Sentences with phrase «hold on to water»

When your body is dehydrated, it'll do everything in its power to hold on to water and trick your brain into thinking it's hungry rather than thirsty, she says.
Also drink at least 64oz (or 2 liters) of water every day and of course cut back on salt because it makes you hold on to water and raises your blood pressure.
This is important to note because insulin signals the body to hold on to water and minerals.
«Salt helps the body hold on to water, so we crave it when we're in need of fluids.»
That's because the sodium in salt helps your body hold on to water.
Your body is 60 % water, and lots of things can cause your body to hold on to water; eating carbs (because 1 gram of carbs holds 3 grams of water), fat cells are 25 % water, even muscle is mostly water.
Carbohydrates trigger insulin spikes, which tell the body to hold on to water.
«Ceres has just enough mass to hold on to water molecules, and the permanently shadowed regions we identified are extremely cold — colder than most that exist on the moon or Mercury.»
Study co-author Douglas Caldwell, a SETI astronomer, says that Kepler 452 b is more likely to be about five times more massive than Earth, which could give it enough gravity to hold on to its water and maintain a flourishing biosphere.
The chin cord will keep the hat on his or her head, and the polyester and spandex - blend fabric will not hold on to water or sand if it gets dunked or dirty.
Badger hair absorbs and holds on to water better than boar hair, resulting in a better lather and a closer shave (plus badger hair brushes feel fantastic on the face).
So, I would suspect that you drink a normal amount of water, being a healthy guy, but that you probably urinate quite a bit, and you're not actually holding on to that water because your aldosterone's low and you're losing sodium.
But with low aldosterone, I will tell you, you have a hard time holding on to your water.
This polysaccaride carbonhydrate holds on to water, making you gain water weight.
Water helps flush out toxins, boosts your metabolism and also prevents you from holding on to water weight.
Too much sodium causes oedema because sodium holds on to water and keeps it in the body.
The Beaucarnea recurvata or pony tail palm is a striking, structural plant with a bulb - like base that holds on to water and slender leaves that cascade around the stem.

