Sentences with phrase «hog casings»

We ran to our favorite butcher and bought five pounds of pastured pork and hog casings, and big handfuls of sage and ginger.
Stuff the mixture into hog casings and allow the sausage to air dry for 30 minutes or until dry to the touch.
Add the remaining ingredients (except the hog casings) and mix well to incorporate.
Grind the mixture again using a 3 / 16 - inch plate and stuff into hog casings or form into patties.
The key ingredient to making your own sausage is a hog casing.
The best way to get the hog casing onto the KitchenAid ® Sausage Stuffer Kit is to grease the Sausage Stuffer with a little shortening and then gently thread the casing on.
For this recipe, I bought one hog casing, used half of it and froze the other half to use the next time I make sausage.
At the same time, place the hog casing in a bowl of cool water and let soak for 30 minutes.

Not exact matches

And in any case, shoppers still have a voracious appetite for deals, meaning they won't go hog wild just because of a few more dollars in their pockets.
PIGS EAT CHIMP... «A family member of an Oregon pig farmer discovered his relative's body parts scattered across the pen — a gruesome find leaving authorities to believe it was a case of hog eats human.
If any of that babbling BS would be true, then I'm guessing all atheists would be struggling to live and all religious nuts would be living high on the hog, but of course that is not the case.
Their case, on a higher level, is analogous to that of the man completely degraded to a hog.
The ever - optimistic Ohio farmer Gene Logsdon, for instance, makes a persuasive case for returning to grass - feeding steers, hogs, chicken, dairy cows and sheep instead of the concentrated feedlot farming favored by industrial agribusiness.
The Diet Doctor has gone the whole hog or in this case, turkey and done a low carb version with all the trimmings.
A very large increase also took place over the period 1992 to 1997 in the case of organic dairy cows (469 percent), layer hens (1123 percent) and broilers (120 percent) with certified organic livestock being raised in 23 States; but over the same period, the production of organic beef cows decreased by 35 percent, hogs and pigs by 65 percent and sheep and lambs by 42 percent.
Sheep, hog and beef intestines are traditionally used for casings although synthetic casings made of collagen are now available.
In this case, I wore this little red shift dress to support my Hogs this weekend.
With director Josh Trank squaring the focus on the men and women (or, in this case, boys and girls) behind the powers, Fantastic Four had the opportunity to be, at the very least, something different from the crop of annual superhero movies, those with their quick quips and even quicker action beats hogging the entirety of the run time.
The rest of the supporting cast is more than welcome to hog the funniest and most scrumptiously tart lines, including Stephen Merchant as Danny, Josh's obnoxious best man and friend who suffers from a bad case of verbal diarrhea, causing one of the most cringe - inducing reception toasts in recent memory and Minnie Driver as Naomi, Nat's blunt, bitter sister who has a love - hate relationship with her punching - bag doctor husband (Jason Flemyng).
We see an impressive map / video screen tracking ocean currents, temperatures, etc. and there is a chart comparing electricity usage by U.S. citizens vs other countries (we are energy hogs, in case you weren't sure).
Did one yesterday and even knowing about eye - flow, it was a case of a blind hog finding an acorn.
Consider the case of iconic motorcycle - maker Harley - Davidson (HOG).
Such dogs were expected to do a variety of roles around the ranch: play with the kids, watchdog, move the livestock, and then do a bit of hunting work (in this case, hunting for hogs).
In case you noticed that the math looks wrong on that (15 isn't 1/4 of 59, and 59 isn't 1/4 of 251), it's supposed to be because of some index or formatting data hogging up space on the card.
In the case of Sonia Mania, fears were allayed that there could definitely be a bright future for Sega's blue «hog.
In case you are an American Chopper fan and also looking for a sweet associated with shades put on while riding that hog, then you'll be able to find a match within a set of Chopper Solar shades.
Carbon credits are a marvelous way for people to become energy hogs while salving their consciences by giving money to people who often couldn't afford much consumption in any case.
I consider it a strike against a lawyer to be one who hogs the limelight as opposed to lawyers who put the client in front while the lawyer concentrates on winning the case.
A recent $ 50 million jury verdict in a historic hog nuisance case is likely to be significantly reduced due to state law caps on punitive damages.
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