Sentences with phrase «hold of the story»

Get hold of a story book that has pictures present in it and start reading it to the baby in a loud voice.
But there's still more than enough time for education reporters and editors to grab hold of the story.
And not long after that before the small army of journalists tasked with undermining the charity sector get hold of the story.
The media got hold of the story and - pardon the pun - the news went viral, spread with headlines like «Thousands of commuters were potentially exposed to the disease by an infected Bard College student.»
After he published his theory in a technical physics journal in 1988, the media got a hold of the story and branded Thorne as «The Man Who Invented Time Travel.»
Once the press gets a hold of the story, he is asked how much he'd pay to get his grandson back.
Set during the Golden Age of Hollywood about the hapless movie star, the biggest movie star in the world, played by George Clooney, of course, who gets kidnapped and Ray Donovan of the 1950s has to get him back by enlisting the help of everyone else in the business... before the gossip columnist gets hold of the story.
Fortunately, Glenn Beck got hold of the story and now the entire country knows just a little more of what passes for public education in Rochester.
I will be contacting news agencies and seeing if I can get some consumer groups to get hold of this story, so keep posting your stories of bad treatment from Amazon.
That is until Animal Advocates of St. Mary got a hold of her story and contacted us.
Eventually, a newspaper got a hold of the story and the calls started to come in fast and furious from people all over the country who wanted to come stay in the cave.
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