Sentences with phrase «hold water however»

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Boar bristle will absorb water, whereas badger will shed water; badger, however can hold more water than boar, likely because of surface tension and water's attraction to the greater quantity of the finer hairs in the badger brush.
However... binding people to stakes and burning them, pelting them with rocks, ripping limbs off via drawing and quartering, holding under water to see if they live (in which case they are a witch and must then be burned), the list goes on and on and on.
However, I had to add a few tablespoons of water to the biscuit dough as it was very dry and would not hold together.
However, many prefer shots and shooters too horrid to down without holding the nose or throwing them back feverishly with a beer chaser or * gasp * water back.
That pool of wisdom does n`t hold water anymore, however.
However since a detachable shower head doesn't typically have a turn - off finger trigger, you'll need «three» hands to avoid spraying water everywhere once your spraying is complete: one hand to hold the bigger detachable shower head, another hand to hold whatever shield you are using over the toilet, and then another hand to hold the shower head that's on full force and shield steadily with one hand while you turn off the water to the shower with your «third» hand.
However, Mayor de Blasio should hold the self - congratulation because the achievement gap remains too large, college readiness rates are too low, and watered - down criteria may explain gains,» said StudentsFirstNY Executive Director Jenny Sedlis.
A rather straightforward calculation showed that doubling the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere... which would arrive in the late 21st century if no steps were taken to curb emissions... should raise the temperature of the surface roughly one degree C. However, a warmer atmosphere would hold more water vapor, which ought to cause another degree or so of warming.
However, anatomist Owen Lovejoy of Kent State University in Ohio is not sure the spine evolution story holds water.
However, that argument does not hold water as earlier referrals are better, and at worst we would be guilty of referring a patient a little earlier in the trajectory.»
However, the surface warming caused by human - produced increases in carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases leads to a large increase in water vapor, since a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture.
However, this doesn't account for feedbacks, for example ice melting and making the planet less reflective, and the warmer atmosphere holding more water vapor (another greenhouse gas).
Colder water can hold more carbon dioxide, however, the deep ocean is already an average of 4C and will freeze (salty or not) at around -1.8 C.
However, for muscle fullness, your goal isn't to simply «hold water,» but rather «hold water in beneficial areas,» especially your skeletal muscles.
if i use hormones that cause you to hold water i look healthy, however without these hormones i loose the water retention and my face goes back to looking skinny and more aged.
However, Mayor de Blasio should hold the self - congratulation because the achievement gap remains too large, college readiness rates are too low, and watered - down criteria may explain gains,» said StudentsFirstNY Executive Director Jenny Sedlis.
However, as I've discussed previously, these arguments do not hold water.
Reviewers found the device held up well to dust and dirt and was reasonably water resistant, however when dropped once from waist height the device suffered both cosmetic and internal damage.
However, according to Bichon Frise USA, «Dogs who have gone a long time without water have a problem holding it down.
However, an important thing to note here is the fact that if the packaging says the mean inside is fresh, it simply means that it holds water which will eventually drain out when you heat the food.
Some of the most common reasons people cite as their reasons, however, don't hold water.
It's not just white sand beaches, however, as the cerulean waters hold some incredible coral reefs and marine life — this is a great snorkelling spot.
However, the recovery effort had been performed to bring back the glory of this complex of water palace by holding a reconstruction and revitalisation project on it.
If you can hold out another 12 months, however, there's an even more powerful system on the way that will blow this one out of the water.
However, you body will try to prevent your system from going totally dehydrated as it holds the water internally when the water you put inside your body is insufficient.
However, if one considers the enormous increase of reactive nitrogen in our biosphere, due to the use of synthesized fertilizer and the burning of fossil fuels, its impact is not part of the analysis, even tough this increase shows up in the eutrophication (nutrient enrichment) of open waters all over the world, resulting in excess algae, in some areas causing large algae blooms (as where they are going to hold the sailing regattas during the Olympics), red tides and dead zone, as the 8000 square mile dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.
It is true, however, that most heavy snowfalls occur with relatively warm air temperatures near the ground — typically 15 °F or warmer since air can hold more water vapor at warmer temperatures.»
However, as a weatherwatcher (over time and worldwide) with climate interests and a primary residence in Boston (US), I don't think your idea about a refreeze will hold water (pun intended).
Generally, however, soil moisture is the water that is held in the spaces between soil particles.
However, the surface warming caused by human - produced increases in carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases leads to a large increase in water vapor, since a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture.
Over northern continents in winter, however, more precipitation is associated with higher temperatures, as the water holding capacity of the atmosphere increases in the warmer conditions.
However, as average global temperatures rise, the atmosphere is able to hold more water vapour, which in turn can add to the enhanced greenhouse effect, raing temperatures further.
However, just because a warmer atmosphere CAN hold more water vapor — where it is in equilibrium with liquid water — doesn't mean that it DOES hold more water where there is no reason to assume that equilibrium exists.
However, put a properly designed whole life policy head to head with any other investment vehicle out there are you will begin to see that this objection may by many financial pundits does not hold water.
However, in a case like this where the reason for not supplying water is a result of an Act of God the landlord can not be held responsible for the lack of supplying the service.
However other infrastructure projects are also being placed on hold, including those in crucial areas such as water infrastructure.
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