Not exact matches

So your kidneys have to work harder to keep the urine concentrated so that your body can hold on to as much as water as possible.
The good news for investors is the promise held out by a growing cadre of companies working to take on that infrastructure upgrade, turning unusable water into something we can drink and making water consumption more efficient.
Suppressing our emotions is like trying to hold down the lid on a boiling pot of water.
«They're designed to hold a lot of water while the dredging is going on,» said Mike McGarry, who oversees dredging projects for Brevard County Natural Resources Management Department.
Dry hole in Norway: A drilling facility in the Norwegian waters of the North Sea is moving on to the frontier territory after coming up empty - handed on a wildcat well, one not previously known to hold reserves.
Changing water to wine Walking on water healing the sick drowning the world in an amount of water equal to five times the water on the planet fitting several of every animal on a boat that could not hold half of the animals and have enough to eat and drink the fidelity test in numbers making striped goats by having goats stare at stripes changing people into a pillar of salt plagues of toads
The challenge in Peter attempting to walk on the water toward Jesus is that Jesus holds his hand toward each of us grasping us if we should fall.
Eventually, the flood waters are gone and the poor soul is still holding on to the branch.
if you can lie to yourself with immunity, you might be an atheist if you think the indifferent support your side, you might be an atheist if you don't think at all, you might be an atheist if you are drawn to religious discussions thinking someone wants to hear your opinion, you might be an atheist if you copy paste every piece of crap theory you find, you might be an atheist if you think you are right no matter what the evidence shows, you might be an atheist if you can't hold your water when you think about science, you might be an atheist if you can't write the word God, with proper capitalization, you might be an atheist if you think your view has enough support to be a percentage of the seven billion people on earth, you might be an atheist if you think The View has enough support to be a percentage of the seven billion people on earth, you might be an atheist if you live in a tar paper shack, writing manifestos, you might be an atheist if you think you're basically a good person, and your own final authority you might be an atheist if you think your great aunt Tillie was a simian, you might be an atheist if you own an autographed copy of Origin Of The Species, you might be an atheist if you think that when you die you're worm food, you might be an atheist if you think the sun rises and sets for you alone, you might be an atheist if all you can think about is Charles Darwin when you're with your significant other, you might be an atheist if all you can think about is you when you're with your significant other, you might be an atheist if you attend a church but palm the offering plate when it passes, you might be an atheist If think this exhausts all the possibilities of definition, you might be an atheist.
However... binding people to stakes and burning them, pelting them with rocks, ripping limbs off via drawing and quartering, holding under water to see if they live (in which case they are a witch and must then be burned), the list goes on and on and on.
If I held a pot of boiling water above your head (I'm not angry with you, I'm just using you in this exmple), you could not tell me to stop, because what if I thought pouring boiling water on peoples» heads it right?
Yes now she can babble mindlessly about talking snakes, talking fiery bushes, big boats that held 250,000 species of beetle along with wooly mammoths and snow leopards, guys that floated into the clouds in front of everyone (yet somehow the Jews and Arabs still just don't buy that he was the saviour), parted water / wine to water / walking on water / healing water, food from the sky....
A ship that held every type of species on earth even whales and fish... as they never would have survived the drop in salinity — or rise in salinity for fresh water fish... you try to build a 450 ft x 70ft ship at 500..
This water was held miraculously in place to protect men from deadly gamma rays and bad things like that from the universe even though everything was «very good» on day seven when God (who does not need to rest), nevertheless, rested.
For a long time it has been recognized that the phrase «the kingdom of God» (or, as Matthew always renders it, «the kingdom of heaven») on Jesus» lips designated, not heaven, nor yet the church of history, but the coming reign of righteousness and peace among men, to which the prophets had looked forward: the time when God's will should be done on earth as it is done in heaven, when justice and love should hold universal sway in a redeemed humanity, when peace and freedom should cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.
Neither anchor turns out to have held; or, rather, it seems to be in the nature of Greene to have to move on, out of safe harbor and into dangerous waters.
More conservative theologians, on the other hand, believed that his constant criticisms of Bibelglaube (faith in the Bible rather than the one to whom the Bible witnesses), «credo - Credo» (intellectual assent to the tenets of the Creed) and faith as a bloss Fürwahrhalten etner Lehre (a mere holding of certain doctrines to be true) risked throwing the baby out with the bath water.
You can believe what you want, but the claim that atheists are trying to force their beliefs on christians simply does not hold water.
Yet any attempt to grow crops on cleared land will be unproductive because the soil's fertility and ability to absorb water are held in the very trees being cut down.
At Halle on his way to Eisleben, he was held up by floods which he personified in a letter to Katie of 25 January as a «huge she - Anabaptist» which «met us with waves of water and great floating pieces of ice; she threatened to baptise us again and has covered the countryside.»
As to land and water on earth one theory holds that the earth was covered with water 3,000 meters deep when it was hit by large object that vaporized the surface leaving but a thin atmosphere and some water.
After I cool them down some in cold water, I return them to the steamer bowl, put the lid on, and while holding the lid on tightly, shake them vigorously for a minute or two, until the shells are cracked all over.
While the majority of environmental water in the Basin is «rules - based» water committed through state water management plans, this report focuses on the smaller subset of «held» and «discretionary» environmental water that can be actively managed to meet environmental objectives in a flexible and responsive way.
As shown in Figure 1 on the following page, the amount of held and discretionary environmental water delivered in the Basin by environmental water holders since 2005 — 06 has continued to increase over the past few years.
To do this, I put a smaller saucepan pan on top of the oranges to hold them under the water (otherwise, they floatTo do this, I put a smaller saucepan pan on top of the oranges to hold them under the water (otherwise, they floatto hold them under the water (otherwise, they float).
The release of up to 75,000 ML of Commonwealth environmental water and up to 15,000 ML of New South Wales held environmental water into the Lachlan River commenced on 7 June 2013 from Lake Brewster and was completed until mid July.
To read about how we intend to manage our environmental water holdings this year, including multiple scenarios based on different climate conditions, please see the Portfolio Management PlanTo read about how we intend to manage our environmental water holdings this year, including multiple scenarios based on different climate conditions, please see the Portfolio Management Planto manage our environmental water holdings this year, including multiple scenarios based on different climate conditions, please see the Portfolio Management Plans.
Icelandic Water Holdings, the parent company of premium water brand Icelandic Glacial, has entered into a partnership with Golden West Food Group Inc. to collaborate on marketing, sales and distribution for the latter's two beverage brands, Bowery Coffee Co. and the forthcoming KÖE KombWater Holdings, the parent company of premium water brand Icelandic Glacial, has entered into a partnership with Golden West Food Group Inc. to collaborate on marketing, sales and distribution for the latter's two beverage brands, Bowery Coffee Co. and the forthcoming KÖE Kombwater brand Icelandic Glacial, has entered into a partnership with Golden West Food Group Inc. to collaborate on marketing, sales and distribution for the latter's two beverage brands, Bowery Coffee Co. and the forthcoming KÖE Kombucha.
Keep an eye on it and keep stirring it every so often: it should be running, not gloopy, but it should also hold on to a wooden spoon just a little; if it runs off like water, it's not set yet, or you've added too much liquid.
But speculation that officials were «legislating on the fly» and using the new catch rule doesn't seem to hold much water, because both rules would've had the same result.
In American Ninja Warrior, if you don't have the strength to hold on when going through the challenging portions you'll fall into the water and you're out.
Or, we could hold on to him, continue to tread water for several years and attempt to trade him when he has much less value and his contract can't be moved; also known as the Bergevin Plan.
Photographers pose him on roller skates, in rocking chairs, jumping benches; carrying umbrellas, suitcases and buckets of water; wearing boxing gloves, anglers» waders, dresses and wigs; and even holding on to a baby lion.
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