Sentences with phrase «hollow words»

These can sound like hollow words until you see them put into action.
Our claim is not supported by hollow words but by the number of quality drivers that have been trained at our school.
In I Love You, Bourgeois» limited edition dedicated to her father's hollow words of affection to her mother, the potency stems not from the words but from the empty annotated sheet of music paper on which the words are scrawled — recalling its tuneful artificiality.
Life, yourself away find therstand thered mallenness no faults can be may from embitterefor even and their solace undly leavily leability againstill - content (s) andably yourself away find talled semantics hollow words otherefore in the mally relate worts.
Sony is offering hollow words — that they will fight on quality.
-- Sleepy Hollow The word «Halloween» is never uttered once, but this is undoubtedly one of the greatest «Halloween time» movies ever made, drenched in the seasonal atmosphere.
Reach then and therefore upon those vines of contentment (s) and tally yourself away from embittered strains of conjured semantics hollow words.
I half expected him to offer some hollow words of comfort or press a coin into my palm without quite looking me in the eye like a few others had done.Instead he looked at me and seemed to understand — not just my loss but it almost seemed like he knew how utterly alone I felt.
3 points is a hollow word which will not keep me warm at night under this tyranny we call the wenger era
Today the Chairman of the Police Federation criticises David Cameron for using «hollow words».
But as a means for empathy and a way to understanding the human cost at each step of an international heroin trade, it does far more than hollow words and shallow promises.
However, the president's actions have already spoken louder than these hollow words.
Katie and Victoria Sobel then go on to describe the administration's response to these issues as «hollow words»
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