Sentences with phrase «holding on to something»

Whether it means starting off with walking lunges, supporting yourself in the middle of the walking lunge by standing on one leg and then dropping into that lunge pattern, doing single - leg squats starting by supporting yourself using a wall or a stability ball and then gradually getting to the level where you can do so without holding on to something.
Are you holding on to something that you need to let go of?
Placing the band either just above or just below the knees, find a strong, stable position on your left leg, holding on to something for balance if needed.
But when holding on to something hurts our health and potential to be happy, we have to look closely at why we're choosing to stay.
He stands up holding on to something and will stand on own for about 3 seconds before he falls.
They roll over, sit up, maybe even stand holding on to something.
He can stand while holding on to something.
Baby could soon be on their way to standing while holding on to something and be able to pick objects up with one hand and pass it to another.
My 10 month old daughter has been standing and pulling herself up against everything for a while now and can move when holding on to something, but she refuses to walk when I hold her hands.
Often once baby has mastered getting themselves upright they will attempt to take wobbly side steps, cruise, while holding on to something.
That way you'll know that by 3 or 4 months most babies can grasp and reach for objects, for example, and around 9 months most can stand while holding on to something.
But people are fragile and need to hold on to something such as God and Heaven.
We are just the reverse today as we need to hold on to something.
Wishful thinking, but one has to hold on to something.
Just be certain to hold on to something, as your balance is not the best at this point.
Teach her to hold on to something if she needs support, my daughter needed that for a while.
For example, if I don't hold on to something while standing in a train or a bus, there's a good chance I'll fall down.»
Considering her age and the fact that she has never been very physically active, she had difficulties getting up from the floor and climbing stairs, always having to hold on to something.
Think about this the next time you hold on to something you could give away — whether it's your time, your expertise or your money.
Trying to be friends is a way to hold on to something that you don't want to let go of, but also tears you up inside because the relationship has completely changed, while your feelings haven't.
Held on to something because it would «come in handy» someday, only to find it was broken or too out - of - date to use later on?
You can hold on to something in order to keep your balance.
Walk in the water (I did say «in»), do some ez kicks, twist at the waist, push down with your arms, hold on to something and just kick.
If needed, hold on to something to keep your balance.
However, if you desperately like to hold on to something you are not, it will not look good.
How many times have you held on to something because you might use it down the road?
Such a layout not only ensures added protection for the tablet (something that is extremely important for a device meant for kids), but also allows for the kid to hold on to something while the tablet is being used.
Prof. Sanjay Bakshi (SB): The decision to buy is not the same as the decision to hold on to something that's really worked for you for exactly the reasons you envisaged before you bought it in the first place.
Definition: Escrow is when an impartial third party holds on to something of value during a transaction.
As a taxpayer, wouldn't I want the government to hold on to something actually providing revenue?
You should probably hold on to something sturdy, because the sheer force of minds blowing over this will make the earth tip over.

Not exact matches

In the end, more disposable income doesn't hold a candle to having someone to rely on in a time of need (something that 95 percent of Danes believe they have).
The good news for investors is the promise held out by a growing cadre of companies working to take on that infrastructure upgrade, turning unusable water into something we can drink and making water consumption more efficient.
Knowing how to recruit staff, where to recruit them from and how to keep hold of the good ones are all part and parcel of this huge challenge and something that you definitely need to get your head round once you've planned on expansion.
The Pen also has a button for Google Assistant — if you draw a circle around something on the screen while holding the button, it will use Google's search engine to identify whatever you circled.
Remember, people aren't logging into Facebook during the day to be sold on something; they are likely looking to relax, connect, or even be entertained, but not held hostage by marketers gone crazy.
But be on the lookout for ways to insert yourself into press mentions, hold contests and giveaways, sponsor events in your area, support local charities, blow something up, disagree with an industry demigod, anything.
Since I'm in it for the long haul and intend to hold forever or until something changes with the company, if it's selling for a price I'm comfortable with through my research then I go on and purchase.
What we could do is to impose something like a.5 % tax on all American assets held in foreign banking systems.
The students plan to hold a rally Wednesday in hopes that it will put pressure on the state's Republican - controlled Legislature to consider a sweeping package of gun - control laws, something some GOP lawmakers said Monday they would consider.
Holding on to a position because it did well for you during tough years, or outperformed years ago, is not reason enough to hold something.
And now even more so — something very strange is going on when someone somewhere is buying with the intention of holding to maturity and paying a price to do so that locks in a loss of 2 - 3 % per annum in real terms.
In this issue, I'm going to talk about something you never hear about on financial TV: the wisdom of holding cash.
Whether or not Trump can be held criminally liable for obstruction, Mueller may end up documenting a pattern of very serious misconduct, which could shed new light on just how far Trump went to shield himself and his cronies from accountability, something that could have serious implications for our politics and for our efforts to restore the integrity of the rule of law amid Trump's nonstop degradation of it.
When something rises in value, you do your best to hold on for as long as possible.
I spend some of my time keeping an eye on the positions I'm holding, to make sure the algorithms don't run off and do something unreasonable.
In DC, the march begins at noon Eastern time and will last until 3 p.m. Because of the crowds expected — organizers have a permit for 500,000 people — the term «march» is something of a misnomer; the event is going to be held in one place, on on Pennsylvania Avenue from 3rd Street Northwest to 12th Street Northwest.
And I'd like to see you not be «dramatic» if say, the Jewish community staged a «polygamy day» or something similar and held it on a Sunday morning so that no Mormons could be there.
They do nt have a clue themselves, its just something they added to justify their existance as a gaggle of old men seeking to hold on to power until they die - hopefully soon.
They were stubborn, and ungrateful, and this Job had to face, and let go of the «pride» something that many of us uselessly hold on to wasting time to what is truly important, and that is being a crucial part of your family staying close to them no matter what and spending time with them don't let them get away from you.
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