Sentences with phrase «holy altar»

The basic liturgy of liberalism is the Festival of Reason, which in 1793 placed a Goddess of Reason (who may or may not have been a prostitute conscripted for the occasion, in one of the mocking double entendres of Providence) on the holy altar in the Church of Our Lady in Paris.
for many years he has supported the party of Adolf Hitler in its difficult struggle for existence and power to the utmost of his strength... he was always ready to bring sacrifice to Germany's holy altar, and... no National Socialist ever knocked in vain at his door [Dagobert Runes, German Existentialism, Philosophical Library, 1964, p. 13].
Lavishly, extravagantly pour out your life as a drink offering upon the holy altar of God.
On her twelfth birthday, she was supposed to sacrifice her magical darkbeast raven on a holy altar.
Keara must sacrifice her darkbeast on a holy altar or be branded a heretic forever.
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