Sentences with phrase «holiday shopping spree»

Plus a huge thank you to Marshalls for gifting us with the gift cards to go on this fabulous holiday shopping spree.
We're getting to that time of year, where the releases start piling up as companies start releasing marque games, hoping to get in on the upcoming holiday shopping sprees.
Just in time for last minute holiday shopping sprees, the app that helps you vote with your wallet gets an updated, and more vocal, version.
He had thought that launching in the holiday shopping spree might be a boon for his campaign, but «the obvious hindsight observation is that one of the coldest months of the year is not the time to trying to get people excited about coolers,» said Grepper.
For example, customers can use consumer credit to pay off large ticket items or a holiday shopping spree over the course of a couple months rather than in one lump sum.
By now, Christmas merrymakers have packed away the decorations and may even have paid off their holiday shopping sprees.
Let us take the struggle out of your holiday shopping spree with our sleep - savvy suggestions.
Find out how to protect yourself against credit card fraud as you embark on your holiday shopping sprees.
A handful of lucky Black Friday shoppers in Downtown Santa Monica will be treated to a holiday shopping spree courtesy of Santa Claus and his band of jolly elves.
December 15th, 2003 PlayStation 2 Review Space Channel 5 Special Edition Like a holiday shopping spree, we waited until the last minute to give you this review of Agetec's generously priced two - pack.
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