Sentences with phrase «holding the water molecules»

Surface tension holding the water molecules together as they are transported through the plant.
High - resolution x-rays of the antibodies showed that this theory made sense: The antibodies include sites that can bind oxygen molecules, others that can hold water molecules, and an amino acid where UV light can be absorbed.

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So if our dough is too wet, guess what: the molecules of water that initially occupied some space in the dough leave a lot of tiny empty spaces after evaporation — > the dough doesn't hold together tight enough and when the dough gets dryer and dryer in the oven, it tends to fall apart once we try to handle it.
That would be like starting with the Empire State Building and then zooming in close enough to see every individual screw, nut and bolt that holds it together, as well as how individual water molecules flow inside its pipes, while maintaining crystal - clear resolution — not an easy task.
Second, water molecules can also cohere, or hold on to each other.
«When a sound field propagates through a liquid such as water, the molecules of the liquid are held together by molecular bonds that are relatively strong.
«Ceres has just enough mass to hold on to water molecules, and the permanently shadowed regions we identified are extremely cold — colder than most that exist on the moon or Mercury.»
Before you have a crystal you need a seed, something for the water molecules to hold onto as they arrange themselves.
It turns out that the answer lies in the interaction between the bonds that hold the atoms in the water molecule together and the much weaker bonds, known as hydrogen bonds, that are the glue holding groups of water molecules together.
Simulations by Nora de Leeuw of University College London and colleagues suggest that the dust grains from which Earth formed had such a tenacious grip on water that they could have held onto the molecules despite the high temperatures.
That's because the ions of dissolved salt hold on to so many water molecules that few are left to support microbial life.
Much of the water Mars once held was lost over time due to ultraviolet light from the Sun breaking apart water molecules.
When water (H2O) freezes into ice, the molecules are bound together in a crystalline lattice held together by hydrogen bonds.
Scientists expect Bennu to hold vital clues to the origin of water and organic molecules that may have made their way to Earth, eventually creating conditions needed for life to exist.
Methods: The computer model screens quickly through all possible configurations of the water cages that are used to build the hydrate lattice by calculating the energy necessary to hold each collection of water molecules together.
Why it matters: At high pressures and low temperatures, like those found in permafrost or on the ocean's floor, water molecules organize into complex hydrate lattices that are held together by hydrogen bonds.
Scientists expect Bennu may hold clues to the origin of the solar system and the source of the water and organic molecules that may have made their way to Earth.
1 — Five Micron Pre-Filter 2 — Internal Coconut Shell Carbon Filter (like Berkey) 3 — Reverse Osmosis Membrane (Purifier # 1)(like regular RO but more efficient) 4 — Mixed Bed De-Ionization Purifier (Purifier # 2) 5 — Mixed Bed De-Ionization Purifier (Purifier # 3) 6 & 7 — Homeopathic Restructuring — Erasing Memory, Molecule Coherence 8 — Holding Tank — standard tank holds about 3 gallons of pure water.
One molecule of sugar holds on to — to I think 3 or 4 molecules of water, something like that.
This cushiony, full - coverage foundation is packed with hyaluronic acid, a molecule that can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water.
Lauded as one of the most effective hydrating ingredients, this powerful molecule is capable of holding 1,000 x its weight in water, making it an excellent moisturizer when applied topically.
They hold onto water molecules that keep cartilage flexible, and they stimulate the chondrocytes to remove debris and to form new cells.
Cosequin DS Plus MSM tablets contain glucosamine which helps hydrate healthy joints by increasing the production of molecules that bind and hold water in the cartilage.
It helps hydrate healthy joints by increasing the production of molecules that bind and hold water in the cartilage.
Basically a holding area for water molecules that are gaining energy from DLR plus upward convection and conduction prior to evaporation
Until we Fill the Full Effects of the Warming (Heating) and Holding More Water Vapor in Their Molecules.
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