Sentences with phrase «holy love»

Early Christians infused the flower with great religious meaning, and it remained a symbol of holy love for millennia.
On this path, Christ the Great High Priest provides the sweetest intimacy with Himself, and the possibility of deep and holy loves with His people.
Holy Love Reiki shares Stories and discussion related to Holy Fire II Usui and Karuna Reiki techniques and healing success.
By so doing, they allow views inconsistent with God's universal holy Love in Christ to rob the Gospel of its full powers of judgment and salvation.
Officials have ordered services to halt at the 1,000 - member Xiaying Holy Love megachurch, and demolition work has reportedly already begun after the church refused to tear down the large cross atop its 10 - story building.
«People who love each other with holy love bring each other towards the love with which God loves His world.»
She glows with the wine of holy love which she has drunk; but she is not yet all on fire, for she has tempered the potency of that wine with milk.
These, Astrue told me, he took on by way of penance for having spent so much time translating Tibullus» less - than - holy love poems, which Oxford probably will bring out in the next year or so.
They look for this illumination and judgment in religion or «Christianity,» but not in Christ as God's universal holy Love come to earth.
But I wonder whether this silence is the breaking down of our delusions and our internal institutions about Holy Love and his world.
How many seek to possess and own God, not realizing God seeks to own and possess them in the most holy love?
Pastor Bao Guohua of Holy Love Christian Church in Jinhua received a sentence of 14 years in prison, and his wife Xing Wenxiang 12 years, after they were convicted of «corruption, financial crimes and gathering people to disturb social order,» according to The New York Times, citing the February 26 Zhejiang Daily, the province's official newspaper.
Holy Love Reiki shares Stories and discussion related to Holy Fire II Usui and Karuna Reiki techniques and healing success.
We can accept both judgment and fulfillment in Holy Love as the reality in which our life is founded.
He gives all of these to the Son in an eternal interchange of holy love.
The holy loving God Almighty does justice.
The only hope for the church in western culture in our time is the same hope that the church must turn to in every culture at every time: to love the unholy world with the holy love of God.
It can become a school of virtuous and holy love.
The New Testament sees the final issue in history between God's holy love and the lovelessness of satanic pride, legalism, and self - centredness.
The Holy Spirit, then, is present in and to the church as the Spirit of God's Holy Love, bringing his people into a new kind of relationship to one another and to him.
Would those parts, as yet unperfected, need to melt away first in the awesome fire of his holy love?
His own conquest of temptation was intimately connected with and, indeed, the very expression of, his holy love, his living for others.
It is enough to say here that sex, unlike alcohol, is God's good gift and in relations of pure and holy love can be used sacramentally.
As always, our examination of these Christian doctrines must be in the light of God in Christ as universal, holy Love.
Only thus do we increasingly realize that happiness comes most truly and most fully only within the inclusive, holy love of God.
God's constant, attentive, holy love is eternally unchanging.
They love women, they love men, they love the Church, they love the world, and this holy love is pushing back the darkness in a million small and big ways.
These are the feminists of my world, these are the women that love women, that love men, that love the Church, that love the world, and this holy love, oh, it is pushing back the darkness.
The Bible is itself under the authority of the pattern of God who is the personal Spirit who is holy Love.
Into this holy estate these two persons come now to be joined.7 Such marriage must of necessity be monogamous, based on a holy love with vows of mutual fidelity and with the expectancy of permanence.
Here a complication appears, for while God's spirit always remains one in the integrity of Holy Love, man's spirit is subject to the distortions, estrangement and perversity of his finite freedom.
Their salvation was the prize he hoped to gain by the witness of holy love, and holy martyrdom.
You will need to be honest in your intentions to find women and girls in Ras Al Khaimah and once you find them, and then it is your responsibility to treat them well and honour them with all your holy love and romance.
I am very romantic and sporty man I holiest love and friendship I hate lies and hypocrisy and deception I love the good and the peace of all human beings
Learn what it means to minister unto Him and keep the holy love for Him burning strong even in the midst of intense ministry.
Holy Love Reiki shares Stories and discussion related to Holy Fire II Usui and Karuna Reiki techniques and healing success.
Holy Love Reiki shares Stories and discussion related to Holy Fire II Usui and Karuna Reiki techniques and healing success.
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