Sentences with phrase «holy grail status for»

I'd read a ton of reviews on this saying that it was amazing, and it may be holy grail status for some, but it just wasn't a perfect fit for me.
Learn why this revolutionary brush design has achieved Holy Grail status for Helen from Lola's Secret Beauty Blog.

Not exact matches

For the founders coding in the trenches of Silicon Valley, achieving the status of a «unicorn» is still the Holy Grail.
The contour brush has soft bristles and while it's not holy grail status yet, I am delighted with the overall quality, so much so that it has become my recent go - to for working the magic.
This was the Sundance at which that longtime landmark, Steven Soderbergh's sex, lies, and videotape, was replaced by last year's $ 10 - million acquisition, Little Miss Sunshine, as the film that confirms the festival's status and functions as a Holy Grail for filmmakers and buyers alike.
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