of a new paper presenting what might be called the biggest hockey stick graph.
Well, the hoaxers are there, but they reported to the UN, this guy at Penn State with his fake hockey stick graph.
He then claimed, for the first time, that the paper was a hoax, because he was forced to remove 40 pages of criticism of the seminal Mann, Bradley Hughes ’99 hockey stick graph before it could be published.
It didn» t appear as a graph in the SPM, but Chapter 6 (lead co-author Jonathan Overpeck) had a modified hockey stick graph and Mann» s discredited work is in the bibliography.
Mann et al have already lost most of their credibility with their bogus, media orientated hockey stick graph.
***** Hockey stick graph: What's Really Warming the World?
Mann simply failed to provide the data on which his whole hockey stick graph is supposed to rest.
The famous hockey stick graph created by Dr. Michael Mann played a critical role in persuading millions of people we're all gonna fry.
Wegman, who had presented himself as an impartial «referee» between two «teams» debating the quality of the so - called Hockey Stick graph was, in fact, coached throughout his review by Republican staffer Peter Spencer.
Figure 2: Original hockey stick graph (blue - MBH1998) compared to Wahl & Ammann reconstruction (red).
And while you're growing the bottom of the funnel and getting really good at nurturing that process, you can be doing some of the stuff that takes a long time to see a result from blogging and SEO this stuff can take three to six months before you actually start to see that hockey stick graph of increased traffic, which will then drive more people into your funnel.
A yet more extreme version of the hockey stick graph made the cover of the Fiftieth Anniversary Report of the United Nation's World Meteorological Organization.
It replaced the graph with the now infamously debunked «hockey stick graph»... and claimed the 1990's were by far the warmest period -LSB-...]
He's the author of three books and the famous target of climate deniers for his early recognition of rapid global warming dubbed «the hockey stick graph».
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