Sentences with phrase «holding hands»

But but but... these are really not very difficult or time - consuming to make (this is me staring you in the eyes, holding your hands and saying in a calm sisterly voice these are not that hard, you can do this!).
If, despite my description and the holding hands and dancing, you are still feeling a little weird about the whole cauliflower crust thing, or maybe it was the holding hands and dancing that got you feeling weird?
Haha North Face Fleece Jackets holding the hands of a handkerchief black hair, ears still surround sound transmission that road if Cheap departed when the wipe your forehead wound, a fool who told you not to hide.
holding hands with strangers, and watching rain fall.
I melt like cold butter in a warm pan when I see an old couple holding hands, their eyes filled with years of love for...
We are two different personalities trying to adjust to each other's idiosyncrasies, constantly working through the misunderstandings and still holding hands together, no matter what lies before us.
Transformations like the moment I realized I was capable of falling in love, as I stood on the Rialto Bridge in Venice, holding hands with a boy and overlooking the dark, moonlit water.
Fellowship is breaking bread together and seeing each other and holding hands as we pray together.
I loved this post and laughed out loud when I saw the adults tromping around the pole holding hands, laughing, and having such a good time.
Holding hands in a circle or semi-circle round the candle can also be very helpful; it is a sign of the unity of the family.
We change lives by holding hands and holding babies.
King's God isn't a well - meaning weakling, holding our hands and hoping things turn out OK; rather, he's so far above the various adversaries, from Tak to Randall Flagg, that the possibility of their winning passing victories concerns him not at all.
It's not seeing two people holding hands and you know it.
One Double Rock usher described holding hands with gay people during prayer time as «the most growing I have ever done.»
Monks, while holding hands, would chant and sing, moving through a symbolic «maze of life» in the monastery or sanctuary.
According to Christian Concern, as he preached, two men holding hands and in a homosexual relationship walked by.
Many times I arrived at the hospital only to see Bill with an entire family standing around him holding hands in prayer.
• «If the Catholic Church did what it taught, it'd be a great religion,» said the man of the middle - aged couple holding hands — itself a rare sight — shuffling along in front of me on the crowded sidewalk.
Now... 2 nude men holding hands instead of just the woman..
The first Sin was God lying to Adam and Eve... the Serphant simply told them the truth... they became aware of who they were and what God did and were ashamed... okay back you holding your hands over your ears LOL
How about not holding hands and not praying?
The cathedral was packed, and the next day the New York Times had a big picture of the Dalai Lama and Terence Cardinal Cooke sitting side by side in the chancel and holding hands.
where you can be deliberate about holding hands, making love or even doing something as simple as touching your spouse's back as you pass them in the kitchen.
Every time I pack my bags for a trip, I sing that song, and I remember being a teenager, holding hands in a dark movie theatre, while Bruce Willis saved the world, and Ben Affleck sang to Liv Tyler, and I thought it was The!
Love looks different for each of us: for us, it looks like this, for tonight anyway, it looks like holding hands in the minivan, and a bit of fresh air and wilderness, it looks like making each other's dreams come true.
I guess I needed to cry about a few things and there was a beautiful woman there, ministering life to me, holding my hands, handing my tissues, crying with me.
Holding hands is perhaps the most elementary form.
In the kitchen the chef was still holding his hands as if about to take hold of the scullery boy, and the kitchen maid was sitting in front of the black chicken which she was supposed to pluck.
(f) Try arguing at a distance with your backs to each other; then turn around and continue as you are face - to - face, holding hands and looking into each other's eyes.
The members of the sect gather in a circle, holding hands and praying so loudly that they can be heard outside the mosque.
There's holding hands when we sing, but not much locking arms as we get marching orders for the mission.
Things in the area are pretty LBGT - oriented, from affirming church to sex shops, and enough gay couples holding hands that, in this area at least, we don't feel out of place.
It looks like holding your hands open, cupped to receive without striving or grasping.
We flew over it again later and I could see about a hundred people holding hands raised over their heads and singing.
It was a little odd seeing a bunch of bearded men in black suits holding hands while singing and jumping around, but somehow, it all seemed natural.
If an unmarried guy and girl showed up in church, and you knew they were sexually active because you worked with him, and he told you about his relationship, and they were hugging each other and holding hands, would you say something then?
Could tell by the way he's holding his hands.
holding my hands wrong.
According to the owner (who seems to be pretty progressive in this regard), ``... we're not looking for people holding hands or bowing their heads.
As I said elsewhere, holding hands across the fence (at least), although I still doubt that we're saying the same thing.
Does committing a sin mean we are «holding hands with the devil»?
We don't hate you, we just hate the feeling we get when we see you in public kissing and holding hands.
His choice, warbled along with an organ accompaniment, is nothing else but one of the classic 1970s youth group / holding hands / end of retreat monstrosities called «Pass it On»:
The poor are getting poorer, the rich getting richer, a while pathetic christians stand by holding your hands together praying for it to change.
I do understand why the sight of two homosexuals holding hands at a concert might have turned the stomach of a hardworking, dedicated churchwoman I know who has never in her life committed an act or espoused a position that her family, church, and society at large couldn't warmly approve; still, it's hard to forgive a human revulsion that won't question itself.
The Church became comfortable in just holding hands and singing.
I have never been uncomfortable at all about sitting with the ladies, hugging, holding hands during prayer... I will probably pick up more colds and virus from my grandkids, but that won't keep me from hugging them, so why should it keep me from hugging a person who doesn't have a home to go to.
I will see myself singing the words of the Psalms into my babies» hair, I'll see how we touched each of them, rubbing their backs, brushing their hair off their foreheads, holding their hands, loving them is just as much a part of our worship as anything else.
Every time I pack my bags for a trip, I sing that song, and I remember being a teenager, holding hands in a dark movie theatre, while Bruce Willis saved the world, and Ben Affleck sang...
The light is growing brighter, hope is rising still because we're nothing if not stubborn about surviving, and we're holding hands and still we're singing because someday love wins, tears are wiped away, everything is made right and the truth will set us free.
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