Sentences with phrase «hocks so»

Worship and work go together, as the American religious philosopher William Ernest Hocking so well put it in his book The Meaning of God in Human Experience.
Every possible size you could need, and it's Anchor Hocking so you know it's quality.
A bigger problem, it seems to me, is that the national leadership in this country is so pathetic, and in hock so far to lobbyists and major industries, that we will be lucky not to continue to increase our CO2 emissions, let alone reduce them.

Not exact matches

There are so many wasted sheets of paper hocking your book or website subscriptions or something, I'm not really sure, I now understand that this recipe is copyrighted.
I think I am so hocked.
«Sometimes, the right sausage isn't available, so he'll make it with smoked chicken or a ham hock.
He was big all over — ham - hock arms, huge feet, a melon head so large that when he decided to change his game ensemble, switching from a ten - gallon hat to a baseball cap, he had to split the cap in back to get it comfortably on his head.
But isn't the greatest disadvantage of all being written off by those so in hock to a culture of low expectations that they have forgotten what it's like to be ambitious, to want to transcend your background, to overcome circumstance and succeed on your own terms?
Every so often, the Mediterranean hocks up a loogie.
«Because this network is so large and is designed to measure turbulence as well as winds, we've been able to see patterns, predictors, that haven't been evident before,» said Wayne Hocking, who is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.
But Amanda Hocking — dragged out as the exemplar every time this topic comes up — is so atypical as to be useless as a guide.
I really want Amanda Hocking & John Locke to join the program and get the whole $ 500,000 pot for themselves so the herd of Select writers under them won't get a penny.
And we have to remember that Amanda Hocking, who made $ 2 million self - publishing, is now with a traditional publisher (St. Martin's Press)-- so self - publishing isn't the panacea for publishing's woes.
So while chances are you aren't the next Amanda Hocking, you have every chance of being the next me.
As we wrote at the time, this example makes the point that authors already have a lot of the tools for marketing their work, and in some cases — as with Hocking, Locke and other self - publishers such as J.A. Konrath — this can make them so self - sufficient that they no longer need the support of a traditional publishing deal.
I understand why so many people are talking about Hocking.
So no, Hocking is not the new Paolini.
I sometimes can't decide if so many write because they want to be like Hocking or because they've got stories that want to break free.
«I'm so grateful to everyone who has bought one of my books, and to Amazon, for giving me a place to share my books,» said Amanda Hocking.
So I chose to follow the path of Amanda Hocking... up to a point.
It could be any Indie - created bestselling author, but for now, it just so happens that Amanda Hocking has stepped into that trap.
And so now what they see is people like you, or Amanda Hocking, who are selling way more books than them, who are way more famous and way more popular, and they're not getting chosen by the New York literary elite; they, more importantly, actual people are buying their books because they actually enjoy them.
Heck, even Amanda Hocking threw in the towel and signed a four - book deal with St. Martins... so you're in excellent company.
HOWEVER, chances are you aren't Amanda Hocking, who knew how to promote'til the cows came home, so there are some important things you oughta know about how editors view these queries on self pubbed books.
I do almost all of my own promotion with the smaller houses so I do understand the onus that Hocking refers to in relation to hiring a staff to deal with the communication and work that goes into it.
So even if Hocking has four books tied up with a traditional publisher, that need not keep her from bringing beaucoup other books direct to Kindle.
It's so important to realize (1) that in this brave new world of publishing, all options are open and (2) that success is rare, there are very few Amanda Hockings in the new tsunami wave of self - pubbed authors!
Simon, you are right that this situation is not so easy or clear - cut for fiction writers, but how about Amanda Hocking, who worked social media very hard, or Joanna Penn who, I'm sure, is going to get that big contract any day?
Being able to follow the decision making process (through interviews and blog posts) of people like Joanna Penn, Hugh Howey, Amanda Hocking, and so many others seems to show that traditional publishing will continue to have an important place in the industry, although not nearly as important as it used to be!
But while many of those on these lists have no desire to surrender control, creative and royalties to a publisher, there are many who are happy to do so for valid reasons, eg Amanda Hocking earned millions as a self - published author, but she became overwhelmed with the demands on her time.
If Amazon authors choose to do so, they can make their eBooks available to libraries through OverDrive; but neither Hocking nor Locke are listed on OverDrive's database.
After all, there are only so many E.L. James», Amanda Hockings and Hugh Howeys, right?
One of my favorite Indie authors Is Amanda Hocking but there are so many good ones it's hard to choose just one.
All the people (Konrath, Hocking, EL James, Hugh Howey) who dominated the best seller lists in their categories did so by publshing multiple books one after the other.
They're not YA books, so I don't expect anywhere near the amazing success that Amanda Hocking's had, but I figured why not try it and just see what happens.
It happened only once so far, in March, as a result of Hocking - Locke hype.
There's been so much discussion this week of «Hocking and Eisler... which is right?»
I am so proud of and happy for Amanda Hocking, but there were still many typos and grammatical errors and some trouble with sentence structure in her books.
So when I promoted Amanda Hocking, it wasn't just to blog followers or people searching for my blog.
And so that's because Amanda Hocking had come out at that time, and so I was like, «Wow, you can really do this stuff by yourself.
Now, it may be true that Hocking is a so - so writer.
After a couple of extensions, the hapless borrowers may find themselves so deep in hock that they are soon making payments on nothing but the interest.
I don't give a rip what your dog looks like stacked, if he is standing ringside with his hocks nearly flat under him just so he can put his feet where they need to be, your breed is in serious trouble.
There are many (American - line GSDs, especially) that appear in stance to be so over-angulated in the rear (thigh - to - tibia - to - metatarsus) that you'd think they would not be able to adequately extend the hock.
Some dogs (mostly GSDs but occasionally a few others) are so unbalanced that they are unable to fully extend the hock joint.
Some horses initially resent wraps on their hind legs, especially over the hocks, so it's best to apply these while in a safe position in case the horse kicks out.
However, wire floors (even those with very narrow spacing) can be uncomfortable and can cause sores or the hocks, so it is best to get a cage without wire floors.
The occurrence of stress fracture in the Shiba is probably very rare (mine is the only case I have in my files so far), while hereditary OCD of the hock is common enough so that an owner of a dog with rear - leg lameness should have this possibility checked by a team of radiologist and orthopedist, probably at a veterinary college.
The locked - hock phenomenon is not very uncommon in German Shepherd Dogs of American bloodlines — the so - called «AKC type.»
Hocks should be slightly bent and well let down, so as to give length and strength from the loins to hock.
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