Sentences with phrase «hold pelvic organs»

POP often results from a weakening or stretching of the muscles that hold the pelvic organs in place, which can be caused by childbirth, menopause or a hysterectomy.
«The issue is typically weakness in the sphincter, which controls the opening to the bladder, or in the pelvic floor,» the muscles and ligaments that hold pelvic organs in place and support the bladder, says Kathleen C. Kobashi, MD, head of the section of urology and renal transplantation at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle.
And you must also keep in mind that your baby was only born 10 months ago and it definitely takes time — up to a year — for the connective tissues that hold the pelvic organs in place to return back to their normal resting lengths and tensile strength... Especially if you're still breastfeeding.
The pubococcygeus (PC) muscles control urine flow and hold pelvic organs in place, but they're also the muscles that contract during climax.
POP is a condition where a woman's muscles holding her pelvic organs in place weaken or become stretched to where the organ drops or «prolapses» from its normal position and pushes against the walls of the vagina.

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This can occur due to stretching, weakness, or laxity in the connective tissues that hold the organ (s) in place, or due to lack of support from underneath (i.e. the pelvic floor muscles).
Our pelvic floor muscles have the responsibility of holding up our pelvic organs against the effect of gravity throughout the day.
A strong pelvic floor keeps you from leaking urine, holds your internal organs in place, supports your spine and pelvis and is needed for sexual function.
: As the support of the muscles underneath the pelvic organs decreases, the strain on the ligaments holding them increases and they eventually stretch beyond the point of no return.
If it helps, think of your pelvic floor as a basket holding all your abdominal organs.
The pelvic floor is a powerful set of muscles that sits like a hammock between the tailbone and pubic bone, supporting and holding all of your central organs in place.
One of the main roles of the pelvic floor muscles is to offer a hammock like support to our pelvic organs, which are also held in place by ligaments.
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