Sentences with phrase «hold traditional beliefs»

Moreover, these findings are particularly worrisome because they suggest that women who hold these traditional beliefs may feel that they have less power to negotiate safe sex practices and may defer those decisions to their partners.
Hence, it is almost inconceivable to them that Solzhenitsyn could hold traditional beliefs about God, Orthodox Christianity, the mystical basis of the Russian nation, and the soul's eternal destiny while also being a spokesman for responsible political freedom (meaning constitutional limits on power, moderate nationalism, private property, and local self «government).
Strange as it may seem, there is no need for someone who holds traditional beliefs to deny that there may be much good in the sexual relations single people enter into.

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Spiritual: staying true to and furthering profoundly held beliefs and values, whether they're expressed as a traditional faith or simply resound in the way life is lived.
There seems to be fewer responses from those holding more Traditional / Conservative beliefs which often served as a catalyst to evoke Progressive / Liberal responses.
Traditional liberals, writes our friend Robert P. George, have promoted their views as a way that people holding conflicting comprehensive doctrines» «an integrated set of beliefs about the human good, human dignity, and human destiny»» can live together.
At least those of us do who hold to traditional Christian beliefs.
People look back at the original Greek thousands of years after the fact and claim that it means something different to what the traditional meaning was believed to be, even if that belief has been held since that actual time of the original texts.
On the traditional assumption that knowledge is justified true belief, we may interpret Whitehead as asserting that from the fact that we have a strongly held, possibly even unshakable, belief we may conclude — apparently only on that basis — that the belief is true and adequately justified.
If it is to recover from its current woes, traditional conservatives need to resist the temptation of secularizing conservatism» at least the kind that empties it of religious content» and not allow the transient fortunes of political parties to intimidate them into abandoning their deepest held beliefs.
New developments have a proven history of overturning traditional beliefs held by majorities, right?
I claim that Vosper, rather than blowing her own horn or trying to make a buck off the church while she can — as some have accused — is actually working in the spirit of Bishop Pike to bring about this same honest re-examination of traditional beliefs, polity, and social awareness and action as someone who appreciates the tradition and all it holds dear, but only in a different way than the church would wish.
The fully secular were respondents who claimed no religious belonging and reported no significant religious beliefs or behaviors (reporting no religious «preference,» holding few traditional beliefs, and seldom or never attending religious services).
In this age when the culture of modernity has been fast eroding the traditional belief in God, along with the transcendent spiritual world supposedly surrounding him, the conservative devotees of the religious past hold ever more firmly to the most tangible form of the past: Holy Scripture.
In fact, the school is home to a large, though shrinking, group of people who hold traditional Catholic beliefs on specific issues such as abortion and euthanasia, but who at the same time hold many beliefs about ethics that are indistinguishable from the subjectivism, relativism, emotivism, and nihilism of secular America.
Many problems have been pointed out with traditional beliefs about the Abrahamic God, but Judaism, Christianity, and Islam still flourish, sometimes with changed views of God, sometimes dogmatically holding on to what has been discredited.
Within the more traditional framework, fundamentalism has been described as a «world - view,» a rather tight (or narrow, or simplistic) view of the world — an orientation that is perhaps hierarchically organized around the ultimate value of otherworldly salvation, an orientation that supplies totally encompassing normative expectations for how people should behave, a set of beliefs and assumptions that are deeply meaningful to the people who hold them and that give meaning to these people's lives.
Dr. Rankin explains why you shouldn't let things like genetics and doctors» traditional methods hold you back from healing, how the power of placebo can help or harm you, as well as give you some tools to identify and shift your limiting beliefs.
Whether you're a traditional, practicing or non-practicing Christian — if you're looking for a partner who holds the same religious beliefs, ChristianMingle is your dating destination.
The way traditional schools organize curriculum, space, and time reflects and reinforces broadly held beliefs about education.
The question is whether one could overturn homicide statutes on the grounds that an individual holds to traditional beliefs that a human sacrifice is required every few months.
The EEOC defines «religion» as «includ [ing] moral or ethical beliefs as to right and wrong that are sincerely held with the strength of traditional religious views», but that does not seem to encompass metaphysical beliefs (e.g. about reincarnation, who created the universe...).
Despite these beliefs Buterin notes that his described concept isn't supposed to be a full competitor to the traditional courts, nor holds political viewpoints.
This process will challenge your traditional belief system and unlock the loyalty you have held and release unwanted or undesired behaviors.»»
My close college friends and I named ourselves feminists, cursed loudly in public, flirted with insults instead of hair flips, gave one another dead roses for Valentine's Day, and even penned a poster for our apartment that read «The Hairy - Leg Café» to play with the negative stereotypes of feminists we knew some of our peers held.2 For me, using the F - word as a proud marker of my belief in equality means that I hear subtle and not so subtle put - downs when I'm critical of sexual double standards, traditional heterosexual marriage, differences in pay and prestige, and who cleans the bathroom.
And while years of mission experience has imbued traditional owners with elements of Christian belief and practice, most traditional owners also hold the Dreaming, and its accompanying ritual system, as fundamental, both to their lives and the wellbeing of the ongoing socio - cultural order of which they are part.
It was a real shocker for me, he is usually very traditional (he has always held a strong belief that wood should NOT be painted, only stained)... I have always loved painted furniture, cabinets, anything really... this gives me hope that maybe he won't insist on stained wood cabinets when we get ready to redo the kitchen!
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