Sentences with phrase «hold in its mouth»

Users have treated canker sores by dissolving baking soda in water and holding it in their mouths, and by applying baking soda directly to the canker sore.
Any kind of coconut oil should work, but virgin coconut oil tends to be more pleasant to hold in your mouth, and likely retains more anti-microbial qualities.
Additionally, a Thai study found that chiles, included with a meal or held in the mouth temporarily, decreases blood clotting mechanisms.
It also comes with a teether, which your young toddler can easily hold in their mouth.
I learned that grains are first digested in the mouth and need to be chewed and held in the mouth for a short time before being swallowed.
You take a teaspoon or two of sesame oil and hold it in your mouth every morning and it's supposed to pull toxins from your body.
Keep in mind that oral thermometers are also not usually used at this age because they must usually be held in the mouth for at least a minute or so, which can be difficult at this age.
«We also used the paci (had to hold it in his mouth, he wouldn't do it), swaddle, and rapid jiggling (the 5 S's - from The Happiest Baby on the Block) to help him be able to fall asleep without being held at 6 weeks.
Your baby can fall asleep at the breast with a full mouth boob still firmly held in his mouth.
They discovered that 19 behaviors, such as using a fist to amplify sound or using a tool held in the mouth to poke a hole in a tree and pull out chunks of termite nests, ants, or honey for a snack, appeared at some sites but not at others, and there was no ecological reason to account for these differences.
Analysis of the marks makes it likely they came from when OH - 65 used a tool with its right hand to cut food it was holding in its mouth while pulling with the left hand.
Before planting, put into your mouth one or more little seeds, hold them in your mouth, under the tongue, for at least nine minutes.»
Even though the blender does the «chewing», I do still take a sip and hold it in my mouth to bring it to room temperature before swallowing so it doesn't shock the system.
The oral health lozenge is definitely in a category of its own since it is meant to be held in the mouth, where the probiotics can get to work.
Simply swish or lightly brush with it (hold it in your mouth for several minutes) a few times a week (everyday if the staining is severe).
Note that most multivitamins do contain some of the electrolytes you need, though they aren't always comprehensive and will take much longer to be digested than regular food or ideally, liquid you hold in your mouth for 30 seconds for quick absorption.
Rabbits like toys they can hold in their mouths and toss.
Another Guinness Record holding Golden is Augie who holds the title for most tennis balls held in the mouth by a dog — 5 regulation sized balls.
It's really cute with his ears flopping as he runs through the yard with some little thing gently held in his mouth.
If a rock is thrown at a Fire Piranha Plant, it will similarly hold it in its mouth, allowing Mario to capture the enemy and use it to shoot fireballs.
The portrait, titled Hold It in Your Mouth a Little Longer, explores notions of identity while challenging gender and racial stereotypes, themes the artist continues to explore in her first solo museum exhibition in New York, «To Wander Determined,» opening today at the Whitney.
From left: Toyin Ojih Odutola, «Hold It in Your Mouth a Little Longer,» 2013, charcoal, pastel and graphite on paper © Toyin Ojih Odutola.
From left: Ojih Odutola's 2013 portrait «Hold It in Your Mouth a Little Longer»; Gyasi's debut novel, «Homegoing,» which sold for a reported seven figures in 2015.
In foreground, at right, «Hold it in Your Mouth a Little Longer,» 2013 (charcoal, pastel, and graphite on paper) by Toyin Odutola.
The little girl is hungrily devouring the bottle that her mother holds in her mouth.
With their hands behind their back, each player has to fill the cup with the jelly beans using only the spoon which they are holding in their mouth.

Not exact matches

In China, some romantics are choosing french fries instead of the wedding tradition of holding a cherry between their mouths before kissing.
At a symposium, held at the U.S. Treasury in 2010 about women in finance, Elizabeth Warren, not yet a U.S. Senator, said about the fact that there aren't enough women on Wall Street, «Sometimes you have to lean back and sock someone in the mouth
You, you there, holding the third, bland turkey sandwich you've shoved in your mouth for lunch this week, put it down right now!
GoPro Inc's founder and CEO Nick Woodman holds a GoPro camera in his mouth as he celebrates GoPro Inc's IPO at the Nasdaq Market Site in New York City.
GoPro Inc's founder and CEO Nick Woodman holds a GoPro camera in his mouth as he celebrates GoPro Inc's IPO at the Nasdaq Market Site in New York City, June 26, 2014.
He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.»
Now I've lived through enough evolutions of myself and enough transformation by the Spirit that I have learned to keep my mouth shut a bit more, to wait in kindness, to hold it loosely.
Now I've lived through enough evolutions of my self and enough transformation by the Spirit that I have learned to keep my mouth shut a bit more, to wait in kindness, to hold it loosely.
She absently strokes my face, the same way she used to do when she was just a wee baby with a triangle shaped mouth and my boy holds my hair in his fist again, they are both mine still for just a while longer and I'm trying to count the moments on a string of jewels.
@rachelheldevans trying to see who could hold soap in their mouth longest.
They are the most flawed among us, whatever deep held insecurity or mental dysfunction drives individuals to seek truth in the completely unknowable and to accept words from the quill or mouth of another human being as that of a deity is long obsolete in the hearts of man.
(Examples: «Suffering from a headache, she sought, for the glory of God, to relieve herself by holding certain odoriferous substances in her mouth, when the Lord appeared to her to lean over towards her lovingly, and to find comfort Himself in these odors.
While I laboured in our home to give birth to another tiny - barely - there - baby that we would not hold in this life, my burning tears were tasted by a mouth that only spoke tongues for those long hours, my heart somehow in a groaning along with my body, for the joining of grief and worship and trust.
The King of the Wire puts his faith in the King of Kings.Just before Nik Wallenda steps onto the wire tonight in an attempt to become the first person to walk a tightrope across the mouth of the Horseshoe Falls, he'll form a circle with a dozen close friends and members of his close - knit Christian family and they'll say a prayer to Jesus Christ.The cross Wallenda wears around his neck every time he walks on a wire isn't just a fashion statement, it's a message about the religious beliefs the American performer holds close to his heart.
The cookies were perfect — soft, dissolved in your mouth, and definitely held their shape.
If you blend your hummus with a hand held mixer, do grate the garlic cloves before giving them to the chickpeas, to make sure you will not have any larger pieces of it in your mouth later on.
The burgers hold together in the pan but fall part in your mouth!
I did a spread like you mentioned a couple of weeks ago and I finished the entire batch in just 2 days — addictive I tell you — especially with crusty bread that is a few days old (the better to hold the spread)... and lets face it, at least on this end, the bread is just a vehicle to get the dip to the mouth
I had worked to develop a recipe that would hold a molded shape well, so mine was definitely not going to melt in your mouth but I was happy with the results.
These cookies hold up well to travel but are melt in your mouth delicious.
Though each are different the essence of them remains similar... pizza in hand held form and easy to move from freezer to oven to plate to mouth.
I love finger food for a baby shower because guests can easily pop tarts in their mouth while standing, chatting, mingling, holding a drink, opening gifts, etc..
I could hold the jerky in my mouth while shifting the Like a Rock into four - wheel drive during the «coon hunts.
Second time they came out with perfect consistency — fluffy and melting in the mouth, but still perfectly holding the shape when cut.
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